In the(very recent) past have always been a serious AFC with women. Had serious one-itis with one gorgeous girl at college. She flirted with me for weeks, doing the usual feminine devious things. Basically, she had me round her little finger after I asked her out. Played lots of games which I fell for and in turn allowed to be repeated. I couldn't get a date with her. I was so eager to please and not to do anything which may upset 'her majesty'. I then took some advice from the 'Bible' like avoiding her, acting indifferent, C+F, and pulling other women(OK not so hot women!) while she was in the bar/club. She began to act very strangely around me and less sure of herself. One conversation she told me I must call her again for a chat. I didn't. When we met again at our usual haunt, the confusion and lack of control she once had with me was really annoying her. Again I just spoke and treated her like an ugly chick or a guy for a couple of minutes and never bothered with her again the whole night (this was really difficult). Then 3 days later she phones me up, sounding very girly and nervous and ASKED me out!! I never thought this DJ, 'I'm the prize' thing would work. But AFC guys like (the old)me, stick with it...they hate it when you show that they are not as special as you first thought!! At first it feels you are doing the exact opposite of what you should be doing to get her. I ain't an expert but stick with it.