There is no confusing this fact: NO woman wants a depressive, lazy, excuse-making, drag of a human being, with no sense of self love or self worth. Not the ugly ones, and not even the fat ones. Why do you not see this?
Your only hope is to: 1. see a shrink, and get on meds. 2. Hit the weights 3. Find some kind of religion/spirituality.
I had a spark of hope from you when you claimed you were going to make an appointment with a therapist. (depending on the state you live in, you might have to see an actual shrink to get meds. Find out, before you waste money, cuz I think you need meds.) You also said you would start working out, but theres no way you have the motivation for that.
If you ever want to get laid again, see a shrink, and get on meds. When you start to feel better, you will have more motivation and energy. Then start working out. When you feel and look better, THEN you can worry about your 'game.'
I would like to see you succeed, but I dont like reading your threads, cuz it makes me downplay my own laziness/depression/excuses. Yeah, Im a lot like you, but I know my self worth, and I know its worth doing everything I can to change, and I do change myself. Granted, not anywhere near enough as I should, but I do. Thats why I fvcked two girls last week alone, while you were whining to your keyboard. If I would just get off my ass and start working out, I would SLAY the bytches. But, like you, I am depressed and lazy. Yet, everyday when I wake up, I think about everything I am grateful for, and I TELL myself that I am changing for the better every day in every way. I also constantly correct my thinking to be more positive. That alone, works wonders. I have the ball slowly rolling, and it will only start rolling faster and faster. You, on the other hand, just lay there like a lump. Get off your ass, boy.