Senior Don Juan
he was introduced to us by my uncle's friend of a friend. and my moms loves extra income and we had a extra room in our house. so we agreed and it was close to his school too
the guy's from HK and he came in nov.i think hes only been in canada since sept. well yesterday i saw a ghost cop car close to our house. i tried to get my key to open the door , but the door was open and i yelled as i got inside hey mom the door is open ya now. i just got home from work. well my mom told me cops are downstaris in our house. i asked my mom what happened ,but she wouldn;t give me a straight answer. just ah ya cops are downstairs with homestay guy.well my that was all i got. uh why didn;t she just give me a straight answer
i thought the guy probably was OD on drinking or maybe was in trouble with selling drugs or punched someone....etc
so when i finished eating i went downstairs and asked the coroner what happened . well the cop or coroner told me how i knew the guy, and i told him he was a homestay guy and how i barely even now him. the coroner told me the guy committed suicide in our house(in his bedroom) by hanging himself. no wonder the day before he didn;t even open the door or even answer when my mom bought him food.if we knew i would have stopped him or did something. but i mean you never suspect a guy would even commit suicide. i mean i thought he didn;t open his door b/c he was out at a friends house, listening to music with his earphones on, or just sleeping. i believe the door was locked or he blocked the door.
i'm not even sure why he did it.
he was a young 18 i believe , very quiet guy, never spoke to any of us. either said yes or no. even when you said hello to him he never said anything back. smoked like every hour even during the middle of the night. always looked down when walking and never made eye contact. looked exactly like the undertaker from wwf if any of you guys now. (the way he walks and eyes)
he even punched the wall in our house for some odd reason. we never confronted him about that, but we saw punch and damaged marks. he always just stayed in his room and never seemed to leave his room except for school. even when you wanted to talk to him, he wouldn;t talk to you.
the room he lived in is like close to mine , but there a door seperating it. i don;t even go into the washroom that is close to his room , i go upstairs now. its just spooky, creepy and scary.
i'm just glad the guy didn;t burn our house down, or kill any of us. who nows. i talked to the coroner who came, and told em about what i knew about the guy. and the coroner said he probably has a mental illness. who would have knew this would have happened. i mean its crazy. aren't most overseas students happy to be studying aboard. i mean you get to learn a new culture, new food, its kind of like travelling.
oh ya is this a cultural thing too. my parents told me not to tell anyone about this, not even my closest friends about it. even the neighbour asked my folks about what happened , and my dad just told him that nothing happened.
i mean whats the big deal , just tell em what really happened. i mean why hide this and that. it happened and it happened. its not like its our fault. even the cop told me it wasn;t our fault and we couldn;t do anything about it.
is it true if someone now a house had someone die in it the price would go down in value or something . i doubt that though
yes crazyyy and scary too.
the guy's from HK and he came in nov.i think hes only been in canada since sept. well yesterday i saw a ghost cop car close to our house. i tried to get my key to open the door , but the door was open and i yelled as i got inside hey mom the door is open ya now. i just got home from work. well my mom told me cops are downstaris in our house. i asked my mom what happened ,but she wouldn;t give me a straight answer. just ah ya cops are downstairs with homestay guy.well my that was all i got. uh why didn;t she just give me a straight answer
i thought the guy probably was OD on drinking or maybe was in trouble with selling drugs or punched someone....etc
so when i finished eating i went downstairs and asked the coroner what happened . well the cop or coroner told me how i knew the guy, and i told him he was a homestay guy and how i barely even now him. the coroner told me the guy committed suicide in our house(in his bedroom) by hanging himself. no wonder the day before he didn;t even open the door or even answer when my mom bought him food.if we knew i would have stopped him or did something. but i mean you never suspect a guy would even commit suicide. i mean i thought he didn;t open his door b/c he was out at a friends house, listening to music with his earphones on, or just sleeping. i believe the door was locked or he blocked the door.
i'm not even sure why he did it.
he was a young 18 i believe , very quiet guy, never spoke to any of us. either said yes or no. even when you said hello to him he never said anything back. smoked like every hour even during the middle of the night. always looked down when walking and never made eye contact. looked exactly like the undertaker from wwf if any of you guys now. (the way he walks and eyes)
he even punched the wall in our house for some odd reason. we never confronted him about that, but we saw punch and damaged marks. he always just stayed in his room and never seemed to leave his room except for school. even when you wanted to talk to him, he wouldn;t talk to you.
the room he lived in is like close to mine , but there a door seperating it. i don;t even go into the washroom that is close to his room , i go upstairs now. its just spooky, creepy and scary.
i'm just glad the guy didn;t burn our house down, or kill any of us. who nows. i talked to the coroner who came, and told em about what i knew about the guy. and the coroner said he probably has a mental illness. who would have knew this would have happened. i mean its crazy. aren't most overseas students happy to be studying aboard. i mean you get to learn a new culture, new food, its kind of like travelling.
oh ya is this a cultural thing too. my parents told me not to tell anyone about this, not even my closest friends about it. even the neighbour asked my folks about what happened , and my dad just told him that nothing happened.
i mean whats the big deal , just tell em what really happened. i mean why hide this and that. it happened and it happened. its not like its our fault. even the cop told me it wasn;t our fault and we couldn;t do anything about it.
is it true if someone now a house had someone die in it the price would go down in value or something . i doubt that though
yes crazyyy and scary too.