Homeopathy is a pseudoscientific piece of paranormal bamboozlement. It was mainstream medicine back in the 17th century back when doctors knew nothing of proper medicine. It was what killed George Washington, after all. It was better than what came before it, drilling through people's head and leaving them to die, but most notably it lost favor to fact and truth. It's been severely discredited and doctors now know homeopathy is fake.
To say that medicine which is so diluted that not a single molecule of the medicine remains, effectively to give someone a glass of water to cure cancer or eradicate them of AIDS, and to say the less medicine there is the more potent the medicine, giving absurdity to the phrase "extra strength", not only defies logic and modern medicine but wreaks of bogus and blasphemy. In fact, there currently is a $1 million dollar challenge by the James Randi Educational Foundation open to supporters of homeopathy to simply demonstrate in a controlled setting that homeopathy works beyond the placebo effect. Most notably, not a single alternative medicine doctor or scientist in the world has been willing to take the challenge; they are long on excuses but short on willpower.
In short, homeopathy is a fraud, scandal, and scam, to which nothing more needs to be said.