

Senior Don Juan
Jul 21, 2002
Reaction score
Well I went to homecoming with some encouragement from my friends. I had no date, so i just went with friends. Anyway, I was thinking to myself how I am gonna dance with some girls (even tho i cant really dance lol)...or at least approach and dance...cause thats what most people were doing it would have been hard to talk alot with all the music anyway...

The first hour went by I was kind of getting pissed off that I wasn't doing anything and even my friend got a few dances....I saw this one girl who was really hot really grinding out there....I blew a few chances to grind with her basically out of inexperience in these situations.....I had my chances, and I basically just pussied out....

Anyway, It was about 2 hours into the dance, This girl not hot at all (about a 5) comes up to me and my friend asking us why we are just standing there...SO i was like well i can dance, my friend just tells her to dance with me...So she starts grinding and i just follow, as inexperienced as i am, I just let her lead and i followed.

Anyway I got 1 slow dance out of a girl who just said dance with my friend..even tho the girl was ugly...after that dance we both just walked away lol...(no interest)... So thats basically it, i pussied out a few times but still at least i got a couple dances and some experience in big social situations.

Next time like at the mall or anywhere with hot girls I gotta approach , cause I gotta break this trend of myself just pussing out...I feel once I do it, i'll feel more relaxed and build up some confidence.... Thats all

Comments Welcome...

Leon Phelps

Don Juan
Sep 25, 2003
Reaction score

I feel once I do it, i'll feel more relaxed and build up some confidence
True words

For example, at this football game last friday, i was in a good mood, and i saw this girl i have been wanting to approach for like a month, yet havent seemed to get the chance. Anyways, i was like **** it, and went and talked to her for a little bit. Got the digits, and a hug, after talking for less than five minutes. After that gave me a boost of confidence, i got 3 more numbers, and could have gotten another, but i took one for my pal and got the NUMBER FOR HIM (yes he is an AFC, i have tried to clue him into this site)

Anyways, the point is, just doing it makes doing it again easier.

Go out and pimp them hoes.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2001
Reaction score
NYC baby!
Yooo, you're putting too much pressure on yourself. You're still thinking "Oh she's hot, I can't approach." It's only a dance for goodness' sakes! Go up to the chica, try to get her to dance w/ you, and if doesn't work then don't sweat it.

And what the guy said about the number thing is true. Once you get a number your confidence level is usually given a bigass boost so that the subsequent approaches that day are easy as pie, resulting in several numbers received that day.


Don Juan
Dec 23, 2002
Reaction score
DeBary, Fl
Geeze, at my homecoming I had to turn girls away seriously...I had a date but we went as friends, so I wasn't with her all night. It's about confidence, just do it and don't think twice.