Holy Crap...


Don Juan
Feb 28, 2002
Reaction score
chesapeake va
There's this girl that I work with every now and then who I was interested in a coule of years ago. Back then we would make a date, then she would stand me up. I did the whole AFC thing by calling her pager over and over and all that crap. It was actually because of her that I found this site. Anyways, I lost all interest in her but we are still good friends. Recently she got a job as a dancer at a strip joint. Now here in VA you can't go naked, but you can go pretty darn close. So I see her tonight at an employee meeting. We were chatting and all. I asked her how the job was going and she told me me it was going great and that I should come on out and see her. Now there were a couple of possible things I could have said such as, "Okay, that would be great," or, "Boobie bars just isn't my scene," but the one that suddenly popped into my head (and the one I used was this): "Why should I go there when you could just come back to my place and dance for me for free?" Long story short: we wound up back at her place instead. Why? That's where all her costumes were and she was more than happy to model them for me. I wouldn't have had the cojones a few years ago to try that line. And I probably still wouldn't if I hadn't discovered this siite. Thanks guys.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
You have to be direct and bold with these kind of women - take charge! That was a good line. I would have said something like that if I enjoyed the company of stripper hos!! :)


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2004
Reaction score
Squirrels, yea that´s what we all are looking forward to hear :D

Anyways, that´s some good progress!