Hobbies to help motivate you?


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2008
Reaction score
I'm currently in a slump. So far I've taken some of what is here and tried it out on this girl at work. It's like the most ****ed up roller coaster. Some days she shows interest, some days no interest, some days great, some days not great. Today was one of those "not great at all" kind of days. It's not so much the fact of whether she's into me or not, but the fact that I can't just get this girl to want me like I see so many other guys being wanted. So now I just really need something to help keep me motivated. Not motivated in getting the girl, but more like to try to get and keep confidence. Seriously, I need anything right now. Music, activities, quotes, hobbies, etc. Something to just help me feel like I'm not the low **** I feel like right now.

Triple T

Senior Don Juan
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
How about being a little positive?
Trust me, it goes a very loong way.

I'd suggest working out for a hobby if you want to gain some confidence, perhaps a nice jog with frsh air to clear your mind.

But don't think of the "bad days" that you've had with her, remember the good ones and keep the good ones. Also, don't think of them as "bad days" think of them as "learning days", you learn what you did wrong and how you can improve your game better next time.

If you dwell on the same negative thoughts or memories...they will come back. The mind is a powerful thing.

So focus on all the good things, not just in dating but in life as well. You'd be suprised on how much change it does.
Take it from a person who has experienced it first hand :cool:


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2008
Reaction score
Live a fulfilled life

Live life without needing a woman, then they will want you. Live life happily regardless of whether a woman likes you or not, and you'll be winning in the dating game. When you can live with indifference toward women, you'll be so much better off with women.


Just think about it. Think of all the women that wanted you, but you didn't reciprocate. You didn't have to do anything to get them to want you. They wanted you because you were a challenge for them. The fact that you were indifferent toward them made them want you more.

Apply this concept to your life and to every woman you date, and you will become successful.

Care less than she does

Always care less than she does. Don't allow the power over yourself to be handed over to anyone, including women. If you're happy and content, and she does something to get under your skin, do not let her take you happiness and contentment away from you. If you can do that, she will respect you more.

Above all else, love yourself

Always love yourself more than anyone else. Try your best to not let your emotions rely on someone else because they have a free will just as you, and there is no guarantee that they'll stay with you. Where ever you go, there you are. You are the one you can rely on.


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2008
Reaction score
but what do you do to KEEP this attitude?

I remember being so depressed the day I found this site. 2 DAYS STRAIGHT I was reading the DJ bible and re-read the confidence/motivational section till I finally had that "I am more important than any woman" attitude. Now, it's like the feeling is going away again. I run and lift weights, but that ATTITUDE that feeling that I have so desperately always wanted to really feel keeps escaping me.


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2008
Reaction score
Just think of it like this. People don't want you to be depressed. They want you to find enjoyment.

When you become depress, you're letting your mind be overcome with negative thoughts. You have to look at the good in everything and think about what is going on NOW in order to over come it. Depresion is caused by living in the past and doing the shouldas-woulda-couldas over and over in your mind. You're not perfect, dude, and as soon as you stop trying to be and allow yourself to make mistakes, you'll be successful and happy. Success comes after failure. You can't succeed without taking the risks involved. So, make your mind think positive thoughts.

This girl doesn't want your power. She doesn't want a man that allows her to control his emotions. She wants a man that controls his own emotions regardless of what she's doing. She'll test to see if he's that man that keeps his power, and that will be the man she'll be with for a long time.

Triple T

Senior Don Juan
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
TakenDirectly said:
but what do you do to KEEP this attitude?

I remember being so depressed the day I found this site. 2 DAYS STRAIGHT I was reading the DJ bible and re-read the confidence/motivational section till I finally had that "I am more important than any woman" attitude. Now, it's like the feeling is going away again. I run and lift weights, but that ATTITUDE that feeling that I have so desperately always wanted to really feel keeps escaping me.

EDIT: nvm, mavrick's got it all down ;)