hitting the same girl again scaring?


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
hey guys, a month ago i approached two girls and got the email adresses I couldnt ask for the phone since I thought i would look akward to ask two phone numbers so i went for the email. I sent an email to the girl I liked and added her to the MSN, i have opened a chat with her about 3 times and she just answered with to words, she didnt follow the conversation. The thing is that i see her sometimes at the place I am doing a Master, but always with two friends, I want to approach her again and say at least Hi but i get this scaring feeling i mean i dread saying Hi to her, feels akward since I already did the initial approach and open the chat with her in MSN. I mean she is hot but I dont know why i feel scared the first day that i approached both of them i was not this scared is just that it takes some balls to hit her again with people, since one of her friends saw me and looked away.

If she was alone there would be no problem but with other people is just awfull
any thoughts

I think she is not interested but i mean i feel like a challenge going up to her and say something i just feel scare dont know why, s***



Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
New York City
You felt awkward asking for their phone number, but not their email address? To me, that seems a little backwards.

I have never ONCE asked for a woman's email address, unless she was already my girlfriend or a coworker. IMO asking for an email address or for an "AIM" name is behaving like a *****. You don't have the balls to ask/talk to the girl on the phone. I realize that there is 2 women, but believe or not I've been successful grabbing numbers from 2 - 3 women at once. What's even better is you ask if you can get one of their numbers and you isolate the one that interests you. If you look her in her eyes and say this, she's bound to give you her number first.

If you're going to get information from a woman, get her name and her number. Come across like a man and act like a man who wants a way to contact a woman. Maybe things are a little different in the UK, but that's how things work here. You wouldn't be caught dead asking a girl for her email address in public.


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
Exactly Phat Rabit, that's the problem. I see them sometimes So I just dont know whether to go to say hi or not, if they were alone I'd do it but in a group of 3 is more difficult, so i'm stuck there. It scares me. I asked their email because i didnt have the balls to go for the phone that day because they were in pair. When i approach a girl which is alone i go for the phone directly if she follows the conversation. for example today i approached one that follow at the supermarket, then at the metro i approashed another one asking "were was the station x" then if she new the street y, then "if she was from Madrid" . She said Yes to almost everything ,smiling and stuff, but she never asked anything back or gave any hint for me so as to follow up. I even told her I was going to a friend's house and at which time the metro close. to see If she gave me something more to reply to, but....maybe it was me who failed dont know

well thanks