Hitting a brick wall...thinking about hitting the road.


Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score

If you’ve read my previous post about this girl, then this is date #2. Ultimately I can’t seem to nail down her profile.

Okay, as much as I thought I knew and have been successful in my dating life I’ve hit a brick wall. I’ve posted about this girl once already, but that was before date #2 and to be honest the mixed signals had me believing she was going to flake...she did NOT. I’m use to most women adhering to a particular predictable paradigm, and these models have been accurately covered throughout this site.

As previously mentioned, this girl and I met on POF while I was overseas. 9 mos later after being back for almost 2 mos I contacted her and we went on a date the next night. That initial text convo was “normal” (good dialogue), followed by a great date, followed by me going to her place that night.

Within a week of that encounter text covo began to decline into 1-liners (she doesn’t do phone convos). After a few more days I decided to test the waters and planned another date for a week further (2-weeks total since 1st date). I was on a road trip during this time so couldn’t do it sooner. My text invite was funny and she responded with banter and a smile face. She also added that her New Years resolution was “no drinking”. It so happens that on our first date we drank a lot of wine, so I figured this was her way of saying there would be no bedroom action on date #2 (oh well...I move forward).

Fast forward to the day before the date; I contact her (For the week previous I did not text her at all) and “tell her” what time I’ll be picking her up. This has always been my style, to just assume things are still set I set the time. She responds with a lengthy email explaining why she can’t make it Friday (tomorrow), but counters with Saturday night. So it’s set.

Date night: I pick her up and tell her where we’re going to eat. Inadvertently I chose her favorite restaurant (I live in a very large city), and she was instantly amazed at my choice. This also happen to be an expensive trendy venue (I didn’t realize...I used the Internet). About 5 min into the drive she tells me that she broke her New Years resolution (we’re going to be drinking). The date goes great, she shares some of her dish with me, loves my wine choice, and claims I’m too drunk to drive us back so she has to drive my Range Rover (I NEVER do this...I did this...mmmm). She seemed to get a thrill out of driving it. We got back to her place...and yes magic occurred again, and this time I ensured it was better than the first time. During round 1 I couldn’t reach my end goal after an hour and a half...she offered to do “extra” acts for me...I declined and we cuddled after that. She tells me if I change my mind later to just wake her up...so a couple hours later I wake up, wake her up, and handle my business, this time making sure I got what I wanted out of the situation.

Next day she’s a little aloof (hung over as well). I have a cup of coffee, cuddle and kiss a bit and then bolt.

**************************************** CONFUSION STARTS HERE*************************

End of next day I shoot her a text saying I had fun, she responds in kind...
This girl does not initiate text convo like she did when I was in Afghanistan (Facebook), but always responds almost instantly to anything I send her.
She has always been quick to accept dates from me and never has a hang up about bedroom action

During date #2 I discover:

-She’s 27; she’s never been proposed to (she’s beautiful), Red Flag
-She doesn’t like children (but has one), Red Flag
-She says she’s low maintenance, but it’s obvious she enjoys the finer things in life
-As mentioned before, she has no real connection with her alcoholic mother or MIA father, and was raised by very strict (religious) grandparent.
-Previous boyfriends have been....uhhh...strange. One spent the night on her porch, and another wrote her a list of reasons they should be together. Red Flag
-She admits to not telling her girlfriends about me recently. When I was overseas she admitted telling her girlfriends about me then 9 mos ago.
- During dinner and intoxicated, I alluded to date #1 bedroom action (it was tasteful); she started shaking her head from left to right multiple times as if to motion that "we don't talk about IT" ever. Usually light banter regarding intimacy has never been an issue and is usually welcomed. Red Flag
- While paying the bill I was thinking out loud on how much of a tip to leave (not too loud...just sorta talking to myself), and she starts saying that she doesn't wanna know, but then takes delight in actively helping me decide on tip amount (weird). Like she's trying to be traditional when she's not (strange).

Here’s what I’m starting to assume:

-She could be playing hard to get
-I’m still thinking she might have mommy/daddy issues
-I’m one (or more) who’s “getting it” from her. At the very least I might be -getting it while others are attempting to woo her, hence reduced communications.
-Finally, she has an impaired identity...maybe all the above.

This will be my last post about this particular chica. I now feel like I have a lot more info to go on but I’m attempting to decide whether to quietly next her or continue on course with this one. I’m currently seeing someone else as well and that one is no mystery, and is a very cool girl to kick it with. The mystery girl is hot, and the cool girl is okay. I’ve managed to appear not to chase and have kept things cool and relaxed with the mystery girl by not being agreeable for the sake of agreeing, and keeping texts to a minimum. Obviously a part of me would like to take things further with mystery girl.

Guys, I've never dated a girl this awkward before. Normally I'm either "in" or "out", but I feel like I have one foot in the door and the other out. I get a ton of signs of high interest and then almost an equal number of disinterest.

Thanks again DJs, I know you guys won’t steer me wrong.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
Ill be brief, gotta go out.

follow your gut dude.

POF chick =P'n'D (no wifey)
plenty of red flags highlighted by you

you dont need to be chasing a single mom who's playing 'hard to get'

she wouldnt get a third date from me.

Confusion = low/no interest on her part.


Brief + clear enough?


Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
Appreciate the response Purefilth.

Yeah, I settled on this a few hours ago and opted to quietly dissolve away without saying a word.

I've dealt with LI before and I honestly believe this particular situation is a damaged goods scenario based on the Red Flags. Sadly, my initial thought was that most DJs are screwed in the head until I read a lot of posts and I quickly realized that Sosuave is a sounding board for guys to deal with the very conflicting nature of dating, especially in the United States.

It seems that most of us ultimately are forging to press for LTRs but are looking at more efficient ways to play the numbers game (which we're forced to play due to social media influence).

Regardless...this one is dead and I've chosen to walk.