High school - Our foundation


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
For most people, high school is the foundation for the rest of our lives. It sets us up, if we set a good foundation - it makes it ALOT easier for us later in life. Of course i don't speak from experience since i still attend high school, but how often do we here people saying "If i was back in high school i would of tryed harder", "If i was back in high school i would have talked to more girls", etc. They are the souls who didn't realise that high school is an amazing oppurtunity.

Most people who attend high school get a WHOLE lot of **** from the media which conditions them from an early age to be chumps. Also, there are a few guys in high school, and im sure you all know of them, who can talk to almost anyone, it's as if they are completely unnafected by the conditioning, so how did they do it?

Well get those guys out and check how much time they spend watching TV, listening to ***** music, imagining a fake reality, playing video games, and looking on the internet for seduction techniques. This may be our clue to breaking the conditioning.

You want the conditioning to stop? You want the media to constantly bombard your unconcious with messages of love and hope? You want to live your own life rather then hearing and watching everyone elses? Well then you have to block the channels which the conditioning are coming through.

Think about it, if you stopped watching TV, playing computer games, using the computer, etc. What would you do for leisure? Well first you would probably start being more productive and doing things you should be doing, like your homework, working out, etc. But eventually your going to want to have some fun, and if you can resist the media channels then you may just start: Socialising.

This time will be different though, you won't be socialising to look cool and have a life like in the movies, you will be socialising because its fun! Therefore it wont be a chore, but a source of entertainment, and as a result of this - you become a whole lot better at it.

Think about all the time you waste watching other peoples lives or moving someone else around in a virtual world. You actaully CAN live without these things. I used to be the biggest video game junkie in the world - now i NEVER play them, and i mean never, and i am all the happier for it.

Don't you want to feel what it's like to live life, rather than watch other people's lives?


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2004
Reaction score
jacksonville, FL
Great words of wisdom, Sammo.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2004
Reaction score
jacksonville, FL
I want the last 45 seconds of my life back, teencraft.


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by wavejams007
I want the last 45 seconds of my life back, teencraft.
I hurt wavejam's feelings!


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2004
Reaction score
jacksonville, FL
Yeah, and I really am bummed about it. I think I just might shoot myself tonight.


Actually, I am having a bad day, so sorry for lashing out at you.


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by wavejams007
Yeah, and I really am bummed about it. I think I just might shoot myself tonight.


Actually, I am having a bad day, so sorry for lashing out at you.
no harm no foul.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
Great post, Sammo. I'm trying to get the social aspect of my life handled right now. It's tough, because you need to find people to be social with! I'm not in highschool anymore, and will be starting college soon. Maybe once I hit 19 and I can begin clubbing, then my weekdays will be more eventful. We all really need to minimize the time we spend with tv, computers and video games. I never play video games anymore, but I still watch a lot of tv and use the computer a lot. Gotta get things under control!


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Good stuff as usual.

Teen and wave, go spill your garbage elsewhere.

Big Eee Zee

Master Don Juan
Mar 14, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Sammo
For most people, high school is the foundation for the rest of our lives. It sets us up, if we set a good foundation - it makes it ALOT easier for us later in life. Of course i don't speak from experience since i still attend high school, but how often do we here people saying "If i was back in high school i would of tryed harder", "If i was back in high school i would have talked to more girls", etc. They are the souls who didn't realise that high school is an amazing oppurtunity.

Most people who attend high school get a WHOLE lot of **** from the media which conditions them from an early age to be chumps. Also, there are a few guys in high school, and im sure you all know of them, who can talk to almost anyone, it's as if they are completely unnafected by the conditioning, so how did they do it?

Well get those guys out and check how much time they spend watching TV, listening to ***** music, imagining a fake reality, playing video games, and looking on the internet for seduction techniques. This may be our clue to breaking the conditioning.

You want the conditioning to stop? You want the media to constantly bombard your unconcious with messages of love and hope? You want to live your own life rather then hearing and watching everyone elses? Well then you have to block the channels which the conditioning are coming through.

Think about it, if you stopped watching TV, playing computer games, using the computer, etc. What would you do for leisure? Well first you would probably start being more productive and doing things you should be doing, like your homework, working out, etc. But eventually your going to want to have some fun, and if you can resist the media channels then you may just start: Socialising.

This time will be different though, you won't be socialising to look cool and have a life like in the movies, you will be socialising because its fun! Therefore it wont be a chore, but a source of entertainment, and as a result of this - you become a whole lot better at it.

Think about all the time you waste watching other peoples lives or moving someone else around in a virtual world. You actaully CAN live without these things. I used to be the biggest video game junkie in the world - now i NEVER play them, and i mean never, and i am all the happier for it.

Don't you want to feel what it's like to live life, rather than watch other people's lives?
Ha ha! you know whats funny? My life busts your post into little pieces.

I talk to everyone in my school without fear, absolutely every single person in my senior class knows me. And when I'm not out, in school or lifting I play video games or watch TV. I socialize more than most people I know and still find time for plenty of video games and watching movies. And on the occasion that I'm not doing anything I don't become any more productive. If I don't feel like working, I'm not gonna whether or not I'm playing video games.

And as for that foundation stuff-I don't buy that either. Like I said, everyone knows me. Everyone likes me, I always get asked to parties and am invited no matter where I turn up. And I HATE my school. I think I wasted the last four years of my education at that Shietty institution. I'm popular, and in ten years I won't be thinking "If i was back in high school i would of tryed harder", I'll be thinking "What a damn waste of money." I should've gone to a different school.



Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
SE England/ York
I'm with you on the video games Sammo, I sold my PS2 a while back now and that was a damn good move. Still, I did that becasue I was sick of sitting down for a quick "30 min" blast, and then realising the whole evening had past. Good work.


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Big EZ, That's great. Sammo was generalizing. The biggest DJ at my school doesn't have cable. Connections...


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Re: Re: High school - Our foundation

Originally posted by Big Eee Zee
I talk to everyone in my school without fear, absolutely every single person in my senior class knows me. And when I'm not out, in school or lifting I play video games or watch TV. I socialize more than most people I know and still find time for plenty of video games and watching movies. And on the occasion that I'm not doing anything I don't become any more productive. If I don't feel like working, I'm not gonna whether or not I'm playing video games.
Now, wether you actually are popular or just an angry nerd i wont say and i will give you the benefit of the doubt and believe all the stuff your saying about your popularity. I'm saying you need drastic measures to get yourself out of the whole that the media has dug you in to, people spend TO much time watching an alternate reality rather than experiencing your own. I'm not telling people to stop all together (all though I have), i'm telling them to stop until they can start living their life again.

And as for that foundation stuff-I don't buy that either. Like I said, everyone knows me. Everyone likes me, I always get asked to parties and am invited no matter where I turn up. And I HATE my school. I think I wasted the last four years of my education at that Shietty institution. I'm popular, and in ten years I won't be thinking "If i was back in high school i would of tryed harder", I'll be thinking "What a damn waste of money." I should've gone to a different school.
Just a note here: The people that have the attitude "everyone knows me, everyone likes me, i get invited to ALL the parties" (by the way, everyone gets invited to parties at high school, why do you think there are so many people there?) are ussually the people that NO ONE likes because they are arrogant. I have seen many people like yourself ignorantly fool themselves in to believing they are 'cool'. Why you started complaining about your school i have no idea, its in your control which you school to and even if it isnt, why would you come on here whinging about it? It has no relevance to my post and present no argument.

Please don't post souly for the sake of conflict.

Big Eee Zee

Master Don Juan
Mar 14, 2005
Reaction score
Wow, you got the point.

Oh, wait...no you didn't.

The point of my post was that you cant make broad, sweeping comments like that and pass them off as facts. You posted your opinions, and I showed you they're wrong.

You make a good arguement that TV is a waste of time. There is little point to watching MTV or cinemax 3 hours a day. But you are wrong when you say you should cut out TV completely. WHat about when someone comments on a recent movie or talks about a new song. WOuld you rather be able to say something about it, or just look at the ground and mutter:
"I don't really watch TV..."

I believe everyone should be well-rounded and up to date, and that includes a little bit of television every now and then.

And video-games is the same way. Sure they can consume countless hours if you let them, but is there any real harm in just blowing away giant robots for 15 minutes? A little mindless entertainment is good sometimes.

And the school thing is to show you that you don't have to believe high school is the hottest $hit since sliced bread to socialize, be popular and have fun. You make it sound like the only people who are liked and respected are the ones who love their school and see it as their 'foundation'. You can hate where you go and still love life.

Lastly-as for the arrogant, angry, unpopular nerd comment: I don't know about you but when the hottest girl in your grade say that your arms are sexy and she wants to see you without your shirt...well, that one explains itself.

Basically I exaggerated my life to disagree with your post and prove you wrong. It was mostly cause I wanted to say "Game...Blouses."

I think it was worth it.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2004
Reaction score
Wow, you got the point.

Oh, wait...no you didn't.

The point of my post was that you cant make broad, sweeping comments like that and pass them off as facts. You posted your opinions, and I showed you they're wrong.

You make a good arguement that TV is a waste of time. There is little point to watching MTV or cinemax 3 hours a day. But you are wrong when you say you should cut out TV completely. WHat about when someone comments on a recent movie or talks about a new song. WOuld you rather be able to say something about it, or just look at the ground and mutter:
"I don't really watch TV..."

I believe everyone should be well-rounded and up to date, and that includes a little bit of television every now and then.

And video-games is the same way. Sure they can consume countless hours if you let them, but is there any real harm in just blowing away giant robots for 15 minutes? A little mindless entertainment is good sometimes.

And the school thing is to show you that you don't have to believe high school is the hottest $hit since sliced bread to socialize, be popular and have fun. You make it sound like the only people who are liked and respected are the ones who love their school and see it as their 'foundation'. You can hate where you go and still love life.

Lastly-as for the arrogant, angry, unpopular nerd comment: I don't know about you but when the hottest girl in your grade say that your arms are sexy and she wants to see you without your shirt...well, that one explains itself.

Basically I exaggerated my life to disagree with your post and prove you wrong. It was mostly cause I wanted to say "Game...Blouses."

I think it was worth it.

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
Reaction score
The media is an addiction that is difficult to kill. While I watch tv and use the net a lot i don't hide saying that my life could be 100x better if I didn't have the internet and tv. I would probably have far better grades, I would be at an important university, I would probably be finished with college already! I don't mind the entertainment they provide, I just hate the fact that the entertainment takes away so much valuable time that can be spent on doing something productive, like studying and getting girls!

If I could go back in time to when I was lets say in junior high (now in college) I would not set up my home internet account and probably take away the tv from my room. I know it probably means lots of years of suffering with less fun, hundreds of hours spent studying rather than watching tv, and life just being harder, but that is the whole point I would be a better person now.

Recently I spent about a month or so very busy working to the point I was watching little if any tv. I never felt so healthy physically and mentally I felt great, and If I could move on my own I would probably not have a tv in my place. Since I live with my parents they pay for it I have no choice. I have tried to compensate by not watching the the filth on tv (mtv, political shows, reality tv) I mainly watch sports (not a lot) and some comedy shows (everybody loves raymond and seinfeld, sometimes the simpsons) and that's it. Not watching the filth has cut down on the time I spend watching tv.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Big Eee Zee
The point of my post was that you cant make broad, sweeping comments like that and pass them off as facts. You posted your opinions, and I showed you they're wrong.
An EXCESSIVE media addiction socially conditions people to be socially unable - this is a fact. It's like saying "The sky is blue".

You make a good arguement that TV is a waste of time. There is little point to watching MTV or cinemax 3 hours a day. But you are wrong when you say you should cut out TV completely. WHat about when someone comments on a recent movie or talks about a new song. WOuld you rather be able to say something about it, or just look at the ground and mutter:
"I don't really watch TV..."
I'm not 'making an argument' that TV is a waste of time, im simply pointing out another fact. If you re-read my posts then you will see i didnt want people to cut it out forever, i simply wanted them to do it until they no longer had an addiction to the habit. This way they can watch it as a pleasurable experience rather then a destructive habit.

Do you REALLY think a girl will refuse to date you because you dont know what on TV? Does talking about the latest soap opera leave wet spots in her pants? No! But the condidence and experience you where obtaining when you WERENT watching TV does.

I believe everyone should be well-rounded and up to date, and that includes a little bit of television every now and then.
So i have to know who was the last person to get kicked out of Big Brother to be 'well-rounded'? Is that REALLY going to hurt my social life? When i stopped watching TV and computer games i took up boxing, i travelled more, i made more friends, i met more girls, i ****ed more girls, i felt more satisfied, i became more confident, i went to the gym more but i guess your right, i did give up one topic of conversation!

And video-games is the same way. Sure they can consume countless hours if you let them, but is there any real harm in just blowing away giant robots for 15 minutes? A little mindless entertainment is good sometimes.
"If you let them". TO many people let them. Sure 15 minutes doesn't hurt, but when people become addicted and play hours on end it becomes destructive. Drastic action is needed to develop the kind of self discipline required to STOP playing them, this is why i reccomend people stop them all together until they stop relying on the habit.

And the school thing is to show you that you don't have to believe high school is the hottest $hit since sliced bread to socialize, be popular and have fun. You make it sound like the only people who are liked and respected are the ones who love their school and see it as their 'foundation'. You can hate where you go and still love life.
Loving school and seeing it as a foundation is 2 completely different things. No, adult life is the best time to socialize and have fun (i left out 'be popular', what a shallow goal) but it makes it alot EASIER to cope if you have put in a bit of effort in high school. It's EASIER in high school because girls are starting to see what these kinds of things are like, they are trying things out. When they grow up their standards RISE. This will make it alot more difficult if you have had no experience.

Lastly-as for the arrogant, angry, unpopular nerd comment: I don't know about you but when the hottest girl in your grade say that your arms are sexy and she wants to see you without your shirt...well, that one explains itself.
Once again, your are basing your arguments on facts only one of us can claim to be true. I'm not saying its NOT true, but you can't base an argument on that kind of thing.

Also, you say that like it's the biggest achievement, its not like you ****ed her. (Don't reply saying you HAVE ****ed her, because then i know your lying [after all wouldnt you of just said that in the first place]). I could be like you and bring my sex life up but i came to an important realisation: you can't claim its truth.

Basically I exaggerated my life to disagree with your post and prove you wrong. It was mostly cause I wanted to say "Game...Blouses."
Once again, stop posting for the sake of conflict.


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
What weak arguments to the original post. A shame Sammo beat me to the counter.