high school girlfriend or dating...


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2007
Reaction score
I have a question, or rather several to be explained in this paragraph.

One, you have the "going out" going on dates. Thats the main stuff covered here. What isn't (to my small knowledge) is about high school "going out." Like having classes with your potential girlfriend, or having your girlfriend in your class. Onenitis with your girlfriend. Asking her out, like the oneitis way. Hanging out with her every waking moment of high school going out. How does the DJ way fit in highschool? How can you keep away from a classmate? How can you not turn to a friend (talking too much), when all you do in high school is talk. You can't ignore her...I figured it out by experience...that messes everything up...So, how do you keep a high school girlfriend?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Berkshire, England
I'm not completely certain what your asking here. But I can answer the main question about keeping a highschool girlfriend. Be unpredictable, and keep things interesting. Thats all teen girls want from a relationship, a fun time that keeps her entertained.

As for getting girls attracted in Highschool, just be a confident, loud, fun guy. Looks matter more than when your older but to be honest they still don't mean a lot, as long as you keep your hair tidy, face clean and smell good it'll be fine. Make sure everybody is listening to you, and paying attention to you. That way she'll do the same and become attracted.

To make sure you don't pay too much attention to her, keep your own group of friends seperate to her. So at lunch you can choose to hang around with her or your usual mates. If you choose a fairly popular/loud/confident group of mates then she'll be less likely to come up and talk to you while your with them. Spend more time with them than you do with her, and make sure you don't look like your missing her when your with them.