Every AFC I've ever encountered (including myself at one time) believes in exactly what you've described here. In fact by this definition,
an AFC is the model of high character.
Most AFC believe in religion. Does that mean who ever else shares this directed belief cannot be a Don Juan?
Does every Don Juan not believe in religion?
Are we speaking in absolutes again?
They emphatically believe that they are the Men of "high character" in that they are sticking to their earnest convictions and practicing what they preach. In fact, they are so given to their ego-investments that they believe that they will separate themselves as unique amongst "other guys". The idea is that the AFC can and will be appreciated in a greater degree for his personal convictions and/or his greater ability to identify with women's stated prerequisites of a man by comparing himself to the nebulous Other Guys who are perceived not to.
So by one sticking to his conviction; he is compensating for his lack of success with women?
Could it be, he may be DISCIPLINED? :yes:
The AFC fundamentally believes:
• ONEitis – First and foremost.
• Feminine idealizations.
• Supplication as a means to real connection
• The Savior Schema –reciprocation of intimacy for problems solved.
• The Martyr Schema – the more you sacrifice the more it shows devotion.
• The ‘Friends’ Debt – LJBF and the pseudo-friendship method.
• Scarcity above abundance
• ‘Serial Monogamy’
• Women infallibly and consciously recognize what they want, and honestly convey this to them, irrespective of behaviors that contradict this.
• The Identification Myth. The more alike he is, or can make himself, with his idealized female the better able he will be to attract and secure her intimacy.
• LDRs a viable option for prolonged intimacy.
You might have missed this probably because INTEGRITY blinded you
A Don Juan understands that he will always come first and walks away from a damaged frame. The
CONTEXT must be in his favor, ALWAYS. This is his cardinal rule.
Any and every AFC you will ever meet will tenaciously, and self-righteously cling to a code of ethics and practiced behaviors that will ALWAYS be congruent with these fundamental beliefs.
As I stated above, as long as it is within the right
CONTEXT, DISCIPLINE is an attribute of a Don Juan.
He's internalized and believes that sticking to his convictions make him the better man. This is precisely what makes unplugging an AFC from the Matrix so difficult - it's like changing his religion. Anything that challenges his core convictions is not only counterintuitive, but is akin to blasphemy.
Not sticking to one's convictions is hypocrisy.
Hypocritical behavior is closely related to the fundamental attribution error: individuals are more likely to explain their own actions by their environment, yet they attribute the actions of others to 'innate characteristics', thus leading towards judging others while justifying ones' own actions.
Justifying one's own actions is AFC. It is therefore the Don Juan who adheres to his CODE.
This will always go back to the Nature vs Conviction debate.
One who cannot accept responsibility and lacks accountability by hypocrisy is the epitome of an AFC.
An AFC cannot control his emotions or action. If a girl dumps him, instead of walking away with self respect; he will often pursue because he has no adherence to his self respect. He will blame NATURE rather than succumb to his convictions.
So to him, and according to your wisdom offered here, it's the DJ who is of low character because his beliefs and practices seem hypocritical.
Quite the opposite Mr. Rollo. Hypocrisy is practiced by one who lacks responsiblity and accountability. The one who can easily be overridden by his biological need rather than his conviction. He lacks self control, discipline and thus lacks High Character which makes him a the working example of an AFC.
So essentially if putting a woman on a pedestal is my ideal for high character, and I practice this faithfully I'm a man of high character. Conversely, if I am a PUA and I've always faithfully maintained that I come first, all women (married or not) are fair game, and my intent is to ƒuck as many as humanly possible before my death, and I hold to my conviction, I'm also a man of "high character". I'm being congruent with my CODE; I say what I mean and I put it into practice.
YES you are a man of INTEGRITY by adhering to your CODE. This does not make you a Don Juan.
High Character belongs to a DJ. This means it is an important attribute.
However as I stated,
A DJ will never lose the CONTEXT of the FRAME. This is the CARDINAL RULE. That being said if one keeps the correct context and is of high character, he has two very important qualities of a DJ.
Awesome. So as long as I accurately convey that I am an AFC or a PUA and I'm a high character man-of-conviction, and I live by example, she'll have no choice bu to surrender to me.
If the correct CONTEXT is in play. This is correct.
However an AFC will usually hold the wrong context. So the above example is frivolous. If this AFC learned to hold the right CONTEXT and strangle hold this said context with the ability to walk away, then he would not exactly be an AFC.
What you did Mr. Rollo is take a good thread and make one of your infamous ABSOLUTES idealogy. One must realize CONTEXT mixed with High Character are synergistic components in a Don Juan.