...and what a lot of guys need to realize and accept.
You will, as an "average" male, 95% or more of the time, date/fvck BELOW your sexual market value. The only three things that will allow you to date above your SMV are fame (by far #1 because all women are wh0res for attention and will fvck a famous guy just for bragging rights and more instagram followers), so much money that you can flaunt it 24/7 and bang hot gold diggers (so essentially a multi-millionaire), and/or an extremely good social circle. If you are a 6 without any of the aforementioned three blessings, you will not be able to snag above a 6.5, and if you can even get a 6, you're very lucky. Why? Because the guys who are 8+ are snagging the 5-7's. I know this because I consider myself an 8 (no fame, not rich, not social circle), and I'm only able to get 5-7's. I have been with girls who were 8+, but it's extremely rare, which leads me to my next point...
There's a lot of right place right time (luck) involved in getting women at or above your SMV. Girl just got out of a relationship and you're the first one she talks to and likes? There's your chance. When you see average guys (or below) with hot chicks it's almost always due to social circle. The innate rapport from other people knowing and liking you and "recommending" you is legit almost as good as fame. A girl will automatically feel more comfortable and trust you when her friends know and like you. This is the reason I'm 28 and have never been in a committed relationship, because I don't want to settle for a 5-7, and 8+'s can get better than me.
Now I'm not saying don't try to get someone hotter than you--you certainly should. However, if your game is on point and you get rejected, you shouldn't beat yourself up about it.
You will, as an "average" male, 95% or more of the time, date/fvck BELOW your sexual market value. The only three things that will allow you to date above your SMV are fame (by far #1 because all women are wh0res for attention and will fvck a famous guy just for bragging rights and more instagram followers), so much money that you can flaunt it 24/7 and bang hot gold diggers (so essentially a multi-millionaire), and/or an extremely good social circle. If you are a 6 without any of the aforementioned three blessings, you will not be able to snag above a 6.5, and if you can even get a 6, you're very lucky. Why? Because the guys who are 8+ are snagging the 5-7's. I know this because I consider myself an 8 (no fame, not rich, not social circle), and I'm only able to get 5-7's. I have been with girls who were 8+, but it's extremely rare, which leads me to my next point...
There's a lot of right place right time (luck) involved in getting women at or above your SMV. Girl just got out of a relationship and you're the first one she talks to and likes? There's your chance. When you see average guys (or below) with hot chicks it's almost always due to social circle. The innate rapport from other people knowing and liking you and "recommending" you is legit almost as good as fame. A girl will automatically feel more comfortable and trust you when her friends know and like you. This is the reason I'm 28 and have never been in a committed relationship, because I don't want to settle for a 5-7, and 8+'s can get better than me.
Now I'm not saying don't try to get someone hotter than you--you certainly should. However, if your game is on point and you get rejected, you shouldn't beat yourself up about it.