

Senior Don Juan
Dec 10, 2001
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Went on a date with this girl. It was awesome. High IL, a kiss, really fun night..great girl. The following day she got in a really bad car accident, almost dies. She was in ICu for 2 weeks. I went and saw her when I could, brought her a card, and left my ipod there for her to listen to. The only times I'd here from her was when I visitied. Well I texted her the other day, and she said she's out of the hospital.

I have been trying to make small talk with her like, "how are you feeling?" Nothing serious, not asking to see her, nothing. Sadly, i haven't been hearing back from her much. I'd wait a few days..say nothing to her, and then I'd try to call her or something. No answer, nothing. We talked about everyday before her accident. I'm hoping she's just trying to get her life back together. How can i support her without being all clingy and ****??


Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score
shock said:
Went on a date with this girl. It was awesome. High IL, a kiss, really fun night..great girl. The following day she got in a really bad car accident, almost dies. She was in ICu for 2 weeks. I went and saw her when I could, brought her a card, and left my ipod there for her to listen to. The only times I'd here from her was when I visitied. Well I texted her the other day, and she said she's out of the hospital.

I have been trying to make small talk with her like, "how are you feeling?" Nothing serious, not asking to see her, nothing. Sadly, i haven't been hearing back from her much. I'd wait a few days..say nothing to her, and then I'd try to call her or something. No answer, nothing. We talked about everyday before her accident. I'm hoping she's just trying to get her life back together. How can i support her without being all clingy and ****??

Wow. Very unusual situation. I'm not sure if the normal conventional wisdom of this site even applies in this case. Obviously, this poor girl has a lot of sh*t on her plate right now. You're right to keep any contact very light.

Additionally, people who sustain even moderate head injuries can have significant personality changes. She may have simply lost any feelings for you, through no fault of yours, even if she was really into you before.

She's been through a HUGE thing here. I think your attitude is about right. You obviously care.

I'd back way off. If she's still interested, you'll find out. Don't think so much about "supporting" her. You've made your concern for her known. That's enough, unless she responds. I know you miss her, and maybe you feel left out of the group that's her main support right now (probably her family.) But just hang WAY back. Give this time.

And, as others would say, in the meantime, spin more plates.



Master Don Juan
May 1, 2007
Reaction score
I don't see why you're worrying so much about supporting this girl you only went on 1 date with. No offense, but it's really not your business. You have no involvement with her. Yes it's nice that you visited her and it's very unfortunate what happened, but beyond that there's nothing you should do.

Though .. your story seems to lack in detail. First you say "we talked every day" then you say you went on "a date" and I'm assuming it was the 1 and only date.

Anyway, unless you were in an LTR with her or have known each other and been in contact for a prolonged period of time, I would leave her be. She's got enough on her plate right now and if she's interested in you she'll let you know. Move on with your own life and don't think about it.


Don Juan
Oct 10, 2007
Reaction score
leave her alone for awhile, obviously she doesnt want to talk to you for now! she almost died dude. avoid contact and call her later on


Senior Don Juan
Dec 10, 2001
Reaction score
I think your guy's advice is right on. Thanks for that. This is definately an obscure situation, but i am definately over thinking it. I've done what i can, and now it's up to her.

I guess I just don't see how or what I fuked up. I am a very analytical person. If something happens, I want to know why. Thanks again guys, any more advice is def appreciated.
Mar 12, 2007
Reaction score
IMO this could be bad for you shock. Because she had this accident RIGHT after she went out with YOU, she may associate the accident to you and may not want to get together with you again. It's a psychological thing.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
^ Yeah, I've had women associate the smell of fast food from a Taco Bell in the air at 1 AM to talking/speaking with me. Women are so swayed by the environment. Nothings Ever their fault. It's all Your fault. If it's bad weather, it's Your fault.
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Be a man and get your IPOD back!! Call her and say, "I know you almost died, but can I have my tech gadget returned?" A "Thank you" from her for you giving her tunes would be nice!!


Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score
Last Man Standing said:
Be a man and get your IPOD back!! Call her and say, "I know you almost died, but can I have my tech gadget returned?" A "Thank you" from her for you giving her tunes would be nice!!



Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score
I'm laughing 'CAUSE it's true!

"Only the truth is funny."!!!


Don Juan
Oct 26, 2007
Reaction score
Central US
Wow, I can't believe how great you've been! After only one date, I'd say you don't own her anything, but it was super sweet of you to check on her. She may just need space to recoup right now. I'd say leave her a flower with your number tied to it with a little msg that says something like "call me when you're feeling up to it, I love to hear how you're doing!" This lets her know you're still interested, but she gets to make the call. Don't smother her or force her to see you. Whatever happens was not you fault.