

New Member
May 28, 2006
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ok so,

i'm fifteen and i figured i could use some help...go easy on me please.

here's the story lol

There is a local amusment park around here called kennywood, and our school has a day in the summer (about two weeks after we get out of school) when the school is asked to get together or whatever at the park, upon this, i asked my close friend, (also ex gf) if she wanted to meet up and grab a funnel cake with me(she loves that kinda stuff) she said "YES!" but she also said she was hanging out with friends from her dance school. However, after saying this, she litterally gave me her number. "here's my number call me tomorrow!" etc etc etc...i get there, i call her about 4 times throughout a 7 hour period, ( didn't want to seem obsessive, however i didn't want to seem like i was ditching her). and just when i was feeling down because she didn't pick up, she called and apologized for not answering her phone and said that she felt terrible...when she calld i asked where she was and she said she was in line for a roller coaster and it might be twenty minutes before she could meet 5 minutes later, she asks where i am, and i said that i'd go meet her :) her friends all go to the bathroom, (she says "hey, i'll be back in 30 minutes" and we walk across the park (it's not very big)....well we get a funnel cake and talk and laugh the whole time, and then her phone rings, it's one of her friends and she picks it up and asks what shes doing and where she is.... she says "hey i'm in the bathroom call me back in seriously, call me back in 15, i'm in the bathroom..." she was laughing while saying this...i dunno if it's a good thing at all.

we get done eating and whatnot,
and she had powdered sugar on her forehead(don't ask how it got there, i dunno at all lol) we start walking back and i casually grab her hand and tell her to wait... i look her in the eyes and she giggles while i brush the sugar off with my thumb...(i guess with me brushing the sugar off, she didn't even pick up on the hand thing...)

i was planning to take her out to a movie next week...i asked her and she said "sure!" (however i didn't mention anyone else coming...)

any tips to help me out?
i have no idea if she likes me like i like her....
i figured you guys would know...
go easy on me please.


Sean O

Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2006
Reaction score
Well... she seems to be giving signs of interest, but I'm a little concerned with the fact that she's your ex. My suggestion to you would be this: take her out, put up your game, and see how she responds. If her interest in you is consistent, then you're probably in good shape to get back together with her. However, if she flakes, cancels, or turns you down for a date even ONCE and doesn't suggest another, specific day for you two to see each other, stop calling her altogether and leave the ball in her court. I only say this because very often when exes try to get back together, it doesn't work. Yes, there are exceptions, but they are few and far between.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
Jorda, right now, she seems to be interested in you. But never forget the past... remember what caused the break-up. Was it you that break up with her or vise versa. If it was her, don't forget why she did. Make sure you don't fall a culprit this time. If it was you that caused the break-up, why did you and why do you want to get back with her now? The wond might be gone but the scar is their as a reminder and only the person with it remembers.