Help with situation with 2 girls.....


Senior Don Juan
May 6, 2003
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Ok, this story is kind of weird and I'm confused as hell, but here goes:

This past Monday I met two freshman (I'm a junior) that go to my school. One's name is Danny and the other is Lauren (the one with short hair, if you've read my other posts). Just 3 days later someone told me that a freshman had a big crush on me and I figured it was Lauren since I had talked to her the most. Both of them were really flirtacious, but I just felt that Lauren was more physical (touching me a lot).

Well, this morning someone else told me that a freshman told her that she had a crush on me. She said it was Danny and this surprised me since I hadn't really talked to Danny that much (she was absent on Tuesday and Wednesday, so that's why I talked to Lauren more). So, before classes the three of us were joking and stuff, lot of flirting going on from both of them. So, I told thém to wait for me after school so we could walk down to the train station (Metro, we get on and off at the same stops) together.

I saw them after lunch and they said that they had been loking for me. Afterschool, we walk down the street. I talk to Danny some and I talk to Lauren some (I'm confused at this point). I bring up sexual topics and Lauren seems a little more "naughty" when it comes to this. Anyway, when we were in the train station, I asked for both of their numbers. Lauren gave me her number, but Danny said her phone was cut off (Lauren confirmed this). I left it at that (about an hour later at the bus stop (will get to this later) Danny says "Well, if I can't give you my number, don't you want to give me yours?" so I give her my number).

We both get off at the same metro stop and they have to take the bus and I live just down the street, so we play around in this open area. I start tickling them both and picking them up and wrestling and stuff. Both girls flirt a lot, saying stuff like Ÿou can't tickle me now" which is just another way of saying "I want you to come over here and tickle me some more." Again, Lauren is more flirtacious and at one point I was playing with Lauren and Danny was chanting saying something like we should just go with eachother already. Again, I'm confused at this point because the person said Danny was the one with the crush on me (and they don't look alike at all, so I know she didn't get them confused. One has short, unbraided hair and the other has cornrows, and the girl that gave me the info specifically said the girl with cornrows). Somewhere along the lines, Danny sees this boy she knows and they talk for a split second and she's saying something like "He's so fine" and "I gotta wait here till he comes back" but she doesn't stick on the subject for long.

Sometimes they would whisper to each other and giggle and one time Danny said outloud (as I was standing by Lauren and kinda flirting) that "I knew it would happen by the end of the week" and then they go off and whisper and afterwards Lauren says something about her jinxing it. I say "As long as it ain't about me" and she says "Oh, but it is, it is" and I leave it at that.

So, after about an hour of playing/flirting at the busstop, Danny gets on her bus and leaves me and Lauren. Lauren's busstop is across the street, so she picks up her things (we had set our stuff down a long time ago) and is about to leave and she picks up my jacket and takes it with her. I figure that she did this because she wanted me to wait at the bus stop with her and I went over to do just. Her bus came and here I am. End of story so far.

Also, Lauren and Danny seem to be really good friends and I don't know what the hell is going on. Also, should I call Lauren this weekend?
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Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
They're freshmen girls dude....

Go get some under-developed *****! (SoSuave signature)


Senior Don Juan
May 6, 2003
Reaction score
After all this waiting for someone to reply and this is what I get.....

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by JCKey618
After all this waiting for someone to reply and this is what I get.....
What is it that you wanted to hear? I don't bull**** -- it's agaisnt my morals :D


Senior Don Juan
May 6, 2003
Reaction score
And if I am getting played, how can I manipulate them so that I come out on top in the end instead of looking like a dumb fool?


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
Somewhere between the cities of Lost and Found
freshmen girls like one guy one week, then another guy the next week. Simply because their overly immature and blah blah. So i'd say screw it and stop stressin over it


Senior Don Juan
May 6, 2003
Reaction score
But girls my age want older dudes (I talked to one and she said her limit is like 22) and I'm an "older dude" to the freshman, soo....

I hear the girls my age say it all the time "I knew I shouldn't have dated in my own age" or "Older guys are more experienced"

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by JCKey618
And if I am getting played, how can I manipulate them so that I come out on top in the end instead of looking like a dumb fool?
You don't seem like a DJ. How long have you been practicing? ;)

You are the prize to be won.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
In this Economy?
Originally posted by Smooth as Anything
You don't seem like a DJ. How long have you been practicing? ;)

You are the prize to be won.
on the contrary, hes stayin in control of the situation, espically while dealing with freshman girls

the truth is that these girls want on right now

my guess is that they would love it if you were hard to get

dont call this weekend b/c they know(or at least think) that you will call this weekend

the truth (that you will probably find out ) is that a good freshman girl is few and far between

looks like you should go for lauren and hookup and stay friendly

this is the one thing that bothers me espically at the HS forum no one is ever looking for any depth,

hell when i have a ONS i want a girl with personality


Senior Don Juan
May 6, 2003
Reaction score

So, I didn't call them, but they didn't mention it, so that's cool.

When I got to school this morning, one of my female friends (fellow junior) was like "your fan club is waiting for you" and she preceded to tell me that Danny had seemed all excited to see that I was here. So, I go straight to my clas because I don't feel like attention right then.

Between classes I saw Danny and Lauren some and would grab them (playfully) or something as I passed, you know, just playing with them.

After school, Danny asked me if I would walk down the hill with her. It was me, Danny, Lauren, and about 3 other freshman girls. I stayed behind the pack and walked with Danny and we talked and stuff, I made her laugh a few/several times. Danny says her hands are cold and asked me to hold them to keep them warm, so I do, but I also put them in my coat pocket, because you know how HS kids are and if they saw me holding hands with her they would make a big thing out of it and sometimes that ****s **** up.

It's raining as we are walking down the street, so I didn't really fel like a lot of flirting/horse play. When we were on the train, one of the freshman girls (Beyonca) asked me to come over there and then she asked me if I liked Danny. I don't want to say yes because I don't want to put myself into something until I'm sure and I didn't want to say no because I didn't want to **** up anything, so I kind of avoided the question and said "What, the restaurant?" I know that avoiding the question is almost like saying "yes" but what am I supposed to say in this type of situation???

Meanwhile Lauren is in a bad mood because of something (she wouldn't tell me), but I get her to loosen up and then she becomes halfway to her kinky, normal self. She's always flirting, like when I asked her for some gum, she says "All I have is the one I'm chewing on and if you want it come get it," you know, stuff like that.

I think I may just go with Danny. She's better looking, but her breath kinda stinks :eek: but maybe it was just a bad day.

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
You're a junior and they're freshmen man.


You're of value to them, being an upperclassmen. There's not much else you have to do. You have it in the bag.

Don't overthink **** like this.


Don Juan
Oct 21, 2003
Reaction score
Danny likes you. She got jealous when you flirted with Lauren.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2002
Reaction score
Well you need to think. Who do you like more, Lauren or Danny. After you decide this then go after her. Who cares if they arre friends, if you like one, and the other one gets jelous, screw her. :D Hope that helps


Senior Don Juan
May 6, 2003
Reaction score
I just got off the phone with Lauren (she called me on three-way with Danny, and Danny's grandma took the phone from Danny and started giving me 21 questions! It was horrible! Then Lauren called back) and she told me that there was a bet, but the bet was that one of them would like me by the end of the week, and Lauren said that something they didn't expect to ahppen, happened. After a while of talking to her and messing with her head, she basically told me that she and Danny both likes me (she told me straight out that Danny has a crush on me and she said another freshman likes me also, and considered I don't know a lot of freshman and other thigns she said, I'm pretty sure it's her).

Danny goes from crushes a lot. Last week she liked my friend Mike and Lauren says she switches crushes each week, so I don't know who to go with now....

Dig the Funk

Don Juan
Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
Careful with the "fan club mentality." They could get real bored real quick or they could be an unlimited source of poon. Do the right thing.

Dig the Funk

Don Juan
Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
Oh, dude: I think you're falling into the trap of childish HS games. The phone calls and the questions and the friends and the "liking"'s all hullabaloo! Do not stray! It's bad! Boo!


Senior Don Juan
May 6, 2003
Reaction score

I hate situations like this. I could probably come out a winner, but on the other hand I could come out completely empty handed. I think that since Danny switches crushes so easily that if I went with her it might be over in a week or two and then I may not be able o get with Lauren. I could probably get with Lauren now, I think she has a better personality, but.....her hair, good God!


Don Juan
May 13, 2003
Reaction score
Savannah, GA
WHO ****ING CARES ABOUT HER HAIR? Why are you looking at her hair, anyway?! Jeebus!