Help with chicks at work!!!


Don Juan
Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
North Carolina
Okay, so the art of the # close is becoming fairly easy for me. Thanx to this site. :D

Two questions:
1. A girl volunteering her # or e-mail is an IOI or no?

2. What if the girl has a boyfriend she's expressed unhappiness with, but still claims to love him?

2 girls whom I'm kind of interested in fit these questions. I'll give the situations.

Sit. 1:

Old friend (haven't seen her in about six months, and we weren't that close to begin with) comes into my job for an interview. I was off, but I was eating, so we had an impromptu lunch together. I started to remember how hot she is, so I start running some C+F and start flirting a little. We start talking about a common friend (my best friend of about five years) and I told her that I forgot his e-mail. She gave it to me and paused. "Do you want mine, too?" "Sure, why not?" She did one of those giggle things that girls do and gave it to me and told me to e-mail her. Okay...

Me: Hey, babe, come sit with me...
(shooting the breeze)
Her: I'm so hungry...
Me: You know...we are in a resteraunt...we can fix that...
Her: (laughing) I don't have enough.
Me: Don't worry. I get half off, so I won't be losing anything. Plus, you can pay me back later...*sly smile*
Her: (turning red, slightly) Kay, how?
Me: Oh, we'll think of something.
*walks away to put order in. while she laughs*

She later offers me her e-mail and myspace account. Nice!

Sit. 2: Different Girl

HB8.3 that I work with took a liking to me when I first applied. We became pretty quick friends and started playing with each other everyday at work. Banter, C+F, (she's really good at it, so it's great practice), etc. I know she has a boyfriend and she says she loves him. but she's also expressed disinterest in him, too. Anyway, my philosophy on tipping waitresses is 'tip 50%, unless the bills huge, or don't tip at all'. This has gotten me far in life. Waitresses around town love me.

She had gotten a table that was I think a fifty dollar ticket and got no tip. After work, I stole a booth in her section and paid ten dollars for a three dollar meal. I also left her a note telling her to have a nice night. This was after playing hangman and tic-tac-toe with her for about half an hour during my meal. She also decorated my name tag...

I leave her the note and money when she goes to check on a table. I say bye and leave. I turn the corner and find her at one of the computers holding my check and note and looking starry-eyed as hell.

Her: Thank you, Voice!!!
Me: Nothing big, I had good service.

I mention that I'm coming up later with friends of mine and that I'll make sure she's having a good night like I told her. She laughed and said 'WAIT!!'. She runs to the host stand and pulls out paper and pen. Writes down her cell phone # and tells me to call her when I'm on my way back up. I say okay and tell her bye and then leave...

I call when I'm coming back up and she says she's still working. I say okay and end the convo. I go up there a couple of minutes later and she's not in uniform and she's just walking around. She comes by our table for a minute, sits, says nothing and then leaves. ...hmm...

What do you guys think?


Oct 28, 2005
Reaction score
What if the girl has a boyfriend she's expressed unhappiness with, but still claims to love him? --> this means shes gonna be his wife. you may have sex with her, but for sure she will stick to him until he kicks her.


Don Juan
Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
North Carolina
Thanks [o-0].

No one else?
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