help, trying to bulk and making everything into shakes


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
hi, i have gained from 145lb to 158lb in 3 weeks; intensely training every single day, i look to go up to 170lb. i am 5ft 7in, so that means i have kinda small frame, and i have stuck at 158. i cant quite reach 160. therefore, i started on mass gainer and instead of eating carbs carbs carbs and some protein together every 3 hrs, i decided to do slightly less carbs and jack up some more consumption of protein.

i am tired of cooking and university is not so pleasant with time, so i started making everything into shakes. Of course, i eat right carbs like bread, pasta, sandwich, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, and some bad carbs like swissroles or twinkies.

but other than that, i just blend everything: combination of chicken, peanutbutter, sweet potatoes, nesquik chocolate, honey, flex seeds, 1/2 scoop of mass gainer, oatmeal, milk, ice, fruits, bananas... you name it. whatever.

i don't know, it just seems more convenient and easy doing this then making all that into actual food. jesus that may take forever man. but the main question is, is that going to help my weight gain? by the way, i train almost everyday in intensity training style; lots of supersets, compound sets, triset, giant set. been training bout 3 yrs. people lately tell me i got real swole since 145lb to 158lb in 3 weeks is big jump; but i have my goals, and i will make them happen. thanks and input is welcome!


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
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I don't think training everyday is a good idea,the muscles grow during the recovery time not while you stress them.
Training everyday is for an average human the fastest way to overtraining with all the conseguences,even more if you push hard with superset or failures.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
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Alberta, Canada
At 5'7" you'll look quite big at 165-170 if your bodyfat is low. Remember its a lot easier for us shorter guys to look big than for taller guys. This is why most successful bodybuilders tend to be shorter.

I'm around 165-170 at 5'8" in most of the pics in the link below, and around 180 in the pic in the forest and the lake. I wasn't big by any means, but I was in aesthetic enough shape that I was able to make pretty good cash stripping, and got a lot of attention wherever I went.

Currently I'm sitting at around 185-190 lbs but not as lean in the pics above. Probably around 10-12% bf though, as I've always tested in this range as per caliper testing.

I'd suggest training 3x/week... 4x/week absolute MAX. I don't train more than 4 days/wk. If you're using high intensity techniques like supersetting and doing lots of heavy compound work your body simply won't have the rest it needs to build and grow. Definitely cut it down to 3-4x/wk.

As far as your split, I'd suggest this program. I've used it for years and had good success. Remember I wasn't necessarily trying to get bigger at the time, just trying to stay lean and get as strong as possible:

1. Push/Pull day for upper body w/ accessory work
2. Squats/Chins w/ accessory work
3. Deadlift/Dips w/ accessory work

I trained abs every day I did weights. Cardio maybe 1x/week.

As far as diet goes, if you're trying to bulk you'll need lots of high quality food, especially low GI carbs and complete protein. I'm not a huge fan of blending stuff. Just make your food in bulk quantities and stick it in the fridge. If you do this, you'll have to cook roughly 2x/wk. I bake my chicken at 310 F for around 45 minutes. I use tex-mex or whatever seasoning I feel like and cover it w/ foil as it keeps the meat nice and juicy. I work 12 hour shifts, so I bring 3 meals worth of food. I require 4 tupperware containers (2 for oatmeal and 2 for chicken/veges) and my large shaker bottle for my mass gainer shake. I buy the frozen vege packs, and bulk fresh skinless chicken thighs. All you'll need for the proposed diet is chicken, oatmeal, mass gainer, whey isolate, eggs, frozen veges and fruit.

Here's a sample diet that's actually pretty close to my current diet:

Meal 1: 40 g whey w/ 1 cup oatmeal and some fruit.
Meal 2: 6-8 oz chicken w/ veges and 1.5 cups oatmeal
Meal 3: 2 cups milk + 1 mass gainer serving
Meal 4: Same as Meal 2.
Meal 5: 6 eggs + some fruit + 1 oz of almonds.

Technically not the greatest diet as you're combining fats/proteins/carbs in most meals, but I don't really care as I'm not getting fat and am able to maintain my weight. Overall the diet will get you > 250 g protein/day and around 3500 calories.

For supplements use the following:

- Good quality mens' multivitamin (GNC has good ones)
- whey isolate
- Mass gainer
- Fish oil caps
- anti-oxidant formula (high vitamin C or E comb is ok if you're short in $)

Hope this helps. Good luck.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
Fuglydude said:
At 5'7" you'll look quite big at 165-170 if your bodyfat is low. Remember its a lot easier for us shorter guys to look big than for taller guys. This is why most successful bodybuilders tend to be shorter.

I'm around 165-170 at 5'8" in most of the pics in the link below, and around 180 in the pic in the forest and the lake. I wasn't big by any means, but I was in aesthetic enough shape that I was able to make pretty good cash stripping, and got a lot of attention wherever I went.

Currently I'm sitting at around 185-190 lbs but not as lean in the pics above. Probably around 10-12% bf though, as I've always tested in this range as per caliper testing.

I'd suggest training 3x/week... 4x/week absolute MAX. I don't train more than 4 days/wk. If you're using high intensity techniques like supersetting and doing lots of heavy compound work your body simply won't have the rest it needs to build and grow. Definitely cut it down to 3-4x/wk.

As far as your split, I'd suggest this program. I've used it for years and had good success. Remember I wasn't necessarily trying to get bigger at the time, just trying to stay lean and get as strong as possible:

1. Push/Pull day for upper body w/ accessory work
2. Squats/Chins w/ accessory work
3. Deadlift/Dips w/ accessory work

I trained abs every day I did weights. Cardio maybe 1x/week.

As far as diet goes, if you're trying to bulk you'll need lots of high quality food, especially low GI carbs and complete protein. I'm not a huge fan of blending stuff. Just make your food in bulk quantities and stick it in the fridge. If you do this, you'll have to cook roughly 2x/wk. I bake my chicken at 310 F for around 45 minutes. I use tex-mex or whatever seasoning I feel like and cover it w/ foil as it keeps the meat nice and juicy. I work 12 hour shifts, so I bring 3 meals worth of food. I require 4 tupperware containers (2 for oatmeal and 2 for chicken/veges) and my large shaker bottle for my mass gainer shake. I buy the frozen vege packs, and bulk fresh skinless chicken thighs. All you'll need for the proposed diet is chicken, oatmeal, mass gainer, whey isolate, eggs, frozen veges and fruit.

Here's a sample diet that's actually pretty close to my current diet:

Meal 1: 40 g whey w/ 1 cup oatmeal and some fruit.
Meal 2: 6-8 oz chicken w/ veges and 1.5 cups oatmeal
Meal 3: 2 cups milk + 1 mass gainer serving
Meal 4: Same as Meal 2.
Meal 5: 6 eggs + some fruit + 1 oz of almonds.

Technically not the greatest diet as you're combining fats/proteins/carbs in most meals, but I don't really care as I'm not getting fat and am able to maintain my weight. Overall the diet will get you > 250 g protein/day and around 3500 calories.

For supplements use the following:

- Good quality mens' multivitamin (GNC has good ones)
- whey isolate
- Mass gainer
- Fish oil caps
- anti-oxidant formula (high vitamin C or E comb is ok if you're short in $)

Hope this helps. Good luck.
dude, amazing advice, thank you. you got great physique and i especially envy those shoulders. i have stopped on supersets today and diverted to one set each with heavier weights and less reps. regarding the number of training per week, it will be hard for me to not hit the gym b/c my motivation in life and wat keeps me going is the physical exercise. so you think if i can swim or do something to keep me goin on days i don't lift? or that could be bad idea for bulking up... also i forgot to tell, i usually don't do legs, but i realize i have to start, so i will.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
moneyisking said:
dude, amazing advice, thank you. you got great physique and i especially envy those shoulders. i have stopped on supersets today and diverted to one set each with heavier weights and less reps. regarding the number of training per week, it will be hard for me to not hit the gym b/c my motivation in life and wat keeps me going is the physical exercise. so you think if i can swim or do something to keep me goin on days i don't lift? or that could be bad idea for bulking up... also i forgot to tell, i usually don't do legs, but i realize i have to start, so i will.
Thanks. I can't really take credit for the shoulders as a lot of it is genetics. My bro also has a similar build to me.

At 5'7" - 158 you're not small/skinny, so ya I'd say you could probably do something physical everyday. Sounds like you're really liking those endorphins!

Remember though when you expend more energy by doing cardiovascular/conditioning stuff you'll have to take in additional calories/nutrients to make up for what you're burning. A "pure" bulk would mean that you'd minimize conditioning work, however, I'm not a huge proponent of this type of training as I think your cardiovascular system needs to be worked as well. I think you'd be fine doing 30 minutes of swimming, etc on your off days. Just remember to vary things up. Swimming is great, but try taking a hip hop class or try one of those group aerobic classes. Great way to meet cute/hot fit girls and get in shape.

That being said, I personally don't do any direct cardiovascular work. I find my conditioning stays reasonable as long as my intensity in the gym is high and I do a wide array of different lifting techniques ranging from olympic lifting/powerlifting to plyometrics to bodybuilding. Obviously since I'm gonna be competing in bodybuilding I'm gonna put more time into bodybuilding movements. However, I dont' forget my roots.

Always remember diet is the most important thing in fitness... BY FAR. Nothing else matters unless your diet is on point. I simply can't stress this enough. The majority of men fail to reproduce their intensity in the gym in their dietary regimens and thus don't get the results they want.

If you're not doing leg work, then you're bulking. Squats, deadlifts are IMO the most important moves that should form the nucleus of any heavy duty bulking routine. The only reason you shouldn't be doing these exercises is if you're injured. Squats/deads will work your entire posterior chain. There's very few things that are more intense than a heavy max ATG squat (olympic style) or a max raw deadlift. If you're a real sick phuck try 20-rep breathing squats. DON'T do squats and deadlifts on the same day, and try to have at least 3 days separating them. Big movements like squat and deads will stimulate endogenous testosterone and HGH production and help overall physique development.

What does your routine look like right now? Post your routine so we can critique it.

If you're interested, I'd suggest talking to trainers at your gym who know what they're doing and consider trying your hand at powerclean, snatch, etc. The human body generates the most power with these movements. They'll make you VERY strong. I think you said you're Asian. I've been around my share of top tier athletes, including some world class sprinters, bobsledders and powerlifters. Pound-for-pound some of the strongest guys I've ever seen are Asian. I think you guys might just be hardwired to be freakishly strong... perhaps it has something to do with the ecto-mesomorph somatotype.

You're doing well, just remember to focus on your diet and devote most of your program to the big compound movements: squats, deadlift, bench, shoulder press, dips and chins.

Good luck.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
What do ya know... someone saying he's highly motivated but doesn't "do legs".

Get busy squatting!

You want them big shoulders? Squat and press overhead. I could see photos of myself from a while ago and I had what looked like narrow shoulders. Genetics? Nah. Now I have big wide shoulders, and look like a different somatotype altogether.

I'm 5'7", 190lb, not sure about BF%, probably 15~17%, can see ghost abs.

Fug said:
Pound-for-pound some of the strongest guys I've ever seen are Asian. I think you guys might just be hardwired to be freakishly strong... perhaps it has something to do with the ecto-mesomorph somatotype.
There's a 68kg Asian guy at my club who has deadlifted raw 240kg for 3x5 and 277.5kg at a comp. He's that somatotype.

Plenty of weak ones around though. :p

I'm not sure exactly which type I am but I have some endo in there somewhere, with some meso too. I look like a vastly different type now compared to when I was younger though.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
Hm, like you mentioned fuglydude, let me elaborate some routines.

i usually do one part a day. chest-back-shoulder-arm (bis and tris)-legs

abs usually are done as finish in all of em. honestly, i've been doing supersets, dropsets, trisets and such intensity training for awhile, so i changed up a bit. now i go do one set at a time and go heavier weight and less reps; more like 12-10-8-6-5... kinda like that. but i can see i lift heavier without doing supersets and trisets. i think most growth comes from nutrition. i eat every 3 hrs. i just had a big shake and pasta, and now im keep getting emesis reflexes (GI is trying to puke and I am consciously stopping it). god this is pretty bad agh... i hear from big guys that if i am trying to bulk up, i should just chow down whatever every 3 hrs , and sometiems i need to eat bad **** like fat and bad carbs too, chips, twinkies, etc. man my stomach isn't feeling so good haha..


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
Ideally your diet should incorporate large amounts of GOOD high quality natural (non-processed) nutrient rich foods. NOT twinkies and crap like that. There's a time and place for them, but they definitely shouldn't be a regular part of your diet. I gave you a reasonable diet that will put on pounds and leave you healthier. One thing I forgot to add is that you can replace oatmeal w/ yams. Try and get 10-12 oz of yams to replace that oatmeal as you see fit.

During my bulking diet I did feel bloated all the time and shat a lot, but definitely didn't feel like I was going to throw up as you describe.

As far as your routine goes, you're using WAY too much of your gym time on upper body. As both me and Jitter said, if you're not doing legs/posterior chain work, then you're not bulking. Try out my routine. Heavy duty squats and deadlifts (in your case 1.5x bodyweight squat and 2-2.5x bodyweight deadlift) will induce some serious growth. Dont' forget to incorporate bench press/bench variations, shoulder press, chin ups/pull ups and dips.

I think you need to overhaul your diet and training so that you'll have long term success. Instead of putting on crappy weight fast. There's no reason why you can't put on 20-30 lbs in a year w/ just a small amount of bodyfat gain. You'd look BIG at 5'7" - 180 to 190 if you're bf% were low.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
When I first started lifting, I mostly just squatted, 3 times a week, with one bench press and one deadlift session per week. My upperbody - shoulders and chest - grew so fast from that that the less experienced PTs thought I was benching too often & too much.

As for routines, for newbies, you can't beat Starting Strength.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
Reaction score
Toowoomba AU
How do you rate the front squat for developing shoulder strength jitterbug? I want to switch over to the front squat because I think it puts less tension on the lower back, but I'm still too unco to front squat with any sort of weight on the bar atm :p


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
Not much in terms of strength. My front delts seemed to get a little thicker when I did front squat regularly. At the beginning, the bar was touching my collar bones a little and caused some pain, but my front delts eventually grew thick enough that the bar just rested on them instead.

You want to keep doing back squat though. Having a strong lower back will benefit you in the long run (health wise) more than strong shoulders. If you're experiencing too much pain or DOMS after training regularly for months or a year, then your back squat technique needs some work. Having strong abs and wearing a good powerlifting belt to allow the abs to push against it also decrease DOMS in the lower back for me.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score
I've been on a hamburger helper/milk/protein shake diet plus 1 piece of fruit a day. At 6' tall ive gained roughly 9-10 (~160 to 170) lbs in 3 weeks.

If you aren't gaining weight with your current diet. eat more.

Don't train everyday. check out


New Member
Mar 28, 2011
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High protein diet can help you in gain weight. make a healthy
diet plan and include almost every thing in that plan. it will show
you result in few days.


New Member
Mar 28, 2011
Reaction score
High protein diet can help you in gain weight. make a healthy
diet plan and include almost every thing in that plan. it will show
you result in few days.

baltimore fitness trainer