help regarding post-first date


Don Juan
Nov 30, 2011
Reaction score
Approached, got the number, set up the date, went out with her. Evening went great, light and casual conversation over some coffee. Light kino, let her do most of the talking, kept eye contact yada yada. She felt comfortable with me and told me towards the end of the date how her sister texted her while we were having coffee and she replied: "Not all guys are like your jerk boyfriend, guy I'm out with right now has opened every door for me tonight, true gentleman."
Date went great drove her back home and she suggested we get together some other time, said she wanted to have some friends over soon and that I was invited, would call me to make arrangements at some point.

Here is the question.

Post first-date, I read conflicting advice in regards of how/when to contact her again. Not necessarily to set up a 2nd date but in regards of our first date. I'm in no way heavily invested on this girl however I do want to let her know I had a great time. Should I call or text and what's the recommended timeframe for this after the 1st date.

How about setting up for the 2nd date? Timeframe?



Senior Don Juan
Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score
I would ignore the friends invite, you want to get to know her not her friends. Call her in say 5 days and ask her out 1 on 1. Any flakiness or reverting back to the "why dont you come over when my friends come around" and she is out...the firends invite is a red flag though so dont put too much emphasis on an outcome with this girls...


Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
On one of my first dates we had steamy sex. The next day I called her and wanted to setup 2nd date, she couldn't, cuz it was her time to watch baby and her friend went out. We met for 2nd date the day after, and had steamy sex again. I was expected to chat and connect with her, yada yada, but instead I just fvcked her. 3rd date was 4 days after that, and I had to massage it, I took her and her baby out to a park. It was our final date. I was clingy and called 10 times a day showing my desperation. Chick herself told me I can't give you all the attention you want, I have a baby, stop calling me so often damnit.

After this one I had another one, which I dated according to rules and didn't bother with calls, gave breaks, etc. She LJBF on our 4th date, the attraction just wasn't there, and we never had sex.

I'd say it's ok to call her after a date is over, asking if she got home ok. This step chicks I date always do for me.