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Oct 6, 2013
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Help please,

What's up guys,

8 Weeks ago,

i met a girl... Well she actually met me in the classroom

in the first week her Interest Level was in the 100%...
She was super nervous and was twingling her hair
She even followed me to my home... Which suprised me

But then she ASKED ME for a date and a ''semi-relationship''

I told her there are some conditions that SHE need to accept
Those are:

1. Don't expect a prince on a white horse
2. When Dating i will NEVER pay all the costs, atleast we do 50-50
3. Don't be a inconsitent girl


Our first date was like this.. We planned to go to the movies but i came 12 minutes to late... but she said it was ok then i had a ''Plan B''
Walking in the park at midnight... The thing is she was scared as hell because she doesn't like dark places... She hold my hand and pressed it against her breast... Her heart was like wild beast... however we had a great night... Some Weeks later all things were nice and DAY AFTER DAY she blew up my phone...

Also in those few weeks, she did 90% of the text iniating
I skipped some hang out moments and told her for another time (i gave her the date and time)

But however. We got some Arguing stuff and yes i acted like a jerk for a bit
But things were becoming better and better but THEN... When a other guy comes up in our classroom he chilled with my girl ALOT... and VICE VERSA... However things were going rough and later the became better... We had a second date, We were going to the movies and to a fun park... It was like 01:45... there was no bus or tram which i could go to home... She assisted me with HER money to arrange for me a taxi.
I was QUITE schocked because didn't know she was THAT helpfull

Few Days later we were hanging round on a grassfield (10 min walking from my home)... The place were stuff go erotic

Few weeks later... She acted... confused and depressed
and my instinct is telling me that things are going bad

and than 3 days ago we broke up...

But i said i didn't care for it (i actually do)... and acted like a heartless man

She texted me ''She hates HERSELF for being with me''
and she can't hangout with me everyday because she said that I am irritating her!

I mean: 1. I never ASKED/SAID to hang out with me everyday
2. Why the f*ck does she talk to me everyday at school, while she said in her message that i am irritating her

and yes she gave NO reason how the heck i was irritating her

and she admitted that she was inconsitent because she had her feelings for her ex AND ME (and i assume for that other guy too)....
And Yes she talked a lot about her ex weeks ago... and STILL has contact with her ex in those 2 months
Her Ex and I do have some similarities: ''We both love Metallica'' :rockon:
and other metal bands but ofcourse our personal traits... only that guy is 11 years older then i am and her ex 7 years older than that girl.... But that guy abbused that girl... and when things were great i did the same to her... And still things were great after that between ous

NOTE: After break up she talks if things are fine like if we are still gf and bf
But when that other dude comes in she stops talking to me and talks to that other guy... WTF!!

(no its not her ex bf but an other guy ''clasmate'' she leaves me for him... And she texts LESS back, after the break up :cuss:

And i don't know how to react... Should i act normal or should i go
to NC during phones and LC when in school?

This girl has some mental issues... and she like three guys the same time... First me, then she misses her ex and then she like that other guy..... Wtf! :mad:

Me (18 years old)
That girl (22 years old)
Her ex (29 years old) --- Never saw this guy...
The other guy (19 years old)

Also she told me alot of her past and stuff that turned ME off
like being insecure (in the second week when stuff were hot as fire)
and other things but i have a trick

Trick: she got a little upset when i talked a other girl in my classroom... She is the GF of my cousins friend...however im hooking up with this as girl as a friend and to make that girl jealous... Will this work... And sometimes that girl of my tells me to hang out... should i accept or decline? :confused:

Or will accepting it lead me (further) to the friendzone?
But i still wanted her... But after the break up i am feeling a bit upset and i know i need to keep my cool... but should i go NC,LC or acting confident like i am... but i am affraid by acting cool and normal she will friendzoned me...
By the way, she is still affectionate to me...
So should i be upset, ignoring her or should i still act normal
or do i need to abbuse her more because her ex was/is abbussive
and when i was abussive to her she STILL liked in that time :kick: :crackup:

NOTE: That girl loved one of my T-shirts... should i wear it often?
That girl gave me earbuds as a random present as a gift of our beginning relationship when things started out and should i give them back?... and she still loves my finger-less leather gloves... but when i put them on the table she takes it and look at them like she was remembering the good times and she had...

But honestly, How can i get her back?

By the way... I discovered that loves J-pop but she never told anyone about that except her ex bf ... And she and I had some songs in common that WE BOTH LIKE... Should i let her hear it often?
I want to refresh her memory about our time

About her: (From what she told me in the beginning, 6 weeks ago, When the ''semi-relationship'' was fresh and passionate she told me about this)

1. She was bullied when she was in the elementary school
2. Her parents are 18 years long divorced
3. She never had friends
4. Was abussed by her ex (or maybe still, who knows!)
5. She is inconsitent, controversial and insecure (she told me and i discovered it)
6. She smokes
7. She wanted to try drugs (not sure if it was a joke, but she told it me once that she WANTS to try it)
8. Wanted to bang a chick (she said: ''Just for the experience...'')
9. She roam at the streets at midnight (FOR NO REASON)... Yes i hooked up for a few times
10. She skips school tests... (She even told me me to do her best at school so we can hook up for a longer time in school...
But she skipped those tests MEANWHILE she hanging out with that other dude, because they came late in the class while the test ended)

11. She Doesn't have a healthy lifestyle (she skips breakfast and lunch)
12. She hates her mom

13. She has copy of housekeys of her last few exes home.... and that girl asked me in the beginning to come to my home (her first day when she asked me for a relation-ship and date)... she even wanted to stay with me for one night...

NOTE: Her second day at school she followed a friend of me to his home
But my friend does NOT like her AT ALL.
She even travels often with that other guy (no its not my friend) and i ASSUME she went to his home or they were even making out while they were traveling together

But i don't trust this anymore... after summing all those things up

But she still talks passionated to me..
But when i am listening to my music she BEGS for attention, until that other guy arrives

So should i ignore her?
About me:

I am a person with dreams, who wants to travel to Asia
I am a guitarist, who like to have his own band

~ Soulver
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Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
Soulver said:
Also she told me a lot of her past and stuff that turned ME off
like being insecure (in the second week when stuff were hot as fire)
and other things but i have a trick
I consider that a red flag, revealing personal information way too early on. Especially when you're not even officially together.

Soulver said:
When a other guy comes up in our classroom he chilled with my girl ALOT... and VICE VERSA...
Could be nothing to be honest, I wouldn't be bothered because I know she'd be stupid to have the idea of even cheating. But since you're offended by it, simply talk to other girls.

Soulver said:
She texted me ''She hates HERSELF for being with me''
Power play, use of manipulation/guilt. Hope you didn't buy this.

Soulver said:
NOTE: After break up she talks LIKE we are still gf and bf
But when that other dude comes in (no its not her ex bf but an other guy she leaves me for him... And she texts LESS back
That needs to stop, she's into two guys and you make three. She's literally hooking you along it seems. I would treat her like a bro at this point, meaning less texting, less hanging out, and generally less of me.

This girl has some mental issues... and she likes three guys the same time, especially one that abused her. And hook up with that girl for YOU, not to make someone else jealous. That's just screaming insecurity.

Overall I would say you dodged a bullet here to be honest.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 21, 2013
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Make her fck if she's going to hang out with you.

Ignore her. Sounds like that will drive her nuts. Reply to her one time in three and sometimes give her a nice long conversation. Sometimes text other people when you are with her.

This woman sounds nuts to me, if she's not fvking you, fvck her, she is good for nothing, a slor and a gameplayer.


New Member
Oct 6, 2013
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That other guy was number three... She met me 3 weeks earlier than that other guy