Help needed on Approach problem


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
guys, it might be a long one but i need some advice on this because until i can get this right, i would never be able to achieve my dream as a DJ.

ok, approaches are basically of two kinds... cold approach (where she didnt notice you and has no idea about you) and hot approach (when u got her attention and she wants u to approach her)

my questions and problems are as follow but before that i would like to describe myself, my inner self and my outer self too. my inner self is I am a quite a shy boy kind and an introvert to start with and dont open easily until i get comfortable in the environment adn since i am brought up in a conservative society, dating is not so much popular and as i m 21 yrs old, dating naturally means getting into a relationship if i am looking for a quality girl or since it is a conservative society, girls that are mostly sluts are more open to a guy's approach and maybe more adventurous and very much outgoing! and outer self is I am rated >7 by most girls to be modest, as i said in some other thread and i look the soft cute romantic boy kind.

now here are the following questions:

1) regarding cold approaches, i really fear approaching this outgoing kind of girls who wears low revealing tops and low jeans or like that. u know what i mean. if she is very beautiful or with a guyfriend, then it is like out of question. i have seen negging and ****y funny comment as an opener are not quite good, rather if u just start up normally in a different way, that works in opening the girl a bit. man, since i dont go to clubs and all because i return from work by night like 10.00pm so after that i dnt get enough energy to rock in a bar or club. so i basically, i have to depend on the day game (on the streets, at a coffee shop, shopping mall) but theres the WORSE problem. i see them busy like going somewhere or busy in buying or doing something and also that im not loitering around like a jackass on the streets, i have my own life too, so i gotta be beside her or near her to say comment on something or start up a small talk but as u know that happens very less often. and again, it is not a society where girls and boys are supposed to start dating at the age of 13. so it is really some problem for me. how do i go about the day game? any ideas? on how to start up a convo? advice regarding situations? the way to start up?

2) regarding hot approaches, not much prob because i get hit on most of the time (that is a main cause that i havent been so worried about approaching) and most of the time, the girls start a convo with me. but again shy girls here, but still i think i am wiring myself up to make teh move when i get a sign, that also quite a work for me. now, when a girl shows some interest from the first, do u open straight with flirting or just start a natural convo?

guys, i need ur help here and this is a major block in my path to being a DJ.


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2008
Reaction score
Just be yourself man.... if you catch their attention... be yourself and try to be ****y funny guy inmediately... otherwise they'll forget you easily... About trying meet girls during the day ... mmm... yeah most of the time they are in a hurry and won't be so opened... I suggest you to enroll courses as languages, tai chi, kung fu, yoga, capoeira... there you'll find them.... remember, girls love excitment and you must your way to provide that without losing your personality.... As personal experience... due to go really slow with a girl I was completely crazy about her, I lost her, she gave ALL the possible signs and I missed the chance.... now I f***... Recently I met another one and I did the play after a couple of hours of meeting her and it worked, we got laid last weekend, now she's coming to my town this weekend.. So dont waste time with them!