Help me woo this girl.


Don Juan
May 7, 2005
Reaction score
Well what I mean is ...offer me some tips. I'll first explain the situation.

Girl went out with my mate for around 5 months. Treated her like ****, only ****ed once. Poor effort. Most beautiful girl (think Katie Holmes and you have her). She knows shes hot, she knows guys lust after her and she is a very alpha-female. She wears the pants ;).

Ok. So anyway when they were going out me and her actually became quite close ...we would flirt quite a bit but me being my half-afc self wouldn't do a damn thing about it (plus I have morals about my friends). Anyway, she aint with him anymore ...its been about a year. Me and her stopped talking until recently. Chatted to her a bit in a club in the weekend.

I heard she was around so I searched the place trying to find her with a mate but turns out she was actually looking for me and I said hello then went to dance. Walked around later and found her outside, she told me 2 sit down and we just chilled ...

Later on she wanted me to buy her a drink, I refused as said other males probally would go try your luck there. At this point I got absolutely drunk and went to dance (sometimess by myself, I was that drunk haha, good times).

Anyway. Got the school ball coming up so I text and and invited her. Did it in a way that was ****y and she said she would love to come.

Now. I don't want to enter the zone, the friend zone. It's two months away so I have time to remove myself from there and show her my true intentions. I KNOW! This is wrong, I should have PU'd when I first met her but as I said that was me in my old days. I'm getting other girls right now, I just never gone for one that a was in the friend zone with.

Whats your thoughts? I have two months and I plan on keeping you guys updated. I was a total **** to her in the club that night lol. I planned on asking her to the ball so I thought I would confuse her a little.

So, any tips? I want to remove myself from the friend zone. I have read up on it, just wondering if you have any other options.

I have been with quite a few of her friends and she knows I'm a fun guy so thats a plus. And I know if I can seduce her and if I can get her in bed ...she won't be going anywhere for a while.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2002
Reaction score
You can't *remove yourself* from the Friend Zone. If she enjoys your company, and is attracted to you - you're not in the Friend Zone. If she enjoys your company, and isn't attracted to you - you're in the Friend Zone. It's either one or another and there isn't much you can do about it either way. The good news about that is, you can relax and get comfortable instead of trying to DO so much crap to force it to work. If it's going to work, it'll be effortless, trust me.

With that said, most likely she responds most to jerks. Not because "Girls like jerks", but because she's compelled to a great degree of dominance. I can tell this when you said "She wears the pants". She's projecting that dominance that compells her. It's not the JERK she loves, it's the dominance. She's confusing one for the other.

Call her up, call the shots, and tell her to come out with you. Have all the plans set, and lead the way. Open her door, take the initiative. Relax, enjoy yourself, be comfortable, and lead and she'll be yours.



Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
here's my advice:

1.) don't use the word woo.

2.) don't think of her as an alpha female, think of her as just a female. unless she's the president or a CEO of a major corrporation, she's in no way an alpha nor does she wear the pants. if you keep thinking this way, she will not be attracted to you. don't look at her as an equal, look at her as a pitbull looks at a poodle. she's cute, a nice piece of ass, but she's in no way your equal or better then you in any shape or form.

remember how in elementary school, you treated all girls like little brats and didn't take them seriously? well that's the attitude you need to have.

3.) take her out, make your move on her like you would on any other girl. if it doesn't work, then go date another girl. you're either in the friendzone, or you're not. if you are, getting out takes more effort then meeting another b!tch and is not worth it.


Don Juan
May 7, 2005
Reaction score
Ok. I'm trying to shwo the whole 'im not interested in you' thing since I do have a lot of time (2 months). I don't see her that often ..maybe once every three weeks but I could c her more if I wanted.

Sorry about use of woo ;) ...its more popular here in NZ.

I'll start leading more, telling her what to do. She is very dominant. She won't take crap from any guy and she gets what she wants. I'm seeing this as a little test lol.

Any more ideas?