Help me sosuave! I'm so depressed! URGENT


Senior Don Juan
Apr 10, 2006
Reaction score
I'm sitting here crying. There's so much going wrong in my life right now. I didn't get accepted to college, my job sucks, i'm broke, the girl i have been with for the past six months is fading away from me. I just got off the phone and cried my eyes out to the girl i've been seeing for the past 6 months and she wasn't help at any all. I probaly just made things 100 times worse with me and her. How can someone who supposedly care for you just b!tch you out and say she doesn't want to deal with this. If any girl or guy called me crying I would be there in an instant and help them with the problems.

I just turned off this girl completely. She came over today and I was cool and all things were going smooth, but then we started butted heads, she was doing all the wrong things to piss me off. She was acting like it was all about her, trying to get me to do things for her and sh!t, I just flipped out on her. Made her all b!tchy and upset with me, then i started feeling down, she asked to go home, i started feeling so uneasy and upset. I took it out on her, I drove her home with me and her on bad terms.

Now i called her back and was trying to get her to come back to me and help me out with my problems.

She was not comprehending anymore.. she was blowing me off and didn't want to deal with it.. She was trying to get me off of the phone the whole time and i was begging for her support and she was denying it. Why? What should i do. I'm going through depression. What should i do to help?

Having the girl that I really care for over my house supporting me would make me feel so good right now. But she's not there for me! WHY? How can someone just not care that much about me? I seriously need help.'

I don't the girl to completly ignore me and be upset with me. I want to be on good terms with her. I would be there for anyone feeling like this. She just *****ed and *****ed and wanted to get off the phone with me.


Master Don Juan
May 26, 2006
Reaction score
Belle Vernon, PA
Holy shiznit dude!

Danny is back, giving you advice about the same girl problems from your other thread.

But first, let's straghten soimething out, your job sucks, you didn't get accepted to college. So, your point is? Well guess what, you're still young dude! Go apply at other places for jobs, you don't need to find some excellent job that's going to be your career yet, that's for after college.

And about the whole college thing, so the college you wanted didn't accept you. It's not that big of a deal there's plenty of other colleges out there, look into them, there are even other options such as tech schools and stuff. Those ones are usually pretty easy to get into.

It seems to me like you're letting life stress you out way too much man, you really just need to sit back and take a deep breath. Do you really think my life is all together right now? I'm just turning 20, so no, its not. But I'm still enjoying my life. To be honest, I have no idea where I'm going to be a couple years down the road, hell I don't know where I'm going to be tomorrow. But I'm enjoying it, it feels like a wild rollercoaster ride.

And last but not least, about the girl dude. I hope you learn something from this whole experience, because you have an extreme case of being 'pvssy whipped'. I've been tellin you to let her go, to not even look back, and go find some new girls, but you seem to ignore that everytime I say it. There's plenty of girls out right now that want you man, go get 'em. NOW!


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
i this stage girls should be the last priority, fix all the other things in the order that they should be fixed (logically, not emotionally, cos your emotions say that this girl is no.1, but logically she's not)....then go get someone else, there's almost nothing you can do to get her back, trust me. I've been there before.
Aug 8, 2005
Reaction score
The Cold North.
MacDiddy said:
and this is just going to go round in circles...
I've got a song, I ain't got no melody
I'ma gonna sing it to my friends
I've got a song, I ain't got no melody
I' ma gonna sing it to my friends

Will it go round in circles
Will it fly high like a bird up in the sky
Will it go round in circles
Will it fly high like a bird up in the sky

I've got a story, ain't got no moral
Let the bad guy win every once in a while
I've got a story, ain't got no moral
Let the bad guy win every once in a while

Will it go round in circles
Will it fly high like a bird up in the sky
Will it go round in circles
Will it fly high like a bird up in the sky

I've got a dance, I ain't got no steps, no
I'm gonna let the music move me around
I've got a dance, I ain't got no steps
I'm gonna let the music move me around

Will it go round in circles
Will it fly high like a bird up in the sky
Will it go round in circles
Will it fly high like a bird up in the sky

[Instrumental Interlude]

And so forth....


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2003
Reaction score
You're depressed? THAT'S GREAT!! :) Now you know what it feels like to fail. In the days ahead, when you ARE successful in all areas of life, you'll be able to use this memory to help you stay on track and keep you motivated to remain successful! So now what? TAKE CONTROL! You're being fvcked left and right by circumstances and it's time to step up and show em who's boss! This is gonna take some balls, but with everything being as bad as it is, you've got no way to go but UP!! :) Here's what you do:

1) Dump the cold-hearted b1tch. Call her and say "I just realized what a stone-cold cvnt you are. Fvck off and i don't wanna hear from you ever again." Then hang up and move on. If she calls, pick up, say "fvck off" and hang up again.
2) Quit your sh1tty job. Unless you're depending on the money to SURVIVE (i.e. live on your own with ZERO savings), you should be able to do that. Quitting will give you a huge boost of confidence and faith (just as dumping the b1tch will) and will motivate you to act quickly to find a better job! Send out 100 resumes tonight, and next week, start calling them all to follow up!
3) Figure out how to get your marks in order. I'm not sure what's going on with your college, but figure out a way to get in ASAP and get cracking! If you have to go to summer school to improve your marks, do it!
4) Put on a pair of sneakers, track pants and a t-shirt, hop in the car (or on the bus) and head down to your nearest gym. Pay them the 50 bucks and open up a membership. Go lift some heavy-ass weights and then go for a swim. While you're there, talk to as many chicks as you can.

Do all this and you're gonna feel like a MILLION BUCKS! Guaranteed! Do you know why? Because then, you'll be in FULL CONROL of your life! You'll have the peace of mind that comes with knowing that everything will be ALRIGHT, because it'll all work out according to YOUR DESIGN! Have fun!! :)


Don Juan
May 31, 2006
Reaction score
Krassus said:
You're depressed? THAT'S GREAT!! :) Now you know what it feels like to fail. In the days ahead, when you ARE successful in all areas of life, you'll be able to use this memory to help you stay on track and keep you motivated to remain successful! So now what? TAKE CONTROL! You're being fvcked left and right by circumstances and it's time to step up and show em who's boss! This is gonna take some balls, but with everything being as bad as it is, you've got no way to go but UP!! :) Here's what you do:

1) Dump the cold-hearted b1tch. Call her and say "I just realized what a stone-cold cvnt you are. Fvck off and i don't wanna hear from you ever again." Then hang up and move on. If she calls, pick up, say "fvck off" and hang up again.
2) Quit your sh1tty job. Unless you're depending on the money to SURVIVE (i.e. live on your own with ZERO savings), you should be able to do that. Quitting will give you a huge boost of confidence and faith (just as dumping the b1tch will) and will motivate you to act quickly to find a better job! Send out 100 resumes tonight, and next week, start calling them all to follow up!
3) Figure out how to get your marks in order. I'm not sure what's going on with your college, but figure out a way to get in ASAP and get cracking! If you have to go to summer school to improve your marks, do it!
4) Put on a pair of sneakers, track pants and a t-shirt, hop in the car (or on the bus) and head down to your nearest gym. Pay them the 50 bucks and open up a membership. Go lift some heavy-ass weights and then go for a swim. While you're there, talk to as many chicks as you can.

Do all this and you're gonna feel like a MILLION BUCKS! Guaranteed! Do you know why? Because then, you'll be in FULL CONROL of your life! You'll have the peace of mind that comes with knowing that everything will be ALRIGHT, because it'll all work out according to YOUR DESIGN! Have fun!! :)
I second that a million times!!! Im in a very similar position. I quit my job right before I left for my vacation(which was about a month ago) They kept promising me better pay and a hiegher position and never came through so i just left. I did not get into any colleges last year so I took a year off. Im going to school in august. I ended a weird as relationship with a girl I I thought I could not forget.(a whole other long as story... bad case of oneitis.) Found a new chick and now im very happy. I think you should do the same except get a better job and apply to comunity college.... its cheaper than major colleges and then just transfer. Once you have a better job and start going to school start focusing on finding a better girl. Good Luck! Only you can help yourself... we can only push you to help yourself, we cant make the final decision for you.


Master Don Juan
Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
You didnt get accepted to college ? Anybody can go to college, the losers just go to community schools. Sounds to me like you have a lack of motivation if your life and you expect things to be handed to you w/o any effort.

Karma's a ***** huh ?

Now you can learn from this. Stop smoking, drinking, or w/e your doing to fvck up your life. Go to a community college, get the grades up, then apply to a better college.

I'd feel sorry for you, but your making it hard. You've only been dating her for 6 months, and since you're applying to schools, you're probably only 17 or 18.

You're a TEENAGER. You're about to be a man. Quit whining about women. Quit worrying about whether you want to stay with her or not. Do you plan on marrying this girl at 21 ? Do u wanna bone just ONE girl your entire life ?

No ? I didnt think so. So take it as a blessing, and start getting with other girls.


Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Hmm... Depressed you say? Here is what you do...

1.Download MSN messanger
2.Then go to contacts and add

I can't post advice about this on the forum, its too personal, but if you add me I might be able to help you.




Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
girlsarecrazy said:
I'm sitting here crying. There's so much going wrong in my life right now. I didn't get accepted to college, my job sucks, i'm broke, the girl i have been with for the past six months is fading away from me. I just got off the phone and cried my eyes out to the girl i've been seeing for the past 6 months and she wasn't help at any all. I probaly just made things 100 times worse with me and her. How can someone who supposedly care for you just b!tch you out and say she doesn't want to deal with this. If any girl or guy called me crying I would be there in an instant and help them with the problems.

I just turned off this girl completely. She came over today and I was cool and all things were going smooth, but then we started butted heads, she was doing all the wrong things to piss me off. She was acting like it was all about her, trying to get me to do things for her and sh!t, I just flipped out on her. Made her all b!tchy and upset with me, then i started feeling down, she asked to go home, i started feeling so uneasy and upset. I took it out on her, I drove her home with me and her on bad terms.

Now i called her back and was trying to get her to come back to me and help me out with my problems.

She was not comprehending anymore.. she was blowing me off and didn't want to deal with it.. She was trying to get me off of the phone the whole time and i was begging for her support and she was denying it. Why? What should i do. I'm going through depression. What should i do to help?

Having the girl that I really care for over my house supporting me would make me feel so good right now. But she's not there for me! WHY? How can someone just not care that much about me? I seriously need help.'

I don't the girl to completly ignore me and be upset with me. I want to be on good terms with her. I would be there for anyone feeling like this. She just *****ed and *****ed and wanted to get off the phone with me.

I am coming round to give you a ***** slap, you big fu**ing baby, stop crying, grab your balls and go back out there.

Do it!


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
Krassus said:
You're depressed? THAT'S GREAT!! :) Now you know what it feels like to fail. In the days ahead, when you ARE successful in all areas of life, you'll be able to use this memory to help you stay on track and keep you motivated to remain successful! So now what? TAKE CONTROL! You're being fvcked left and right by circumstances and it's time to step up and show em who's boss! This is gonna take some balls, but with everything being as bad as it is, you've got no way to go but UP!! :) Here's what you do:

1) Dump the cold-hearted b1tch. Call her and say "I just realized what a stone-cold cvnt you are. Fvck off and i don't wanna hear from you ever again." Then hang up and move on. If she calls, pick up, say "fvck off" and hang up again.
2) Quit your sh1tty job. Unless you're depending on the money to SURVIVE (i.e. live on your own with ZERO savings), you should be able to do that. Quitting will give you a huge boost of confidence and faith (just as dumping the b1tch will) and will motivate you to act quickly to find a better job! Send out 100 resumes tonight, and next week, start calling them all to follow up!
3) Figure out how to get your marks in order. I'm not sure what's going on with your college, but figure out a way to get in ASAP and get cracking! If you have to go to summer school to improve your marks, do it!
4) Put on a pair of sneakers, track pants and a t-shirt, hop in the car (or on the bus) and head down to your nearest gym. Pay them the 50 bucks and open up a membership. Go lift some heavy-ass weights and then go for a swim. While you're there, talk to as many chicks as you can.

Do all this and you're gonna feel like a MILLION BUCKS! Guaranteed! Do you know why? Because then, you'll be in FULL CONROL of your life! You'll have the peace of mind that comes with knowing that everything will be ALRIGHT, because it'll all work out according to YOUR DESIGN! Have fun!! :)


Don Juan
May 31, 2006
Reaction score
Wiesman44 said:
Do you plan on marrying this girl at 21 ? Do u wanna bone just ONE girl your entire life ?

No ? I didnt think so. So take it as a blessing, and start getting with other girls.
Everyone had a different opinion. Some people do not want to "bone" many girls. Some people find that special someone at a very young age. my parents married each other when they were around 20 years old and they are still together and enjoying their sex life. Im very closer to my father than to my mom, and he tells me he is the happiest man in the world and has never even thought about cheating on her. EVERYONE is different. But I do agree that this girl is not for him, find someone new and get to know her.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
She didn't wanna know about your sh!t cos she's not your mother...quite simple really.
You're the man and whether you like it or not it's your job to take all the sh!t that life throws at you,wipe it off and get on with're supposed to be HER rock,HER strength...YOU are your rock,YOU are the one you go to in times of trouble...don't whine,don't whinge...go out into the world and fix it.

You big girl's blouse.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
Ted said:
She didn't wanna know about your sh!t cos she's not your mother...quite simple really.
You're the man and whether you like it or not it's your job to take all the sh!t that life throws at you,wipe it off and get on with're supposed to be HER rock,HER strength...YOU are your rock,YOU are the one you go to in times of trouble...don't whine,don't whinge...go out into the world and fix it.
I agree. NEVER EVER moan to your girlfriend about your everyday problems. It shows weakness, it makes her uneasy and drags her mood down, and it shows her you are incapable of dealing with life. In short, it makes you appear less attractive.

I'm not saying it's right, but as men we have to suck it up and deal with it, and when the girlfriend asks how you are, you put on a fake smile and say "Fine thanks!" Meanwhile, you go out and find a solution.

That's not to say you should bottle up all your problems and never talk about them, but go and talk to a friend or indeed your mother about it instead.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Holy **** man! I just finished Xuma's Alpha Male Cd1 the other day. I don't know how his techniques are as I've heard him say some things I didn't agree with in the past, but his inner game stuff on Cd1 was pretty good. I strongly suggest you check it out.
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
girlsarecrazy said:
...and was trying to get her to come back to me and help me out with my problems.
Men don't go to women for solving their problems!! This makes you look weak!

If she was a good woman she would have seen your despair before you pleaded and cried to her - she would have seen your pain and as a woman she would have naturally consoled and comforted you; however. these women are hors today and thus are outside of their feminine natures as women and are cold hearted - thus she would prefer to throw salt in your wounds instead of bandaging them!!!

Go to your mama!


Don Juan
May 31, 2006
Reaction score
Well considering they are in a LTR of 6 months, You would think a mature girl would show to compasion. I think she is still immature. Then again all of us are. When I look for a LTR I try to find a girl that wont just laugh at your problems. Do the same.