Help, I'm in China...


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2008
Reaction score

Ive been living in China for the past 3 months. It has been quite an emotional rollercoaster for me these past couple months. I cancelled my plane ticket home, my parents and friends don't know where I am, I don't have a job, and I don't have a visa to live in China. But somehow everything has been OK.

The background:
I'm 21. I just recently graduated from acc at university in the states. For two years I had sat next to, talked to, and studied with a beautiful HB9 asian girl. We were inseperable most of the time and close friends. We were very compatible classmates, we did everything academic together (projects, tests, assignments, studying). I dreamed about her and she remained my college sweetheart, my oneitis. I made moves on her, but she had an asian boyfriend of a year or two and always told me off.

She was going to be studying abroad in China for her final semester (this semester), while I graduated early in the winter. I am quite a traveller and have taken long backpacking trips across Europe and Africa, but I'd never been to Asia. Since I had never been before, I figured it would be a good time to go, since another one of friends would be in Hong Kong, and we'd hang out together. So it was settled, HB9 and I would meet up in China for a week, hang out, and then I'd go off to live in europe until grad school starts.

The night of my graduation, things got sexual between me and her (I gave her an ultimatum: either this happens now or goodbye). We f.cked and she cheated on her boyfriend. She then later broke up with her boyfriend after I left (We were a month apart, as I was traveling around asia) because he wasn't going to visit her in China.

We now have been living here for 3 months, together, f.cking. I have never been with a girl like her, who is both beautiful and damn sexy, yet still does very well in school and is successfull (we both have offers from the Big4 acc firms after we get back). We've taken trips together around Asia. It has basically been my dream, I don't think I could get any happier.

The situation:
We haven't told each other we loved each other. We are both crazy for each other though. We've brought up marriage, the things I need to do to get her family to like me (speak chinese, don't act like a white guy...), and how beautiful and exotic our children would look like. I am very serious about her, I think we would be very successful and happy together.

I am truly happy. I am truly happy because I am with her. Being with her is like listening to your favorite band (for me, Radiohead). It is a high state; a level of bliss. She inspires me to be a better person, to succeed. I hope I do the same for her and support her and her desire to achieve.

The problem:
I want to move to Europe and get a small job there for a little bit before I start grad school and start my full time offer in the corporate world. I havent lived there since I was a child, and I'd like to go back and get an apartment, job, and build a network of friends. Basically reconnect with my roots. This move would only be for 3 months, until I start grad school.

Also, once we do get back to america, we will be living in different cities. Ill be going to grad school in southern california, and she'll be working full time in northern california. My masters program is only a 9 month program, and Ive brought up I could visit her once a month, and how she might fly down to see me.

I'm afraid of leaving China and moving to Europe because of her. I dont want to lose a good thing. We've talked about how things will be back in America... it will be very difficult long distance relationship with me going to grad school in one city and her working in another. But after grad school we will be working in the same city (my offer is also for northern california).

My lease on my flat here is up April 30. I can extend to May 31. I haven't bought plane tickets yet because I dont know when to leave. I would like to go to Europe as soon as possible but if I go on April 30, I still want her to be my girlfriend and wait for when we get back to america. If that's not possible for us to remain apart for so long, I want to spend as much time as possible with her here in China before we both go seperate ways. My Europe dream, I suppose, can wait if that's the case.

The questions:
How should I keep this relationship healthy?

Can we be apart for 3 months? If not, should I stay in China as long as possible to savor what time I can with her? When should I leave China?

I'm worried that she cheated on her last bf with me, can she remain faithful if we are apart for so long?

Do I really have a chance with this girl?

Should I consider marriage?


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
You do realise that you need to be 25+ to post in the Mature Man forum?

Anyway, so you have one-itis for a "classy" girl who cheated on her boyfriend of several years because you gave her an "ultimatum" of having sex with you or not. And you even considered marriage with this girl? You've had your fun, now get out and get out fast.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2004
Reaction score
Jitterbug said:
You do realise that you need to be 25+ to post in the Mature Man forum?

Anyway, so you have one-itis for a "classy" girl who cheated on her boyfriend of several years because you gave her an "ultimatum" of having sex with you or not. And you even considered marriage with this girl? You've had your fun, now get out and get out fast.

Ditto. :up: