Help!!! Girl acting aloof and confusing!


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
I will layout my situation using numbers for order:

1. Met HB 8 (20 years old) at a night club one friday night, instant chemistry and connection did the number close ..

2. Called her up the next evening saturday, talked for half hour and set up date for sunday evening.

3. Pic her up ... and same strong chemistry is there.... great date for 5 hours.

4. drop her off and get the good night kiss and she says she wants to see me again.....

5. she calls me on tuesday night professing her attraction and strong desire to see me again very soon... I tell her ok wednesday is fine...

6. Wednesday evening she texts and flakes saying some important school issue came up. I get very angry since she asked to see me in the first place. I called her and expressed my displeasure and said we should rechedule for thursday she then countered with friday.. which annoyed me but I said ok cool , then she asked if i preffered thursday. I said yes.

7. Thursday night she took me to a fashion show she payed and then we went back to her room were i got to 3.5 base... I did not try to F-close cause she said she thought it was too soon.

8. She called me friday night said she felt rushed in the situation...

9. i called her sat at 1 pm to hangout she said SHE was busy and would call back, she called back at 11pm and i was out with friends and missed her call.

10. sunday I call and she has an attitude, said she wanted to come to my place when she called me the night before, i told her we could hang out sunday she said she had to work..

11. We talk on the phone she says she like me alot and that we will eventually have sex. but I have not been able to see her since and she says she will call me when she has time to hang out...



May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
Sounds like you've ran into a female player. She's playing the game right back at you. Her initial high IL was just to suck you in, so she could wrap you around her finger, then have you as one of her branches, kissing up to her constantly.

She was all snotty on Sunday because she tried calling you Sat night at 11pm for a booty call and you were too busy, she expected you to be at home waiting for her HAHA.

Keep up your attack, play the game right back at her. Let her contact you and set something up and go from their.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
MacAvoy said:
Sounds like you've ran into a female player. She's playing the game right back at you. Her initial high IL was just to suck you in, so she could wrap you around her finger, then have you as one of her branches, kissing up to her constantly.

She was all snotty on Sunday because she tried calling you Sat night at 11pm for a booty call and you were too busy, she expected you to be at home waiting for her HAHA.

Keep up your attack, play the game right back at her. Let her contact you and set something up and go from their.
Yeh you are right.. but the wait is killing me..LOL I really like her and its sad she is playing this game and wasting time that we could use to have fun.. I can tell she is teasing and playing... If she keeps this up too long I might have to get another woman to keep my happy while I wait for her to wise up..


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
Re read this, Don:

Wednesday evening she texts and flakes saying some important school issue came up. I get very angry since she asked to see me in the first place. I called her and expressed my displeasure and said we should rechedule for thursday she then countered with friday.. which annoyed me but I said ok cool , then she asked if i preffered thursday. I said yes.

OK, got that?

YOU got 'angry' because this chick HAS A LIFE outside of YOU!

You are EXTREMELY, I mean WAYYYYYYYYY too needy and possessive.
this chick is fine, she's OK, pretty typical.
She actually called you and conter offered too, she told you that she will have sex with you.

YOU'RE the one with the problem, dude.
You are desperate for sex and her attention.

by 'getting angry" and being forced to show your 'displeasure' shows lack of control, and shows neediness and attempts at trying to control her , 'get her' and possess her.

learn how to control your anger issues, and learn how to stop being desperate and needy.

She is not aloof or confusing.

You just have to stop being needy,easily angered, and lose control.
And let women do their thing, while you stop 'reacting' to them.

This type of situation happens when you lack options and place too much weight, emphasis, meaning, and importance on some female, especially one you barely know.


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2008
Reaction score
She just thinks of you strictly as a sexual relationship or future one right now. She has no feelings whatsoever attached so at this point you shouldn't either and just play it cool and call her when you are out at night drinking for a hookup. If you think you might be starting to really like her, wait until you bang her a couple of times and try to progress talk about the situation slowly in the future.


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
zinc64 said:
If you think you might be starting to really like her, wait until you bang her a couple of times and try to progress talk about the situation slowly in the future.
BOLD = AFC (don't do)


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2008
Reaction score
MacAvoy said:
BOLD = AFC (don't do)
OMG dude, if you know anything about what you are doing this not AFC. I'm assuming the OP has enough sense to guage by her actions and interest level when she is feeling this way first. I'm talking about after like two months after she starts falling for him then he can open things up a little very slowly. AFC is being too scared to do anything real and keeping things fake the entire thing\ either by falling head over heels in lust too early or by parading around as some super cool jerk the entire time. Both equal AFC in my mind.


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
zinc64 said:
OMG dude, if you know anything about what you are doing this not AFC. I'm assuming the OP has enough sense to guage by her actions and interest level when she is feeling this way first. I'm talking about after like two months after she starts falling for him then he can open things up a little very slowly. AFC is being too scared to do anything real and keeping things fake the entire thing\ either by falling head over heels in lust too early or by parading around as some super cool jerk the entire time. Both equal AFC in my mind.

Sorry dude but I've been here a long time and have been around the block many times. I know what I'm talking about and am willing to bet, most experienced guys would back me up on this one. Heck its even in the bible,

Becoming exclusive with a woman means the both of you talk about not dating or seeing anyone else. The dating with others comes to an end.
Never ask a women to become exclusive. She must ask YOU. She must talk about it FIRST.
Why? If a woman hasn't asked you yet it means she is still open to seeing others. She still has DOUBTS about you. Highly interested women don't want you going out with other women.

A woman asking for exclusivity is like a 'marriage proposal'. She is cementing and laying the foundation for true intimacy.
She wants something that's lasting. It is the ULTIMATE test of interest, guys. She is 'proposing'.

If you ask first, you will never know her true interest level. Why didn't she bring it up? How come she is still letting you see others? Why isn't she CLOSING her options? Is she seeing someone else?

Think about it.



Don Juan
Jan 29, 2008
Reaction score
MacAvoy said:
Sorry dude but I've been here a long time and have been around the block many times. I know what I'm talking about and am willing to bet, most experienced guys would back me up on this one. Heck its even in the bible,


I'm sure your style works, but there are always alternatives to things and believe me, I know what I'm talking about. It's a good thing if you do it right and you like the girl.
Jul 31, 2007
Reaction score
Why do people cite the DJ Bible as if it even means anything?

Because some keyboard jockey wrote a post on an obscure internet forum almost a decade ago it becomes the be all end all and answer to everyone's dating dilemmas? Please.

OP, the reply by Interceptor above is perfect. Read that until it seeps into your mind.


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
LeComteDeMonteCristo said:
Why do people cite the DJ Bible as if it even means anything?
Did you read ALL of my posts? I gave the OP advice, the only reason I cited the bible was to back up what I was saying to zinc who was trying to have the original poster act AFC.

LeComteDeMonteCristo said:
OP, the reply by Interceptor above is perfect. Read that until it seeps into your mind.
I agree 100% with what Interceptor said.


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2008
Reaction score
Some great posts, just keep the contact sopradic, build your mystery, get on with your life, you must demonstrate you are stronger emotionally and mentally than she is.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Interceptor said:
Re read this, Don:

OK, got that?

YOU got 'angry' because this chick HAS A LIFE outside of YOU!

You are EXTREMELY, I mean WAYYYYYYYYY too needy and possessive.
this chick is fine, she's OK, pretty typical.
She actually called you and conter offered too, she told you that she will have sex with you.

YOU'RE the one with the problem, dude.
You are desperate for sex and her attention.

by 'getting angry" and being forced to show your 'displeasure' shows lack of control, and shows neediness and attempts at trying to control her , 'get her' and possess her.

learn how to control your anger issues, and learn how to stop being desperate and needy.

She is not aloof or confusing.

You just have to stop being needy,easily angered, and lose control.
And let women do their thing, while you stop 'reacting' to them.

This type of situation happens when you lack options and place too much weight, emphasis, meaning, and importance on some female, especially one you barely know.
That is soo in point and I know why... See I HAD options, A STABLE OF 4 GIRLS ON CALL THAT I WAS GETTING SEX FROM... Then in one week they all left me alone to look for more emotional relationships... So yes I am needy and desperate and it messed up my game....=( Also this girl really appealed to me.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
zinc64 said:
She just thinks of you strictly as a sexual relationship or future one right now. She has no feelings whatsoever attached so at this point you shouldn't either and just play it cool and call her when you are out at night drinking for a hookup. If you think you might be starting to really like her, wait until you bang her a couple of times and try to progress talk about the situation slowly in the future.
I am very impatient when i find a woman I like alot... its hard to go slow.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
BigAL said:
Some great posts, just keep the contact sopradic, build your mystery, get on with your life, you must demonstrate you are stronger emotionally and mentally than she is.
i am stronger than her in all aspects but I know what i like and want as soon as I see it... I know she needs her time to develop. My impatience will spoil this for me I know but oh well I guess if it was meant to be then it would be.