help badly needed. messed situation


New Member
Jan 24, 2003
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hi everybody, im 17 yrs old and i never had an actual gf. i met this girl about 2 weeks ago through a friend and things have gone great since. me and her got really close and we see eachother every single day. i have never felt better about anyone from the opposite sex and i think shes absolutely perfect for me. theres only one problem, she has a boyfriend who lives with her at her parents house. her relationship with him has been on and off even though she doesnt quite like him very much but its wierd for her to be living with him and not to go out with him. her parents dont apreciate him very much and he is done school and currently in work. i think that he should move out like he was supposed to and stop living off her parents. she told me she likes me a lot and we had a few heart to heart talks and its just great. i dont want to wind up getting hurt or tossed to the side after being pretty close to her because it happened to me about 3 months ago with another girl. i dont know what to do, and i dont know what to tell her as far as advice goes because i know what i want and what really should happen but i dont want to be rude and tell her to kick his ass out. i hope someone can be nice enough to help me cause i just cant stop thinking about her. thank you all very much for your time. any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Don Juan
Jan 9, 2003
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Toronto, ON
I'll tell you what: I'll save you from the wrath of the Master and Senior DJ's.

i have never felt better about anyone from the opposite sex and i think shes absolutely perfect for me.
You're 17? ^ That's probably the biggest crock of BS I've ever heard. You're deffinitely infatuated with this girl. Thats a terrible thing.

i just cant stop thinking about her.
There's your problem buddy.

It's too much for me to relay to you, but all I can say is please read the bible. If you have, then you must have skipped the first 10 or so sections. When you read it, I hope you'll understand why the question sounds stupid.

DJ Bible

The only complication that I see, is that she lives with her on and off boyfriend. Face it man, you can't do anything about him. Even if you tell her to kick him out, I seriously doubt shell listen to you and take your advise. Ill tell you why. Cuz it's not her decision.

You shouldn't be threatened by him if you seriously think youre doing good with her. If she likes you, she'll like you. If she says she still likes him, get rid of her. Just read the bible.


New Member
Jan 24, 2003
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hey thanks for the info, i havent read my bible in a long time but the thing is, im not like completely hopelessly in love with her or anything, im not exactly infatuated, i just think shes an awesome person. me and her were open about our past and stuff, i know lots about her and i would just like to find out more. maybe i crossed the line by saying shes perfect for me and stuff its just that i honestly have never seen so much good in a person before. shes not the most beautiful girl in the world so our relationship is on more of an intellectual and spiritual level cause we are actually open about god and our beliefs and thats about it for now. i wanna become good friends before it goes anywhere but i wanna somewhat plan it out so i dont wind up completely alone again. thank you very much for your reply, if u can get anymore advice from anyone perhaps family or something please do. anyone else got anything?
Dec 23, 2002
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Rehoboth, MA
Ah, you AFC fool. Don't you realize that your thought patterns are counterproductive to your aims? Go RTFB and FTOW while your at it.


New Member
Jan 24, 2003
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im completely lost with the afc and whatnot. please retype it longhand.

the lionheart

Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
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Merritt Island, FL
afc - average frustrated chump.

the aformentioned advice probably seems critical and harsh but theyre right. i hate to say it but i know a lot of people who've been in your shoes with infatuation and it gets you no where.