well after working out for a year here is what ive observed. basically up to this point ive done strictly heavy weight low reps. i started out a year ago weighing 150 and could max out benching 7 reps of 115. now i can do 4 reps of 250. ive put on 30 pounds and have gotten noticeably bigger. not to mention i dont work out my legs, just arms and chest. now that ive gotten way stronger, i now wanna focus on not improving my strength, but i now want to shape my arms. my arm muscles are just pretty much big at this point. i want to have rippling muscles rather than just bulk muscle. i want my muscle to show. i dont wanna get any bigger, just wanna be able to slide credit cards through my muscles if you know what i mean. i ask this after my health teacher, who works out intensely and can bench 435, told the girls in my class this; alot of girls worry that working out will make them bigger. his suggestion was to do light weights and high reps. does this sound like something i should do? i think it sounds like it. any ideas?