Heart Palpitations


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
I get them more and more frequently now. Just about everyday. It can happen when I hold my breath, though usually it just happens at random. I've had this for about a year and a half now. i tried talking to my doctor, she just says it's normal for teens to have this happen to. Well I'm sure, but listen *****, everyday is not normal. Something is wrong.

My heart feels heavy every time I go from standing or sitting upright to laying down on my back immediately. It feels like it's gonna get palpitations, but then I breathe faster suddenly and it feels normal. I don't know what it is. I think maybe my body is producing more testosterone than HGH so my heart isn't able to grow stronger as fast as my skeletal muscles, but then again, I have no way to know if that's true or not :crazy: .

When exercising, I'm not gonna go easier, that's pvssy sh!t right there. If it happens, then I will completely stop until it subsides. But until then, I'm not going easier. My blood pressure is usually something like 148/63, or 153/60. Occasionally I'll get something wierd like 154/49, which doesn't happen everyday, but still happens every once in a while. Maybe I have really thick blood but not a lot of it, or maybe the opposite? My dad has high blood pressure and so did his dad. It seems like isolated systolic hypertension. :cry: :cry: :cry:

So, anyone have any other ideas as to what's going on? :confused: :confused: :confused:


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2009
Reaction score
U.S. East
I only felt like this in high school, where I had to go between 10 floors in between periods, and a time period where I ate too little and didn't sleep enough. Went away.

Go see a cardiologist and get her to check you out.