TillTheEndOfTime said:
EXACTLY. Thank you. God.
It frustrates me to no end when guys go after only the "plastic" looking HB8-10's with 10 lbs of makeup on and then complain about the same results over and over. Then they go on to say that "all" women are "crazy". Bullsh1t. Just stop going for the same type of girl.
These guys are just as bad as the crazy chicks that they go after.
Because, like the women who do the same thing, theyre focusing solely on looks and attraction - not quality and compatibility. They see someone who's hot, exciting, and dangerous, and jump right in - avoiding all the red flags in the process. But, hot people arent the most common type out there, and everyone wants them, so it over-rides every negative quality you can think of.
In the end, all those attractive qualities are only good for short-term fun. The goosebumps, excitement, unpredictability... Its all lust and infatuation. But people want that + quality, so they stick around in hopes of things getting better, and try changing them - only to find out what they knew deep down was the case all along - just another troubled / dysfunctional hottie who's only good for sex. Some people dont realize this until its too late.
This is something you learn through experience: looks ARENT the most important factor, fake / troubled / bad hotties ARENT relationship material, red flags ARENT to be avoided, and so forth.
I think theres also a sense of desperation involved, and the need to MAKE this one work, because everyone has a specific type they go after. Once they find that type - all logic goes out the window, they rush in heart first, and make the same dreadful mistakes over and over. And also, people tend to attract what they are, seek after what is familiar, etc. Change isnt always that easy, but becomes necessary with enough failure.
Thats why its vital to have self-control and sufficient standards; to think with your head and pay attention, and etc. Especially if these patterns keep repeating themselves... You MUST take a step back and realize whats going on, and change your standards as necessary. Its not always a lack of "game" thats the problem, but choosing awful / toxic people to pursue and get involved with.
So, its not always so simple, and I think everyone makes these mistakes. ****, I did it for a good decade. lolz.
The same thing also applies to friendships. You learn to "hang out" with (or avoid) the cool / bad types who party or whatever... Shoot the **** once in a while... Maybe go out... Acquaintances at best... OTOH, you befriend the quality ones who you can trust, talk to normally, wont backstab you, etc... Just decent people all around.
This is another mistake people make - for the same reasons, and with the same results - only to end up with a bunch of fake people in their lives. You gotta categorize and separate the good from the bad, and treat them accordingly.