HB9. Everyone says she likes me.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
Well there's this hb9. Everyone goes crazy about her. Guys at my college were swarming her, people i know think she's mad hot, and anywhere we go someone hits on her. She's has a major princess complex, gold digger, and b1tchy attitude. Except never to me.

met her in a class that we were both in. Just from one glance at her i knew she was the super b1tchy im too good for you type. it was too much drama for me so i never bothered talking to her. We coincidentally found a mutual interest one day discussing what i missed in class and then we hit it off in a friendly way. I helped her with some resume work since i had free time and don't mind lending a hand and she apparently grew up with a lot of my child hood friends so i considered it like helping a friend. I kept a distance as to not be used or made a fool of like most girls would use guys.

one day she found out i was eating lunch and after she left campus drove all the way back to eat with me. as we met up another guy she knew was trying to holla at her. He's white and i'm asian and she's half so i thought it was pretty funny. she was polite enoguh to say hi back and basically just told him she was leaving. when the guy asked where she said none of his business and grabbed me and started walking. i thought it was pretty hot, how she knew how to tell guys to fvck off.

for the next 2 months she calls me weekly and texts me weekly just to talk and tell me about her job situation. I keep all conversations under a minute and keep the texts to a minimum just because i normally do those things and plus i still felt she had an ulterior motive and i wasn't so much interested in her since i felt like she wanted something.

i find out she has a boyfriend around this time when she adds me on facebook but i don't really care since i have nothing invested in her. Everything stays the same until we agree to hang out since school's out and she's about to leave the country in 3 weeks. I don't see anything wrong about it and see it as a friendly gesture, i have nothing invested and don't mind having a good time. We schedule a lunch and she reschedules for next week. I was kind of pissed because i decided to go out to eat with her for her sake so i decided if she flaked again it was off. so lunch the next week was good until the day of....

she tells me she already ate lunch and that we should go to dinner. I kind of get thinking that she might be interested but then this chick can pull any guy she wants so i just think that i'm over thinking things and just agree. 2 hours before we head out i hit the gym. when i get back home i notice a missed call. i decide to shower first before a call back and right when i get out of the shower i get a nother call. i pick up and she ask's me where we're going and what should she wear.

me:"Wear what you normally would wear going to a dinner."

hb9:"What are you wearing?"

me:"umm... clothes, i suggest you wear some too. but it is hot outside so if you don't want to i don't think you'll be cold."

hb9:"hahaha shut up. is a dress okay?"

me:"ya. just wear whatever your comfortable with. i just got home, i'll give u a call when im 10 minutes away."

we eat dinner blah blah blah.

i order some wine for myself she doesn't want any. i get carded and she makes some comment like hahaha why are u drinking wine...you own a club you probably are sick of that stuff....

once she says that gold digger comes right to my head.....

but i haven't given her one thing or bought her anything so i'm still half doubting this and just continue. dinner finishes and i pay, she offers but i decline and tell her next time.

as we get to the car i still think we're only friends since i have no interest. i wouldn't mind banging her but all the drama associated with her i didn't want to bother. it doesn't hurt to have a hb9 as a friend i thought. As i start driving away i ask her if she's ready to go home. she's says "let's go bowling!"

my initial reaction was

"What..Just me and you?"
as if i thought it was weird....since i did(she has a bf, i think we're friends, etc.)

she then says we can call up some friends and i say i'll call my cuz since we're mutual friends.

we start talking for a little bit and we about 10 mintues away from the bowling place and we both forget to call people. I call my cuz and he doesn't pick up and she suggest that we both go alone. I'm down.

we bowl and i'm a sweat machine and since i haven't been to the gym for a year and a half...(just got out of a bpd relationship and gained 40 pounds....lost 20 at that time though)

i went to the bathroom to wipe sweat off my face like 5 times and she never mentioned it which i thought was cool... if she did i wouldn't care anyway since i do sweat alot.

she tells me i should quit smoking. she pays for the bill since i paid for dinner she said.

we leave and i ask if she's ready to go home.

she said she wanted to visit her dad's shop to see if he was still there. he's there really late sometimes she said...(its 1am already)

we get there and he's obviously not there and then she ask's me.....

"want to come in?"


"lets go make a shirt!"

once she said that i knew 100% it was a fvcking date. even though i knew it was a date i wasn't sure how interested she was.

since that day.....i thought she might have been an Attention ***** so i was still cautious.

She invited me to her family's july 4th event......i said maybe..

then i realized that her bf would probably be there if she said she was going to invite me.... she probably loves drama and wants her bf and i to meet each other... i decide last minute to not go and go work at the club instead.

turns out her relationship is long distance and her bf did not go.

she invited me out to another family event and i showed up. met all her sisters and family. they're all mad fine(sisters). we eat lunch a few times afterwards and her family even catches us eating lunch which they don't care. they actually like me since they know my family...(my family is pretty well known in the chinese community...some im assuming her family is telling her to stick to me)

truthfully i have no money. i take no money from my parents, i pay for all my bills and i'm broke now. she knows this.

i still distance myself from her since i've been very cautious to protect myself since my bpd relationship.

i keep thinking she wants something from me...money, attention, but not me.

we end up going out one more time before she leaves. we eat lunch, her parents stop by to pick up some food at the restaurant we're at and go home to eat. they see us and smile happily. after we're done, she suggest we get ice cream and we do. they ask's if i want to see a movie.

once again i get fvcking confused...but she's insists that i go and i finally agree. the movie doesn't start for an hour and a half so we stop by and visit her grandma.....

i felt like she was trying to pull some sh1t on me so i just stayed in the car. i didn't want her pulling the sentimental sh1t. she tells me to come in and it's rude in chinese culture not to say hi to elders so i go in and introduce myself again to her(met her at another event).

i don't feel like staying in the house that long so i go back to the car and wait. once i get into the car it finally hit me. i don't know if it was because i lost my grandmother a few years ago that was dear to me but once i got back in the car i felt different.

it was then i knew i had some feelings for her.
smacked myself a few times in the face to get myself to wake up.

we go to the movies and end up watching bruno.

she left 4 day's later. i calm myself down.

she goes on vacation to visit greece, her other nationality. its also a school trip where she takes classes and gets credits. her bf is there and i don't give a fvck.

she told me sh1t like he isn't allowed in her apartment and other sh1t like that(bs). i heard them fight on the phone a few times when we were out on a few dates.

we don't talk for 2 months. she gets back and we start going out again and i think nothing of it.

i go to my friends law school party. there was this fine hb9 that was korean that i knew was digging me but i didn't think it was the right time to pursue her so i just left her alone. i show up to pick up my boy and with the hb9 halfy and the hbkorean9 was there too. she tried to make small talk with me but my home girl c0ckblocked me to the point where the other girl just left me alone the whole night.

the hbK is one of those girls that knows she's fine and flaunts it but try's to act nice and ditzy.

HBK tries to talk to me but my homegirl just cuts her off. HBK then tries to pull a *****y type attitude and cuts her off again but my homegirl literally owns her in the face. she shuts up and stays away from me for the rest of the night. my home girl c0ckblocks that hbk every time.

anyway mad guys hit on both of them at the party, more on my friend than the hbk. home girl gives them one or two word answers and continues talking to me. its get's to the point where 3 guys try talking to her at once and i just get up and walk away for a drink and a smoke. i come back and she ask's why i leave her.

"you looked busy."

hb9:"don't ever do that to me again." she says in a joking way

i just smile at her.

we leave.

next week i head to school and bump into the korean girl and say hi.

she ask's how my girlfriend and i were.

i explain that it wasn't my girlfriend.

anyway this goes on for a while. we go to eat she pays sometimes and i pay sometimes. until she asks me to go to a club with her alone. we go, she get's drunk. she turn into this HUGE AW, bumps into 2 ex's, and act's like a girl i would never date. i was planning on making a move that night. she gave me no opportunity.

i ignored her for a week.


Master Don Juan
May 18, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
She sounds like an attention wh0re factoring everything into it, but it sounds like she might like you. My opinion on situations like these is, you never really know until you try it. I'd go clubbing with her and make a move on her. If it gets rejected - so what.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2009
Reaction score
Yea dude the only way for you to really know is to make a move. It seems like she sees you as a friend right now. Deep deep into the friend zone.

Desert Fox

Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2008
Reaction score
Is she aware you have testicles and a penis? From what you've written here it could've easily been her girlfriend.

- eating out together - very common to do w/a gf
- saying "omg! why did ou leave me w/those guys!" - commonly said to fellow attention h0r gfs

She probably likes you because you're not trying to get in her pants and you're a decent person to hang out with.

Don't focus too much on one girl as the rule goes. Get other connections going. Hit it up w/HBK9 and try to lay her. Brush off this girl if she tries to **** block you. BTW how did she try to ****block you? elaborate.

In any case, nextt time she tries to CB you just be like "yo i'm a little busy here ok?" then go back to gaming that other girl.


Master Don Juan
May 18, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
My guess is that if you brush your hot "friend" off when you're talking to HBK9, it'll only help your chances with hot "friend" AND HBK9... Get on it.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 16, 2007
Reaction score
You do have a penis right?? Make your move, it is your duty as a male to sleep with hot women, or atleast try...


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
i already hooked up with hbk9. i never made a move on the other hb9 because i didn't want all the drama and i wasn't really interested in her.

we hung out about 4 times b4 she left for vacation and when she came back we hung out about 4 times.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
nah i never did anything with her. i hooked up with the korean girl.

hb9 is my friend
hbk9 is the korean girl

and i've hooked up with a few girls while she was on vacation.
i'm kinda broke right now so i haven't been out lately or spinning plates. mainly focusing on getting a job. i'm supposed to catch up with a few of them once the new year rolls around.

i would have written more in my earlier post but i was at the page limit as well as at my 10 post limit so i couldn't add extra.

she was not the only girl i was seeing but she probably was the best looking besides the hbk9. i was dating 4 girls if you don't include my friend, then i dropped a few and picked up hbk9 for a few weeks.


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2002
Reaction score
I read all this stuff you posted and one question sticks out to me.

What do YOU want?


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
The Piano Master said:
I want pics of this chick or GTFO.
you can GTFO. i'm not gonna post pics of chicks i date just so u can jizz your pants or give ur hands a workout. get the fvck out in the field and get your own chicks so u don't need to ask other guys for pics of theirs.

back to topic.. since my last relationship i'm really not sure what i want. just been dating mad girls and seeing if any of them float my boat. i was thinking about dating this one and seeing where it would go but i wasn't sure what to do about the situation. I've only been out of my BPD relationship a little more than a year so. I'd be down to stop spinning plates and just kick it with one girl for a while if i liked her but i've dated about 10 girls in the past year and none of them are even worth it. I guess i'm just at the point where i'd just want to see if she made the cut as well but at the same time i've dated so many girls it just feels like repetition and going through the motions. Ya lays are cool and fun but after a while i'd like to wake up knowing who's face i'm going to see and know that i can actually have a conversation with them.

i've had a few girlfriends of mine that have tried to sleep with me and since they couldn't they try to c0ckblock me. One girlfriend of mine when i was trying to talk to her friend goes over to her and tells her everything about me. right when the chick asks a question to me my friend just answers it. She says some sh1t like im his spokes person, i know everything about him so i can answer your questions. didn't have a chance to talk to that girl again so i just let it go.

but the hb9 c0ckblocked the korean girl by always interrupting our conversations. everytime hbk9 tried to ask me a question hb9 would ask a question to the hbk9 girl. this went out the whole car ride to the party. the once we get there im walking with hbk9 talking to her and hb9 pulls me away and talks to me and tells the hbk9 girl we'll met her and my friend upstairs. she then tells me not to talk to that chick and that she doesn't like her. She goes on to make fun of hbk9 and still does.

hb9 c0ckblocked my friend ABOVE that c0ckblocked me from her friend. we were going to a party and i pick up both chicks and another boy of mine. they meet, hb9 takes total control of the conversations going on and on top of that always hold her position next to me firmly so that my other friend can never stand next to me. My friend later came to me and told me she felt like even though hb9 liked her she definitely did not want her to get near me.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
the thing is i want to stay as friends. atleast i don't have any type of feelings for her, but on the other hand she is smoking hot.

I came to the conclusion many times that since i didn't know what i wanted that i'd just leave it alone but then everyone i know brings up the fact that i haven't nailed her yet and it just makes me want to.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!

Dude, believe half of what you hear and all of what you see. Go with your gut. Polling the audience doesn't mean sh*t unless you escalate or make a f**kin' move!

Case closed.