Use your major to get the skills that you think would be most difficult to learn on your own. I did this in college and it made me far less "qualified" for most entry level positions for graduates, yet I can say without a doubt that what I learned will make me infinitely more wealthy in the long run. My major was an independent study in business. I choose my own combinaton of economics, international business, and marketing classes.
If I could go back to the beginning of college I would smack my young self around and tell myself to stop partying and engage seriously in some real life business experience. If you wanna reach your goal of having all nice sh1t by the time you're 24 (without being in debt), I'd advise you to work to develop that more grown-up, mature, professional version of yourself that can get out there and sell your ideas to the world. Don't sweat the major. All the real learning takes place on your own time.