Having balls.... or just plain stupidity?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2004
Reaction score
Just thought of this, but it happened 3 months ago.
It's no bullsh!t story, and I'm not exaggregating (spelling?) in any word of this story.

I was downtown with a friend of mine, we were badly drunk.
So there were these two guys around 18 years old. They stole my sisters scooter some while ago, and then we busted them.

But anyways, I went up to the bench they were sitting on and slapped both of them. They didn't do anything back.

After this, me and my friend went and sat down on another bench there. And this is where the blackout from the alcohol struck me.

So half an hour after this (and this is where my blackout ceased), I see a mature man (one of the guys' father) and the two guys walking towards us. (both the two young guys were holding a metal pipe in their hands, in the size and shape of a baseball bat)

So I stood up, saw the pipes, but drunk as I was, I didn't react to any negative beliefs. The father comes to my face and yells at me. I just stood there relaxed and watched him straight in the eyes, showing no fear. I didn't say a word. Then he started telling me he has done time in prison etc. I punched him in the face (a hook on the chin) and his cig flew out of his mouth, and he fell backwards.
Then.... I heard a sound.. and I saw nothing... and i remembered nothing..

--FROM HIS POINT ON, I REMEMBER NOTHING! (a witness told me what happened after this point)

I was struck in the back of my head with one of the metal pipes, in full force. And this is the point where the other guy knocked down my friend with the other pipe, he hit him in the side of his front upper face.

Then I had still stood on my feet the witness told me, they had some trouble getting me down to the ground. But when they got me down, he hit me once again in the head with the pipe. Then he hit me on my shoulder, he was aiming for my back I heard. Then they kicked me in the head, stomped on my neck, kicked me in the stomach etc.

After this, I heard a voice in my head.. "RUUUN!!!" (I'm not bulls!hitting you this is real)

So out of f*cking nowhere, I stood up, I didn't have a clue where I was but I saw blood all over my clothes, and i had a glimse of a flashback of what happened. So I RAAAAAAAN!!!
And I swear, those two guys were running after me, but they couldn't catch me, I heard that I left them far behind. At this point I was thinking of my family. I thought to myself, I cannot be killed!! I must not be killed!! This can't happen!!
I guess my blood was filled with 90% adrenaline lol.

So I ran away from them, and while I was running, then my friend woke up from the beatdown I heard.

But I ran away from these guys and lied down in some bushes, there I had another blackout, I guess I fell asleep. Then I woke up puking all over myself.

When I woke up I ran home as fast as I could, blood still dripping madly from my head.

My father took me to the emergency. I smiled to the doctors and joking and laughing with them. One of them said, I don't understand you're laughing, but you could have died from this, you were so close.

Now, I hope you have learned a lesson that the human body and mind is stronger than you might have thought before.

P.S... I hope I'm this brave even when I'm not drunk... the alcohol makes me a f*cking robot


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
Youre an idiot. How can you have the balls to get youre ass beat, yet not talk to girls? Thats what you should have been doing tough guy.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2004
Reaction score
bro, in which post have I wrote that I don't have the balls to approach women? :) please let me know


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score

Is this whole post about how you were so tough when you were being beaten and that you are proud that you are that tough but you can't really remember the whole episode and it makes it even more wonderous?

You may be tough man, but I have a feeling you were also extremely lucky.

Remember, even the toughest, biggest and most bad a$$ person can't live without properly functioning organs.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by JonJack

Is this whole post about how you were so tough when you were being beaten and that you are proud that you are that tough but you can't really remember the whole episode and it makes it even more wonderous?

You may be tough man, but I have a feeling you were also extremely lucky.

Remember, even the toughest, biggest and most bad a$$ person can't live without properly functioning organs.
The whole thesis of this post wasn't about bragging, nor being tough. I just wrote a story, to let you know that the human body can sometimes handle more than you think. Or maybe I was just plain lucky, but this isn't my first near-death experience either. And the reason I was smiling at the hospital was because I was still alive.

Lost In Translation

Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
rapsta i think you were lucky

if i had been the one hitting you with the pole you would not have run anywhere

what did you do to the people that tried to murder you ?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2004
Reaction score
first i slapped the young guys, then i punched their father

Dr Box

Don Juan
Sep 15, 2005
Reaction score
Brisbane Australia
I get it mind over matter.......So that part where you slapped two guys who did something ages ago was obviously showing how strong you are....then stupidly passing out near them shows how even common sense can be over run by stupidity.......But my fav part is where you ditch your friend after he gets beaten by metal pipes for something you did.......wow great story man (sarcasm) I think that entire post was completely retarded and has absolutly nothing to do with mind over matter or any other crap about what you can endure, all I took from that is you ditch mates in time of need....words cannot express my disgust for you.......and one more thing....what kind of guy slaps another man???


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Dr Box
I get it mind over matter.......So that part where you slapped two guys who did something ages ago was obviously showing how strong you are....then stupidly passing out near them shows how even common sense can be over run by stupidity.......But my fav part is where you ditch your friend after he gets beaten by metal pipes for something you did.......wow great story man (sarcasm) I think that entire post was completely retarded and has absolutly nothing to do with mind over matter or any other crap about what you can endure, all I took from that is you ditch mates in time of need....words cannot express my disgust for you.......and one more thing....what kind of guy slaps another man???
Exactly! There is no reflection on the events that happened by rapsta. The whole so called 'thesis' was a Wham Bam, this shyt happened and it seemed like I was a fvckin robot story. Where the hell is the thinking, where the hell is the reflection?

Although I've never had a near death experience, I always thought that having one was supposed to make one think and reflect about the important things in the person's life. Feeling like your body and mind is stronger than you initially thought is far from being important. Unless of course you're egotistical and self-centered.

Besides ditching the friend to get beaten, thinking about family was just one freakin line in that whole 'thesis'.


Nov 5, 2005
Reaction score
Why would you leave your friend behind?

They could have killed him


Raped him

and you just run away

that's low man


Oct 15, 2005
Reaction score
Turin, Italy
Rapsta don't worry... this is just the way old users treat newbies... like dogs do with ass-sniffing... they burst you ball a little, then, as soon as they realize you're the shyt they start licking you a$$. That's quite normal, in you ask me.

Nice story, by the way. If it happens to make women wet, make me know. I could have the shyt beat out of me in no time, here in Turin. I just need to go to 'Palace Doors', the city region in which all arab people live and yell something like ''I'm a policeman''... ^_^


Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2004
Reaction score
What's up with all the attacks lol?
Did you even read the story? If you did, you would realize the part where I said "when I stood up, I didn't have a clue where I was"
At that point, I didn't even recall I had a friend there with me, nor where the hell I was. So please ease the f*ck up if you don't have anything intelligent to say.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2005
Reaction score
woah u was quite lucky mate.....
but popping the father one in the cheek prolly wasent ur best idea , but hey u was drunk we all do some stupid stuff when drunk.....

but seriuosly u was lucky , its atually quite easy to get seriuosly injured from a normal street fight , like paralized legs and sometime death....

a guy here died in a fight , u know what the guy did to him , pushed him to the ground , then he fell and hit his head on the curve and was dead.....
thats why im more cautius when in a fight , not of me myself but mostly of the other guy , hey i just wanna beat the crap out of him not make him paralyzed or kill him.... so i kinda stay out of fights now a days.....
i remember this wannabe nazi gang was after me for a loong time when i was 16 , one of the guys pulled a knife at me aswell....

man some stupid kids we got these days.....

Dr Box

Don Juan
Sep 15, 2005
Reaction score
Brisbane Australia
Originally posted by Duamutef
Rapsta don't worry... this is just the way old users treat newbies... like dogs do with ass-sniffing... they burst you ball a little, then, as soon as they realize you're the shyt they start licking you a$$. That's quite normal, in you ask me.

Nice story, by the way. If it happens to make women wet, make me know. I could have the shyt beat out of me in no time, here in Turin. I just need to go to 'Palace Doors', the city region in which all arab people live and yell something like ''I'm a policeman''... ^_^
NO this is how we treat people whose stories have no relevence to what this forum is about, this is also how we treat people who ditch their mates, I dont see how that story would make any girl wet. but uh good luck on that one.

Spill The Wine

New Member
Nov 15, 2005
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Desolation Row
You want to know the real issue most of you are missing? Alcohol is some vile, evil sh!t that has done more damage, in so many ways, than all the other drugs combined. By far. Society will pedal and push that crap on you and you won't blink an eye. Heaven forbid you enjoy a little smoke and mind your business (you felon) but, please, go get loaded and act a fool on booze.


Master Don Juan
Mar 10, 2002
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC
Originally posted by Spill The Wine
You want to know the real issue most of you are missing? Alcohol is some vile, evil sh!t that has done more damage, in so many ways, than all the other drugs combined. By far. Society will pedal and push that crap on you and you won't blink an eye. Heaven forbid you enjoy a little smoke and mind your business (you felon) but, please, go get loaded and act a fool on booze.
The moral of the story is to not be a tough guy when you're drunk because any sober dude will knock your a$$ out. If a drunk idiot tried to pick a fight with me when I'm sober, I would gladly feed him a few punches.