Have you guys ever found the whole dating thing awkward?


Jul 1, 2013
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Every part of it is awkward and feel kinda forced, from the approach to the #-closed and f-closed.

At first it seems quite satisfying, but then it becomes like a procedure and you just have to act step by step like a machine with every chick.

Isn't it supposed to be natural and surprising? Where is the fun in it?

It seems like the only fun you get out of dating game is the ego boost of acquiring hot b!tches, not form the sex or the companionship of women.


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2013
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It's all machine spinning if you let it. It's your life, man. Part of it maybe comes down to the fact that this is all rehearsed - we look at ourselves, we analyse, we break it down, we think about the girl, we think about what we're going to do, in some manner or another, and we make it work, or we try our damn hardest. For some of us, we've run each and every scenario out in our heads so many times that our own reality seems like a second life.

We take these Women into our worlds, some of us are not even comfortable in our own Worlds to begin with, so taking somebody else in is going to be like this big fascade of rituals and regulation, which is maybe part of the problem for a lot of guys. It's fake. Much like confidence you can't 'fake it', you can build it up, and you can put on a show, but once you make the smallest mistake it's going to be clear just how confident you really are or aren't in many cases.

If that isn't the problem, and you're truly comfortable in your own 'world', then you make the rules, you set the standard, and if it's not up to scratch then you raise the bar. You make yourself even better.

I get how it can be though, even if you are an interesting person who knows a lot of people, you can't exactly be that guy all the time, you can't be around the exact right people at the right time all of the time, but you can certainly raise the bar in terms of where you go, what you do, how you run the show. Don't make it awkward if you don't want it to be awkward.

And maybe if you're not enjoying the companionship of the women you're seeing, you're maybe seeing the wrong ones. When you get into this whole thing, some people seem to think you just have to go after 'hot' women, unattainable types or otherwise. Women your friends think are attractive. No. You can still go out there and find women you're actually inspired by. You don't have to make this an ego dripping session. It's all on you. Slow it down.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
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Every part of it is awkward and feel kinda forced

Been there...its from inexperience. Just like everything else you do, the first couple times may be uncomfortable.

then it becomes like a procedure and you just have to act step by step like a machine with every chick.

I dont subscribe to an approach like this^.

Isn't it supposed to be natural and surprising?

It isnt SUPPOSED to be anything...the dating scene is indifferent to individuals. We make our own realities...dating can be whatever you want it to be.

Where is the fun in it?

When the "P" goes in the "Va G"


Senior Don Juan
Mar 14, 2012
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The Summerlands
TheException said:
Every part of it is awkward and feel kinda forced

Been there...its from inexperience. Just like everything else you do, the first couple times may be uncomfortable.
Eh, I beg to differ. A lot of these guys are super experienced and they run through lines like it's a scene in a movie, and they get the results they want, but they lack the real human part of it.

That's why if feels "forced". It's not natural yet. The whole point of learning these "techniques" (per se) is to integrate them into your personality, not to be breaking down everything logically while you're doing it. These are things to help you understand women better and understand why they act the way they do. Lol.

Try not to be pessimistic about women, either. That's an unhealthy approach. Nobody likes depressed/angry people. I realize pessimism leads to nihilism, and that nihilism is healthy, but you can reach that level of uncaring without having to hate every woman on earth for the way she acts.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
Eh, I beg to differ. A lot of these guys are super experienced and they run through lines like it's a scene in a movie, and they get the results they want, but they lack the real human part of it.

To clarify the quote you used on me...i was referring to dating in general, not using lines/techniques/scripts. I dont use those for that very reason so in that sense id agree with you...i prefer to just flow and not logically process the dating scene like a robot, knowing when to add a neg, do a take away, etc.

Some guys come here with very very limited success with women. He11 i had my first official date like senior year of high school. Its definitely a new experience and often can feel like your a deer in the headlights.