Yeah i noticed it. I read 'the game' and the very next day a guy accused me of reading it. I think he saw my game improved. I was AMOGing his group and it was all fun and laughs.
Also at a little birthday party I managed to get these 2 girls wrapped around my finger. They were a good benchmark for me cuz i didnt know them and it was a social gathering, and i kept getting their IL's higher and higher.
It's just a matter of do's and don'ts.
For EXAMPLE: 1 girl introduced herself to me and i said i knew her already.
She might interpret this as an IOI, but thanks to what i read here on the forums i quickly pointed out that when i first met her, she was ****ing wasted and she introduced herself to me, but she couldnt remember cuz she was wasted. Her jaw dropped. She's a 9 and an AW.
I saw her last friday in the club, about a month later, and i was nearly back at square one. Since i assumed her IL would be still as high as at the party, i telegraphed a little too much interest when i greeted her. Shoulda been alot more aloof.
Still gotta learn a lot!