I come from a poor/middle type of suburb. There is alot of crystal methamphetamine going around here and it's right up there with weed as the second most recreational drug to do on weekends, I know some kids as young as 13 smoking crystal meth and staying up for 40+ hours on weekend binges.
A 16yr old ex of mine was one of these girls, pissed me off coz she went to parties and sleazy guys in their late 20's early 30's were shouting her free hits of crystal(Jee I wonder why, and she thought they were "real nice gentleman"). The drug made her go from sweet one minute to screaming and swearing the next.
I smoked it once out of curiosity, the high is an incredible amount of self confidence and makes you alot more sociable for about 4 hrs or so, but the comedown seems to last about 24hrs where one gets VERY depressed and you hate life and want more crystal. I will not be doing meth amphetamine again anytime soon.
I told her I didn't like her doing that **** but she always said "well I only do it at parties so I don't get too drunk and guys will try and take advantage of me, at least on meth I know exactly what I'm doing and it's pretty safe" I guess ignorance is bliss. Safe MY ASS. She got very defensive about her use. We broke up about a year ago. I haven't heard from her since, dunno she's 17 now and probably shooting up the stuff.
I've also dated another girl that smoked weed everyday, she was kinda boring though(but nice), always said "wow, how trippy would xxxxxx look on weed?" etc etc. That's stoners for you.
I'm trying to find a good girl at the moment, a girl that doesn't do drugs, smoke or get drunk, but still knows how to have fun. It's hard around these parts though.