The obvious first question I have is, do you believe woman in the western world are infact morally corrupt?
No. Who wrote the book on proper morals? What are proper morals? Aside from things we know are instinctually wrong (murder, theft, etc.)
There is no ultimate guideline to morality. American morality derived from Puratinism and our history with Christianity.
If so, could this be an intentional situation created by big government and the media?
The elite operate soley to ensure that they stay in power for however long is possible. They also try to achieve what they want politically. They do this by funding movements and companies that aid their agenda i.e George Soros funding BLM
Nearly every empire throughout history has faced a huge moral decline, near to it's end and then total collapse..
This total collapse was supposed to happen already 3 times over. America isn't going to collapse, at least not anytime soon. Yes, we appear to be following the same path as other nations that have declined in the past but the major difference is that we are the
most technologically advance and
intelligent empire that has
ever existed in history.
This would include promiscous behaviour on the increase
Yes, promiscuity has increased but this is due to the sexual liberation caused by the decay of puritanism, religon and christian values.
orgies, rape, child abuse, sex slavery
These have not increased. These types of barbaric sex acts are as rampant as they ever been. The are just harder to keep hidden from the masses because we live in the information age.
We see today the use of porn massively on the increase,
If the internet existed in the past it would be the same. Humans are obsessed with sex. With good reason.
child abuse is almost an epidemic..
Nope. it's the same as it was in the past. We just know about it now.
gambling and greed is promoted on a daily basis..
Who says this is bad? You?
Violent crime and rape also on the increase.. the list goes on.
Actually, violent crime and rape decrease every year in the U.S.
Mean World Syndrome -
is a term coined by George Gerbner to describe a phenomenon whereby violence-related content of mass media makes viewers believe that the world is more dangerous than it actually is.
Sounds like this is effecting you buddy.
America is actually a hell of a lot safer than most people imagine.
We consume to much violent media.
I often have the feeling our media actively promotes immoral lifestyle and values upon us
Media is influenced by the same factors society is. What media depicts has change because America ideals have changed. It's not a conspiracy, everything is changing due to the decay of religous principles which our country was founded on.
and most major media outlets are now owned by a handful of big co operations..
If I told you:
"Partner with me and I'll ensure your family will have a major influence on the world and will be rich forever."
Would you do it?
Just some food for thought. When I was younger I was deeply into conspiracies to the point where it depressed me. While some of them may have some truth to them, I find its best to discover what information on the subject exists and formulate causes for whats going on in the world yourself. Rather than blaming it on the elite shadows. Those people are wealthy, but still human. A lot of conspiracies require wealthy families to have super human foresight,
"the Rockefeller family funded such and such in 1947 so that in 2017....."
just doesn't seem all that plausible to me anymore.
Those families are working to keep themselves at the top, just as you would in a similar position.