Have a prom date I barely even talk to


Don Juan
Jan 13, 2008
Reaction score
Heres the deal, I have a prom date that I asked and right now Im in so much pressure cause I know i need to talk to her but I haven't had much experience talking to someone i dont know in class. I mean I have a lot of friends that are girls but i didnt cold approach them in HS.I know you guys are going to ask why I ask a girl that I dont barely talk to, but shes really pretty and I just want to fix this so that it is not awkward. I just need advice on how to do it when I see her in class tomorrow...cause I gotta start talking to her. This is probably a reduntant thread but I really need advice guys for tomorrow.
Im planning on sayin Hey "prom date's name", watsup... dats all I got lol


Don Juan
May 3, 2009
Reaction score
Jamal said:
Heres the deal, I have a prom date that I asked and right now Im in so much pressure cause I know i need to talk to her but I haven't had much experience talking to someone i dont know in class. I mean I have a lot of friends that are girls but i didnt cold approach them in HS.I know you guys are going to ask why I ask a girl that I dont barely talk to, but shes really pretty and I just want to fix this so that it is not awkward. I just need advice on how to do it when I see her in class tomorrow...cause I gotta start talking to her. This is probably a reduntant thread but I really need advice guys for tomorrow.
Im planning on sayin Hey "prom date's name", watsup... dats all I got lol
It was heard to figure out what you were saying. So you asked her and she said Yes I am guessing? If so then talk to her. You already got the go ahead. She's obviously semi-interested in spending her once in a life-time prom with you. Just let it flow. Might as well get the knowing each other stuff out of the way so you can both have a fun and interesting time at prom. Not an awkward one ;)

Kevin Feng

Senior Don Juan
Oct 6, 2008
Reaction score
Okay, well if it's any relief, she said yes to you and she's going to prom with you which is a pretty big deal, I'd consider that a BIG IOI right there.

Here's something important I learned that was important in pick up when I was working with Asian Playboy. I learned that making mistakes is all part of the process. I mean, going out with Mystery and Matador, arguably the two greatest PUA's of all time, even they get blown out of sets, but they get plenty of successes for all the mistakes they make.

You don't really have a goal with this girl, you just want it to be "less awkward", so does that mean you want to escalate with her? LJBF her? You need some sort of concrete goal or outcome to shoot for.
