Naughty Ninja
Same as in going No Contact = Ghost.
A chick tries to play you, sleeps with someone else or any kind of non-tolerable behavior should be treated with the ghost of you.
No calls, texts, emails, Flakebook, seeing one another etc.
Disappear completely.
You never know what better person life has in store for you if you stay with someone who disrespects, cheats, or mistreats you.
Trust me. If you cheated/ mistreated a good chick and she left YOU never to be seen or heard from in any way, shape, or form it would drive you insane thinking about it.
Haunt that hamster brain of hers with your memory and her own stupidity while you learn from the experience and move on. Period.
A chick tries to play you, sleeps with someone else or any kind of non-tolerable behavior should be treated with the ghost of you.
No calls, texts, emails, Flakebook, seeing one another etc.
Disappear completely.
You never know what better person life has in store for you if you stay with someone who disrespects, cheats, or mistreats you.
Trust me. If you cheated/ mistreated a good chick and she left YOU never to be seen or heard from in any way, shape, or form it would drive you insane thinking about it.
Haunt that hamster brain of hers with your memory and her own stupidity while you learn from the experience and move on. Period.