Hatred towards ex girlfriends and lovers


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2011
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1) You're still mad because you still care. You either need to get over it, or just face the fact that you'll be angry forever. If you're an angry person, you'll never be a DJ. It's hard to romance with one hand, while you hate with the other.

2) "I hate women." Well, that's why you "always meet b******". You find the ones with zero self esteem because that's exactly what you look for--women who hate themselves as much as you hate them yourself.

3) You sound like you're having self esteem issues as well. If you want to recover, you need to fix yourself first. Not only your attitude, but your financial situation as well. The more helpless you feel, the more helpless you'll appear.

Why am I so unlucky? Why am I AFC? Why have i never formed a healthy positive relationship with a girl? Why do I always meet the b*tches?
There is no such thing as luck. Luck is an excuse for those who cant generate results themselves. "Lucky" people are just people who take advantage of their opportunities to the fullest. By the sounds of your post, you're not taking advantage of too many opportunities.

You're "average" because of the results you generate.

You've never had a "healthy relationship" with anyone because you're unhealthy yourself. Whether the relationship is temporary or long term, it can still be healthy. As long as "the game" is played fair between two willing, healthy participants, anything can be healthy. 1 hour. 1 year. 1 lifetime.

If I could suggest anything to you...

Get your life in order. Great place to start is getting a stable job to establish a solid foundation for your life. Until you have a stable job, dont even worry about women.

Chaos and disorder breeds chaos and disorder.


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
Reaction score
TheEndOfDays said:

1) You're still mad because you still care. You either need to get over it, or just face the fact that you'll be angry forever. If you're an angry person, you'll never be a DJ. It's hard to romance with one hand, while you hate with the other.

2) "I hate women." Well, that's why you "always meet b******". You find the ones with zero self esteem because that's exactly what you look for--women who hate themselves as much as you hate them yourself.

3) You sound like you're having self esteem issues as well. If you want to recover, you need to fix yourself first. Not only your attitude, but your financial situation as well. The more helpless you feel, the more helpless you'll appear.

There is no such thing as luck. Luck is an excuse for those who cant generate results themselves. "Lucky" people are just people who take advantage of their opportunities to the fullest. By the sounds of your post, you're not taking advantage of too many opportunities.

You're "average" because of the results you generate.

You've never had a "healthy relationship" with anyone because you're unhealthy yourself. Whether the relationship is temporary or long term, it can still be healthy. As long as "the game" is played fair between two willing, healthy participants, anything can be healthy. 1 hour. 1 year. 1 lifetime.

If I could suggest anything to you...

Get your life in order. Great place to start is getting a stable job to establish a solid foundation for your life. Until you have a stable job, dont even worry about women.

Chaos and disorder breeds chaos and disorder.

Really good advice there.

Stay at it, don't be so bitter. This is a bunch of crap if you ask me. YOU are responsible for EVERYTHING in your life. Don't blame women. Women aren't the problem. Your perception of them is the problem. They can lie. They can cheat. They can be cruel. But that's not their fault. Its your fault for not realizing that you shouldn't trust WOMEN.

I don't buy the "expect women to have honor and integrity" crap. Those are masculine traits in my eyes. They have absolutely no value to women.

I've always said, if you leave a dog in a room with a steak, it will eat the steak. Its a dog. Dog's eat steak no matter what. Don't be mad at a dog for being a dog. Don't be mad at a woman for being a woman. And women do what they think is best for them at all times regardless of who they leave in their wake. That is a fact.

Your life is YOUR LIFE. You should be happy with or without a woman or else you will never be happy.

Figure out why it is that you aren't happy and you aren't enjoying YOUR life. You can blame the finances, you can blame the women, you can blame anything you want. But until you accept that its YOU, you'll never improve and more importantly, will never be happy.

Most likely you are stuck in the romanticized version of how life was "supposed to be". Since women haven't fit into that romanticized version of what perfect life, white picket fence, great wife, happy movie scene lifestyle that you thought you were entitled to, you blame them for it.

It's a tough realization to make. But it sounds like you date, f close girls so what's the issue here? One of the best things in getting over an ex is realizing that she lost a great guy and it really was her loss to do so. Sounds like you don't believe that about yourself truly and that's a self-esteem issue.

All in all, this is a self-esteem issue.


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
Reaction score
You'll be good. Just be honest with yourself and start today to fix your flaws. Don't worry about women right now. Write out every flaw you have about yourself completely and honestly in a word doc and then fix each one, one by one.

Then you'll never have this problem again. Your exes will simply be people you loved but have to accept that when you dated them, YOU WERE NOT GOOD ENOUGH. But that's alright, because there are new beginnings. Your job is to take responsibility for fixing your flaws. You have to be honest and take the pain of why those relationships went wrong so that you don't do it again. And start really digging deep. It's about time you saw yourself in the mirror and said I'm done living like this. Take control of your life. No excuses. Just start now and don't look back.

It's never too late. Better late than never.