
AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
I'm beginning to hate everyone. I don't know why. I'm beginning to hate all these religious freaks. I hate them all. It's so weird. I just feel it is pointless and how they're the most hypocritical little *****es. They're like, "you ****er! stop swearing!!!" Wtf right? And they have like 30 min of all wannabe holiness and sh1t and turn aroudn the next minute to make fun of a kid. ****ers. I hate them all. They believe in God because they don't have the balls to believe in humanity. We must put our spirits into humanity and act on what is right, not because of the fear that God will strike you ass down if you don't. And lead your own ****ing lives and stop saying "oh God will tell me the answer" **** that go find your own answer. god isn't telling you sh1t. Ok I am done now and this will probably be locked but it was just a rant and I had to get it out in public.

I'm so fvcked if there really is a God. But then again, I seriously doubt it. I'm tired of bull**** explanations justifying the holocaust and **** liek that. **** all organized religion. ****!!

EDIT: oh yeah if this get's me banned, oh well. I think I am going crazy. thanks for the DJ schizz people..good luck with your lives.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2004
Reaction score
I seriously doubt you'll be banned for being an atheist.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by AFK Protector
I'm beginning to hate everyone. I don't know why. I'm beginning to hate all these religious freaks. I hate them all. It's so weird. I just feel it is pointless and how they're the most hypocritical little *****es. They're like, "you ****er! stop swearing!!!" Wtf right? And they have like 30 min of all wannabe holiness and sh1t and turn aroudn the next minute to make fun of a kid. ****ers. I hate them all. They believe in God because they don't have the balls to believe in humanity. We must put our spirits into humanity and act on what is right, not because of the fear that God will strike you ass down if you don't. And lead your own ****ing lives and stop saying "oh God will tell me the answer" **** that go find your own answer. god isn't telling you sh1t. Ok I am done now and this will probably be locked but it was just a rant and I had to get it out in public.

I'm so fvcked if there really is a God. But then again, I seriously doubt it. I'm tired of bull**** explanations justifying the holocaust and **** liek that. **** all organized religion. ****!!

EDIT: oh yeah if this get's me banned, oh well. I think I am going crazy. thanks for the DJ schizz people..good luck with your lives.
dude....people have their own beliefs, and no matter how stupid theirs sounds, you cant hate them for htat. It is THEIR own beliefs. I know ive felt the exact same way. For example, I hate, absolutely hate people discriminating against gays. I think we are gonna look back at these days just like we are lookin back at the civil war right now. But you cant go around tryin to persuade people to believe what you believe. Thats what makes this world original. Instead of hating, tell them what you think. Also, beliefs are for the individual. If any of these people try to force their beliefs on you, then thats stupid. Then you should tell them to back off. Otherwise, they have a right to their own beliefs.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
Its not the beliefs that he hates. It's the actions that result from such beliefs. I have to agree that most of organized religion is a pile of stale horseshìt, but hating God (or god) solves nothing. I will not go into that darwinism vs creationsism bull, because in the end my belief changes nothing. The only thing I believe in is procreation :p.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 11, 2004
Reaction score
San Diego
Dont lock this thread I think it has a good purpose and it can result in self improvement.

I'll leave you with two quotes.

"How is religion any different than a cult?"

"Its possible to be spiritual without being in a religion."


Don Juan
Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
dude, I'm an agnostic....so I can feel 'somewhat' where you're coming from.

First things first, you need to stop being such an ignorant prick. Eveyone has their beliefs and their right to them. Even if you dont agree, doesnt mean you have to hate them.

if you dont like it, dont involve yourself in their fvcking games. if you dont wanna hear it, dont listen. live your life like you want to, and stop concerning yourself with others' beliefs


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi
Originally posted by AFK Protector
I'm beginning to hate everyone. I don't know why. I'm beginning to hate all these religious freaks. I hate them all. It's so weird. I just feel it is pointless and how they're the most hypocritical little *****es. They're like, "you ****er! stop swearing!!!" Wtf right? And they have like 30 min of all wannabe holiness and sh1t and turn aroudn the next minute to make fun of a kid. ****ers. I hate them all. They believe in God because they don't have the balls to believe in humanity. We must put our spirits into humanity and act on what is right, not because of the fear that God will strike you ass down if you don't. And lead your own ****ing lives and stop saying "oh God will tell me the answer" **** that go find your own answer. god isn't telling you sh1t. Ok I am done now and this will probably be locked but it was just a rant and I had to get it out in public.

I'm so fvcked if there really is a God. But then again, I seriously doubt it. I'm tired of bull**** explanations justifying the holocaust and **** liek that. **** all organized religion. ****!!
Aww, aren't you a cute little rebel?