This girl has a painfully high IL and the other day I told (not asked) her to come with me so I could do some things. Right after that she suggested a movie, and she asked if my girlfriend was coming. She's in California on vacation, and I told her, and she asked is anybody else coming. I said you can bring your boyfriend, and she said no, I don't want him to. I know for sure that she's going to try something, because she's very agressive. I don't know her boyfriend well but we are aqcuainted and we talk sometimes. I'm not out to steal anybody's girlfriend but I get the feeling that SHE wants to get stolen. Her boyfriend sees her flirt with me, and it's not just verbal and light kino, she backs me up against walls.
Too much interest level? Yes.
But what are your opinions on this? Any advice? Thanks in advance. Positive and negative comments/opinions allowed but once again, to clear it up, I have a girlfriend and I'm not out to steal anyone's girl. (Threesome would be nice though
Too much interest level? Yes.
But what are your opinions on this? Any advice? Thanks in advance. Positive and negative comments/opinions allowed but once again, to clear it up, I have a girlfriend and I'm not out to steal anyone's girl. (Threesome would be nice though