hardly any girls in my classes


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2009
Reaction score
haha, never thought it could happen a second time in a row, but im stuck with hardly any girls in my classes (again), the only 2 HB 8's are in 2 of my classes, 1st and 4th. the other 2 "dateable" girls are 7.5 at the highest

the one in 1st i've already tried to game, she flaked 3 times. strike out. NEXT
the one in 4th got rushed by all these guys, (F#$&in animals) but she's my last option, so what can i do for an approach, there's guys all round her. im talking about the D!ckheads too.

what can i do about this? i know yall will probably say cold approach someone in the hall maybe lunchroom or something, but im not really an expert at meeting people in the hallways or any other place out of the blue


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score
what do you do on weekends?

one might assume... nothing...


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2009
Reaction score
well JJ understand that i work my *SS off to make money i really dont have time to go out and party all the time like some of you guys.
THE FEW times i get to go do something that doesn't involve cutting boards, and fixing electrical mistakes made by self certified read it on the internet electricians, i spend my time with the buds, go to small parties, maybe the movies once and a while, since there aint really much to do around here.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score
well i'm not saying you should be out partying every night or anything like that.

i AM saying that in high school i lived on social network game. it's easy as hell.

i was a part of a little clique that included a lot of the good girls of my class. when we'd hang out, random friends of friends would pop up constantly. i dont know if it was coincidence or not ;) ha but this is where my game took root in hs. all i had to do was wait till one i thought was cute showed up at a gathering, get her number, text her a bit, go out with her, and hook up. you being at these situations where her friends invite her to sets you apart as someone who must be worth knowing, otherwise, why would her trusted friends keep you around? as you may or may not know, social proof is huge in high school. this is use of it at its finest.

if you don't have a solid group of friends to introduce you to their cute friends, there's little you can do but try these cold approaches (which i've never tried in high school, but in my head seem at least mildly creepy) . so you work a lot? so get some friends together from there. join some activities. it's high school for god's sake! i understand if you have financial obligations or something like that, but you have your whole life to "work your as5 off to make money."


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2009
Reaction score
(JJ) said:
well i'm not saying you should be out partying every night or anything like that.

i AM saying that in high school i lived on social network game. it's easy as hell.

i was a part of a little clique that included a lot of the good girls of my class. when we'd hang out, random friends of friends would pop up constantly. i dont know if it was coincidence or not ;) ha but this is where my game took root in hs. all i had to do was wait till one i thought was cute showed up at a gathering, get her number, text her a bit, go out with her, and hook up. you being at these situations where her friends invite her to sets you apart as someone who must be worth knowing, otherwise, why would her trusted friends keep you around? as you may or may not know, social proof is huge in high school. this is use of it at its finest.

if you don't have a solid group of friends to introduce you to their cute friends, there's little you can do but try these cold approaches (which i've never tried in high school, but in my head seem at least mildly creepy) . so you work a lot? so get some friends together from there. join some activities. it's high school for god's sake! i understand if you have financial obligations or something like that, but you have your whole life to "work your as5 off to make money."

thanks JJ, that's some really useful advice you just gave me, ill take it to heart and put that to good use.
well im going to make time to befriend and chill with the not so good looking girls, and meet better girls through them.

personally i think your right about cold approaches being "mildly creepy" so ill stick to your plan.