Hank Moody Style


Senior Don Juan
Mar 25, 2011
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hey guys

i've been watchin Californication for a while, and, i really loved the caracter of Hank Moody
for my part i think he is the tv caracter that fit the DJ principles more than anyone else

i'm trying to determine his methode to seduce women and all his great caracter trait (cofidence, ****y and funny etc.)

but for that i really need your help of more experience guys and less experience to put all this on page

so can you people help me with that please
i mean a lot of information as you can give about: his method, rule of life, attitude, way of being, psych etc. etc.
and with 2 or 3 exemples of what you're saying about him for illustration

so this topic can be a topic to give a full description of the caracter that anyone who want to get inspire by him can take whatever he want that fits him the most

Have a great day !


Senior Don Juan
Oct 10, 2011
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LOL I've seen all seasons of Californication, and I would agree with Hank Moody being a good DJ example. As is Charlie Harper from Two and a Half Men.

You'll get a better idea of Hank Moody by watching the rest of the episodes. Writing a description of him won't do it justice. Watch it, take what you will from it but remember that it is fiction and the media is full of BS.

Some funny clips of Hank Moody, showing he doesn't give a f*ck:

This clip is very early season 1, so you'll have probably seen it

This is hilarious, cracks me up every time.

This also shows Hank's humour and how he doesn't give a f*ck about an awkward situation

Some Youtube user took the trouble of analysing Hank Moody as an alpha male by annotating relevant clips:
Here's the first one

And another one, although I think the woman in this example is ugly


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
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I like (and emulate) his approximation of morals. And I'm thinking of buying a pair of converses so I can stop looking so serious when I wear a dress shirt.

Great TV character to learn from, keep in mind that most of it is fiction, but the attitude and mindset is a good model. I try to stay away from TV shows (time sinks), but I consider Californication to be somewhat "educational".

Speaking of TV, I remember DESPISING that show "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" or some fagg*t sh*t like that. It's pretty much about three emasculated b*tch boys, and it literally hurts my ego to watch the TV, for fear of me absorbing up Beta and Omeganess.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 25, 2011
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Vice said:
Great TV character to learn from, keep in mind that most of it is fiction, but the attitude and mindset is a good model. I try to stay away from TV shows (time sinks), but I consider Californication to be somewhat "educational".

but you guys are saying 'keep in mind its fiction'
i know that thats the reason i open this topic to know what good to keep and what's fiction .... ?????

p.s. i already saw all the episodes of the 4 season
but i'm watching it again (slowly) to learn as much as i can about him !

thx for your answer


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
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TheMale said:

but you guys are saying 'keep in mind its fiction'
i know that thats the reason i open this topic to know what good to keep and what's fiction .... ?????

p.s. i already saw all the episodes of the 4 season
but i'm watching it again (slowly) to learn as much as i can about him !

thx for your answer
What you need to keep in mind is that it's fiction, but the basis for writing fiction often comes from real social knowledge and experience.

The stuff you want to keep is the attitude, body language, mannerisms, voice tonality, eye contact, and flirting methods. The stuff like the awkward situations where like ten people from his life show up at his house in various stages of dress is the stuff you should discard as irrelevant.

There's also some great examples on how NOT to act, as there are some chodes in that TV series.

Oh, and the guy also has status as a best selling author, so he's like a mini celebrity that women chase after because of his status. He doesn't need "game" as much as we would, but because of that fact his game is also amplified by it.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 25, 2011
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thx for help guys !

vice: sure he is a renowned writer but not everyone know that ... sometimes it's just chicks on the street (like the surfer chick - the one who stole some things from his home) so now he had to use his caracter trait to attract her
dont you think ?

if you guys had to name 3 things you like about him (realistic things not fiction) what would it be ???


Senior Don Juan
Oct 10, 2011
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3 things:

His balls and ability to not give a f*ck

His playful humour (such as in the blind date clip I posted and the dinner party clip about the scientologist I posted in this thread)

His willingness to leave women that he's boned in a better position than they were before.


His biggest flaw is his self-loathing and insecurity. A lot of the time he gets away with it as he can put a humourous and charming spin on it, but deep down he is an unhappy troubled guy. I want to be happy and at peace with myself, which is why I don't like this particular trait of his... and it is why I find Hank Moody at his best when he is playful and making jokes.


Don Juan
Oct 14, 2011
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be aware tho, he is funny, but doesn't laugh about his own jokes that much. only idiots crack a joke and laugh the loudest of all


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
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BPH said:
Off-topic, but does the ".de" mean you're from Delaware by any chance?
I am :cool:


But yeah, Hank Moody is laregly based on who I based my name on.

American Poet/Novelist Charles Bukowski

Who was very similar except only legions more ugly! Probably a good bit more of an @sshole as well.

Here's his book "women" which is pretty much a biography about how he decided to become a womanizer at the age of 50.

Here's one of his poetry books "Love is a Dog from Hell"


I remember a story about him and a woman.

The woman was talking to him, and I believe she told him something like, "i need big d!cks; if a man doesn't have a big d!ck - he can't do anything for me." Bukowski (who regularly is open about having "an average sized cock") pays no attention to trying to talk his d!ck size up, or to convince her a man can work it with a smaller one (which is what most would do). He also doesn't run from her.

He calmly states, "listen, I know your problem, I'm ok with it; we can work on it."
She looks at him and says, "what?"
He looks back at her and says, "oh... that you have a big pussy. It's ok; i'm ok with it."

Well, as you can guess the result of saying such a thing to a woman - totally reversed the tables on her.

And not too soon after - he was fvcking her big pussy.


That's frame control! And that's frame control long before anyone even knew what that was.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 25, 2011
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bukowski_merit said:
I am :cool:


But yeah, Hank Moody is laregly based on who I based my name on.

American Poet/Novelist Charles Bukowski

Who was very similar except only legions more ugly! Probably a good bit more of an @sshole as well.

Here's his book "women" which is pretty much a biography about how he decided to become a womanizer at the age of 50.

Here's one of his poetry books "Love is a Dog from Hell"


I remember a story about him and a woman.

The woman was talking to him, and I believe she told him something like, "i need big d!cks; if a man doesn't have a big d!ck - he can't do anything for me." Bukowski (who regularly is open about having "an average sized cock") pays no attention to trying to talk his d!ck size up, or to convince her a man can work it with a smaller one (which is what most would do). He also doesn't run from her.

He calmly states, "listen, I know your problem, I'm ok with it; we can work on it."
She looks at him and says, "what?"
He looks back at her and says, "oh... that you have a big pussy. It's ok; i'm ok with it."

Well, as you can guess the result of saying such a thing to a woman - totally reversed the tables on her.

And not too soon after - he was fvcking her big pussy.


That's frame control! And that's frame control long before anyone even knew what that was.
great reframe
and i read a little the book it's amazing how it's looks like
i saw somewhere that in one of his books he talks about a producer wanted to make a movie/tvshow about his work and he wasnt so happy about it .... maybe it's californication ?!

guys theres something i dont get at all
how is he being sexual in his words like when he say 'and i'm hard' ;p
but without being a pervert and more without getting any problem with a chick about it
cause from what i know a woman can go to the police if you just doing allusion to sex
like (and its a true story) a little man saying to chick 'you have a great smell' she can translate it to 'your ***** smell good' because he is small and he's the same height like her *****
so how do i know what is the limite and how sexual can i be (i'm talking about words only)????