I forced myself to go to a couple of social events this week. I told myself I should get out and mingle. The events were held at a couple of venues I hadn't checked out yet so it was a convenient excuse. Based on the RSVP's I could tell it wasn't worthwhile as far as meeting hot women, not even close. The dudes looked a little sketchy too.
What was astounding to me were the ridiculous attempts by the low value women to boost their value. They kept talking about how many guys were hitting on them, or even groping them. They were also weirdly passive aggressive, making weird sarcastic remarks and generally being bitter old scrooges.
In contrast, when you hang out with people who actually got it going on, they are positive, upbeat, encouraging and generally just awesome to be around.
It actually is better to be by yourself than to hang out at a social event with low value people.
Also it turns out the venues kinda sucked. Not that the venues themselves were bad but I was shocked at how dumb, uncouth, loud, ill mannered and vulgar the patrons were at both spots. It was borderline disturbing. They were incredibly dumb, as in literally incomprehensibly dumb. It's strange to say, but there really is no rock bottom. Things are just getting progressively worse in general.
Be careful who you hang with.
What was astounding to me were the ridiculous attempts by the low value women to boost their value. They kept talking about how many guys were hitting on them, or even groping them. They were also weirdly passive aggressive, making weird sarcastic remarks and generally being bitter old scrooges.
In contrast, when you hang out with people who actually got it going on, they are positive, upbeat, encouraging and generally just awesome to be around.
It actually is better to be by yourself than to hang out at a social event with low value people.
Also it turns out the venues kinda sucked. Not that the venues themselves were bad but I was shocked at how dumb, uncouth, loud, ill mannered and vulgar the patrons were at both spots. It was borderline disturbing. They were incredibly dumb, as in literally incomprehensibly dumb. It's strange to say, but there really is no rock bottom. Things are just getting progressively worse in general.
Be careful who you hang with.