She better have some interest level, even a little, for "Let's Hang Out" to work like a charm, the way you guys are putting it. The higher her interest level, the less it will matter what you guys do, as long as she gets to hang out with you, and that's the beauty of qualifying your prospects. Don't worry about what she likes, just make sure that you have build enough interest, so it won't matter, and you won't stress yourself tryin' to do the right thing. I've had my frustrations in the past with this one folks, learn from my previous challenges.
If she is not interested in the least bit, she will think "hang out and do WHAT?", in other words, " don't want to hang out with you."
But overall, "hanging out", "getting together", etc. works a lot better than "lets go out to dinner" or "go out on a date" or "go out".