Haha pulled a number!


Don Juan
May 3, 2009
Reaction score
Hahah had the greatest night ever last night. Me and 2 other of my friends got a bottle and went to his dorm room. I ended up drinking over half of it and having one of those stumbling blackout drunk nights. So after we killed it we went and walked around. What I love about dorms theres so many to people to meet right outside the door.
So I ended up pushing the fire alarm door setting off all the alarms in the whole building which was another hilarious story. Plus I met an old girl friend from high school and will probably hook up with her later on. She had some guy friend coming over so I didn't pursue that one because I was with a buddy and was trying to get him laid as well.
The fire alarm in the other building went off though some girl burnt a hot pocket so everyone was outside and **** like talking. I walk through the crowd and find the first group of girls with no guys and just go up to them and like OMG wtfs going on. Such an easy conversation starter when you think something is burning down. Ended up with chatting with all 3 of the girls. The other 2 were kind of ugly though. She wasn't the most talkative the other ones were. But as I said "Well I'm going to go find my friends " I turned to her and was it was nice talking to you can I get your number. It was so funny.
She was pretty much like sure and gave it to me. I was so drunk I had a hard time typing it in. I had to ask her name as I was getting it because I didn't know it. ****ing iphones are a pain when your drunk. I was like ya I'll be in the area so I'll give you a call. She was like Definately call me.
So all in all It was a great ****ing night. So much **** was done that I don't even remember. We went to this tall ass building and my friend said I pee'd on some guy. Haha.
Probably going back tonight to do more drinking. Will probably hit her up and the other girl. Try to get 2 lays in one night :p
Sorry for the badly typed story. I still have a hardcore afterglow. Thanks for reading :D

edit: What I've realized about girls it doesn't ****ing matter who they are why wouldn't I talk to them. Doesn't make any sense not to.


Don Juan
May 3, 2009
Reaction score
BananaSmile said:

i got problems talking to a group of girls and entertaining them:(
I'm getting good at it. I just was telling stories about hilarious things that I did previously. She's a cutey 2 from what I remember easy 8\10

Last night me and a friend met some
more girls. Chiilled with them for a while. Were going to party together tonight. This girl is an easy lay I'm stoked. I've never been able to do this **** but I feel like I'm on top of the world. The other girls Bella cool though it was like meeting a girl version of myself was awesome. But I'm getting 2 good
at gaming to settle down now :D
even after sex I'm still going to get another new number. But I still have the other girl to lay tonight 2. Ugh it's hard to manage my time with all of these women haha.