had oneitis, got over it - now she likes me


New Member
Jun 23, 2005
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damnit, why did this happen? I asked this one chick out a long time ago, after we flirted for a long time and became pretty good friends, but she said no I was like wow. so after that, I didn't speak a single word to her, she said hi to me a few times, I said nothing. I acted like she didn't exist. i felt a lot of tension because we ALWAYS talked and flirted, then that thing happened out of nowhere. we didnt speak a word to each other for 4 months. she'd even give me dirty looks sometimes.... So anyway I started dating this other chick and I've heard from people she's jealous, which I figured cuz when my girl came to my work I caught her with a really sad, jealous type look on her face. I liked her a lot too at one point, I finally got over her, and now this happens.

I dont know why, but when you built a flirty type friendship with someone and then for some reason you guys get into a huge fight where you dont speak to each other at all, it seems to almost really keep the interest level up, and makes you want that person more. that's the only thing I can think of. any ideas?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 18, 2005
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Originally posted by Galaxy51
I started dating this other chick
I would suspect that this is the reason.

I had the same thing happen to me. Asked a chick out, she declined. Then I started dating a hotter girl and suddenly she won't leave me alone. If I wasn't dating the new girl I doubt she would have had any interest.


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2003
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She likes you because you gave her drama. If she ever confronts you and you guys have a shouting match and are able to make up afterwards, she will likely lust after you for some time.

With some girls, especially the attention *****s, drama = intense attraction. go figure:rolleyes: