Ha, took a swim in 50 degree water!


Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
Air was 50, and water in the sea was 50 too I guess, that's 10 celsius. I was drunk but not so much so that I see double or need to close one eye to see normal. I went with friend to these two chicks, his fb was going to introduce me to her roommate that works for FSB, and this FSB chick had to go some place. Didn't come back for some time, and these two were already fvcking, so I called my backup b1tch and went to the beach, 1 am. :rockon:

We drove right to the beach, nobody around, I took my closes off, and went in. I thought it's gonna be cold. But no, it was pretty good in the water. I took a swim and went back to the car and sat naked next to a girl, drying out.

I guess it was so fing good at that moment, I decided to call my friend's fb. She picks up, I tell her I'm at the beach and I just took a swim and it's great, take your bf and come here. She was down for it, but my friend didn't want to. He thought it's a bad idea, cold, and sh1t.

But fvck, next time you piss drunk, go to the beach and take a swim. It's awesome! After you go into that water you'll feel like a superman! Nature's natural drug!

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
Where was this? Do you have to worry about cops where you are?

I'm going to have to shift into "dad" mode here and say, be very careful. I spend a lot of time on the water myself and the ocean tends to have an appetite for people who are drunk. I get a few washed up on the shore here every year. When drunk, judgement of course is limited and so is the ability to tell that hypothermia is setting in.

I know... I would be annoyed too if some older guy came into my thread and started admonishing me to be careful when all I wanted to do was to relate a fun experience. I guess I thought of it because you said you didn't notice how cold the water was. I do feel a little guilty for throwing cold water on your fun time, but something tells me I should hit send and just be the old fuddy-duddy on this one.

Glad you had a good time, though.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
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i just finished about a 13 mile obstacle course called tough mudder. www.toughmudder.com

there were over 50 obstacles and 5 of them involved swimming across river's and lakes in 50 degree water. I'm a very good swimmer but that water almost caused me to drown a few times. The cold water just shocks body and collapses your lungs. i guess its different when its your choice to play in the water. The 3rd to last obstacle was another water obstacle and i looked at it and didn't want to do it, but if i didn't do it i wouldn't finish the course.

Needless to say i did it and had the worst headache from that cold water.


New Member
Jul 12, 2013
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AAAgent, I am very excited after reading out your interesting story. It was really surprising for me swimming in 50 degree water. I am totally agree with you the cold water just shock body and collapses your lungs.

Fatal Jay

Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
I want to bang a chick in the sea with big breast while drunk off beers. Even though I haven't drinked in awhile


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2013
Reaction score
It's called "Ice swimming" up here. You saw a hole in lake(or sea) ice in winter, push the piece of ice under the rest of the ice so it doesn't plug the hole, then you heat up the sauna, enjoy a beer or two and get into the cold water from the hot sauna. It has a nice shock effect, especially since the water is usually around 0-4 degrees Celcius on the surface and the air can be -40 degrees Celcius or even colder in midwinter. Keeps the flu away. Almost all of my older relatives have done this all their life and they got me into it too, ever since I was a kid. Great stuff. It's even better when a thin crust of ice has formed on the surface and your feet break it when you descend into the water.

I think it's only dangerous if you have a heart defect or dive in(since the low temperature will make the vein in your neck shrink and deprive your brain of oxygen->unconsciousness or you might slip under the ice).