If you seen her walking dow the stret you would give her a 7, but you know if you are in a god strip bar, everybody giets a 8 or 9.....sorrr about the typing crap ,btu i'm so drunk I don't even care....no joke dude, she was really really inte4rested....she was telling me he4r addresss and making sure I knew her number and gve me a fre table ance....and that was awseom...compe.tly dj no joke.....c and f...whatever you cal it, so any how, she took my hat off and put her legs on my shoulders and then when I tld her I was leaving, she told me to give her a hug and she was naked....everybody there was looking at me, yeah, they were all jealous.......and she told me to call her soon that she wante dto go out and stuff like that...I'll edit this soon when I'm sober so ppl c an understand what I'm talking about, but I had 8 shots of vodka straight, 3 beers, an then some vodka and reb bull mixed together dude......but I will explain everything about her tomorrow ehn I'm sober, oh and juist so you know, i wasn't drunk when I was at the strip bar, bust started drinking when I ogt home...first time i evr been this drunk........I'm dgoing to try to go to sleep
, ddi I say I just threw up, I don' tknow, but that was just to give you an idea of how I fel...it's 3 o'cokclk...I'm going to try to go to bed now..........................thanks for the replies....goonight...sorry about all the typing errors, I jutdon't care rfight now