i found this site in sep04, and a while back i tried to do my own 'unofficial bootcamp,' which was basically talking to strangers and chicks. i learned from my experiences, but didn't really follow through with it b/c i was still in denial of my afc ways. i see myself as being a keyboard jockey for every post i've made before this one. i am finally true to myself, and i've changed a whole lot. i recently passed through an a-hole phase and repelled a few girls in the process (though i'd rather be repelled than ignored for being non-talkative). i've also experienced the stupidity of djing chicks i'm not attracted to. i'm starting to balance myself better. i also gained some weight, am exercising, reading more (rather than tv), dressing alot better, and socializing a lot more than i ever did, while maintaing alright grades and involvement in school/job.
i'm actually writing a journal b/c for one, it will somewhat force me to follow through. i won't stop posting until i finish. also, hopefully, i can further motivate others (like pugsley motivated me) and i hope i can get some constructive criticism as well.
about me. i'm 20, in college (which is where i'll be doing 95% of
my approaches), i'm a virgin, and here's my pic:
link removed per request
anyway, today was v-day, and i read somewhere (on this forum) that it was the best day to approach chicks. so i thought i'd do my first approach (of 100) today. as i usually do, i did chat up the girls i talk to everyday, but that doesn't count. well, at a late afternoon lunch at the dining hall, i spotted a really cute, i mean hb9 atleast as i walked in (and no, i'm not just saying hb9...she was really way above girls i usually see, with no makeup) sitting by herself. i got my food and purposely sat facing her, a few tables away, and tried to make ec as i ate. she didn't look up once. for some time, which seemed like an eternity as i pondered in my head whether i should approach or not, i sat there. this is where i realize the 3s rule is so important. ec or no ec i thought, fcuk it, i will never get this same opportunity again...on v-day with such a hot chick right in front of me and us two and one other person were the only ones in the entire place. even though i hesitated, i finally decided to go for it, and relaxed myself before standing (like, gave myself an inner, mental pep-talk). anyway, here's how are convo went:
me: hey (then smiled), mind if i sit down with you?
her: sure
me: (sat down) i noticed to you as i was walking in to the dining hall,
and i was interested in getting to know you
her: (smiled, blushed) oh, okay, hi (put her book down - no wonder no ec, she was reading)
me: so, what are you reading?
her: blah blah by jane austen
me: i've heard that name before, does she write romance novels?
her: yeah, basically chick flick type books
the whole time she was giving me a lot of ec and smiling a lot.
me: do you read a lot?
her: sometimes, when i'm eating
me: yeah, i read sometimes too when i come here alone
me: so, what's your name?
her: blah
me: blah, ok, my name is h2o
her: h2b...h2l...oh, h2o, ok, where are you from?
so i tell her about my name. then she tells me she has a cousin with some really cool name (cause she thought mine was interesting). and then we get into talking about where each other are from. for the most part i said little and she talked alot, i mean alot. she basically carried the convo. i just answered her occasional questions and bounced the rest back at her. she did seem interested, but then she has this boyfriend back in her hometown (far from here). i think she could tell that my interest dropped once she mentioned that (middle of our convo). anyway, i didn't even bother asking for her number after
that. i carried on for a few more minutes and then this is how i closed:
her: blah blah blah...
me: (somewhat cut her off) hey, i have to go.
her: huh?
me: i have to go
her: what time is it...let me see (looks at watch), oh, blah, ok.
me: yeah
her: well, it was nice meeting you, maybe i'll see you again on campus
me: yeah, same here, nice meeting, yeah, hopefully i'll see you around...or maybe hopefully i won't see you if you're doing blah since you're not very good at blah
her: (lol)
me: see ya
her: bye (and went back to reading)
i think i really need to work on closing. i find that i've done a similarly
stupid thing when meeting someone else a week ago. i think i need to be more gradual and atleast give a reason as to why i have to leave so abruptly. i honestly had to meet a friend by five, but i never looked at my watch, i just felt it was late.
anyway, that was my first approach. i know what it means when people on this site say that the stuff here will help you get better women. this chick was hot, intelligent, friendly, and approachable. i've met other less attractive girls that would freak out, get nervous, or put up a ***** shield when i approached them. it's not like i got her number or nailed her in any way, but i can see that i should have gone for the number and closed better b/c she's still single in this state. also, this approach made me feel sort of bad that i got unlucky and met a chick with a bf, but at the same time i feel awesome b/c i've never approached such a hot chick, and if i can approach her i can approach any girl.
anyhow, my objective is to do 100 approaches, with my deadline being by june, which is when i'll be turning 21. that's 3.5 months, but i give myself so much time b/c i'm not going to be sarging in my free time, just when i'm out and about on campus...i'll just make sure to take every opportunity that comes my way. that means i'll be approaching atleast once a day...schedule, weather, and other things permitting. and my goal is to go through with all 100 approaches asap (june is just a deadline...i'll probably finish sooner), trying to gain more confidence and
experience with women (hot ones i'm actually attracted to). i know that i'll get numbers in the process, so i won't worry about making that part of the goal and put pressure on myself (though i will improve on closing). also, if you read this, none of my next posts will be nearly as long as this one.
thanks for reading/support/comments. btw, big thanks to pugsley. you set a great precedent for us all to follow...best of luck to you with your gf.
day 1
i'm actually writing a journal b/c for one, it will somewhat force me to follow through. i won't stop posting until i finish. also, hopefully, i can further motivate others (like pugsley motivated me) and i hope i can get some constructive criticism as well.
about me. i'm 20, in college (which is where i'll be doing 95% of
my approaches), i'm a virgin, and here's my pic:
link removed per request
anyway, today was v-day, and i read somewhere (on this forum) that it was the best day to approach chicks. so i thought i'd do my first approach (of 100) today. as i usually do, i did chat up the girls i talk to everyday, but that doesn't count. well, at a late afternoon lunch at the dining hall, i spotted a really cute, i mean hb9 atleast as i walked in (and no, i'm not just saying hb9...she was really way above girls i usually see, with no makeup) sitting by herself. i got my food and purposely sat facing her, a few tables away, and tried to make ec as i ate. she didn't look up once. for some time, which seemed like an eternity as i pondered in my head whether i should approach or not, i sat there. this is where i realize the 3s rule is so important. ec or no ec i thought, fcuk it, i will never get this same opportunity again...on v-day with such a hot chick right in front of me and us two and one other person were the only ones in the entire place. even though i hesitated, i finally decided to go for it, and relaxed myself before standing (like, gave myself an inner, mental pep-talk). anyway, here's how are convo went:
me: hey (then smiled), mind if i sit down with you?
her: sure
me: (sat down) i noticed to you as i was walking in to the dining hall,
and i was interested in getting to know you
her: (smiled, blushed) oh, okay, hi (put her book down - no wonder no ec, she was reading)
me: so, what are you reading?
her: blah blah by jane austen
me: i've heard that name before, does she write romance novels?
her: yeah, basically chick flick type books
the whole time she was giving me a lot of ec and smiling a lot.
me: do you read a lot?
her: sometimes, when i'm eating
me: yeah, i read sometimes too when i come here alone
me: so, what's your name?
her: blah
me: blah, ok, my name is h2o
her: h2b...h2l...oh, h2o, ok, where are you from?
so i tell her about my name. then she tells me she has a cousin with some really cool name (cause she thought mine was interesting). and then we get into talking about where each other are from. for the most part i said little and she talked alot, i mean alot. she basically carried the convo. i just answered her occasional questions and bounced the rest back at her. she did seem interested, but then she has this boyfriend back in her hometown (far from here). i think she could tell that my interest dropped once she mentioned that (middle of our convo). anyway, i didn't even bother asking for her number after
that. i carried on for a few more minutes and then this is how i closed:
her: blah blah blah...
me: (somewhat cut her off) hey, i have to go.
her: huh?
me: i have to go
her: what time is it...let me see (looks at watch), oh, blah, ok.
me: yeah
her: well, it was nice meeting you, maybe i'll see you again on campus
me: yeah, same here, nice meeting, yeah, hopefully i'll see you around...or maybe hopefully i won't see you if you're doing blah since you're not very good at blah
her: (lol)
me: see ya
her: bye (and went back to reading)
i think i really need to work on closing. i find that i've done a similarly
stupid thing when meeting someone else a week ago. i think i need to be more gradual and atleast give a reason as to why i have to leave so abruptly. i honestly had to meet a friend by five, but i never looked at my watch, i just felt it was late.
anyway, that was my first approach. i know what it means when people on this site say that the stuff here will help you get better women. this chick was hot, intelligent, friendly, and approachable. i've met other less attractive girls that would freak out, get nervous, or put up a ***** shield when i approached them. it's not like i got her number or nailed her in any way, but i can see that i should have gone for the number and closed better b/c she's still single in this state. also, this approach made me feel sort of bad that i got unlucky and met a chick with a bf, but at the same time i feel awesome b/c i've never approached such a hot chick, and if i can approach her i can approach any girl.
anyhow, my objective is to do 100 approaches, with my deadline being by june, which is when i'll be turning 21. that's 3.5 months, but i give myself so much time b/c i'm not going to be sarging in my free time, just when i'm out and about on campus...i'll just make sure to take every opportunity that comes my way. that means i'll be approaching atleast once a day...schedule, weather, and other things permitting. and my goal is to go through with all 100 approaches asap (june is just a deadline...i'll probably finish sooner), trying to gain more confidence and
experience with women (hot ones i'm actually attracted to). i know that i'll get numbers in the process, so i won't worry about making that part of the goal and put pressure on myself (though i will improve on closing). also, if you read this, none of my next posts will be nearly as long as this one.
thanks for reading/support/comments. btw, big thanks to pugsley. you set a great precedent for us all to follow...best of luck to you with your gf.
day 1
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